email: | wilkinso @ |
phone: | (301) 405-6942 (lab office) |
fax: | (301) 314-9358 |
Lab and office: | 2223 Biology-Psychology Bldg |
Awards and Honors
1988 | Searle Scholar |
1989 | Lilly Fellow |
1997 | Distinguished Scholar Teacher |
2001 | Faculty Research Award, College of Life Sciences |
2003 | Quest Award, Animal Behaviour Society |
2003 | Fellow, Animal Behaviour Society |
2007 | President, Animal Behaviour Society |
2011 | Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
2013 | Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Berlin |
2019 | Gerrit Miller Award, North American Symposium on Bat Research |
Spring 2015
Kim Paczolt | Senior Lecturer | Evolution of sex chromosome drive in stalk-eyed flies |
Danielle Adams | Assist Director | Epigenetic differences in bats associated with aging and status |
Jack Rayner | Postdoc | Mechanisms of sex differences in aging in bats |
Katherine Armenta | Graduate student | Ecological effects of eavesdropping in bats |
Lexie Lawson |
Graduate student | TBD |
Lab Alumni
Danielle Adams | Postdoc | University of Maryland | dissertation |
Bryan Arnold | Assoc. Professor | Illinois College | dissertation |
Jon Ballou | Res. Scientist Emeritus | Dept of Cons. Biol, National Zoological Park | dissertation |
Jon Beadell | Analyst | dissertation | |
Kevin Bennett | Postdoc | Penn State University | dissertation |
Leanna Birge | Technical Writer | Jacobs Technology | |
Kisi Bohn | Assist. Res. Professor | Johns Hopkins University | dissertation |
Jenny Boughman | Professor | Michigan State University | dissertation |
Gerry Carter | Assoc. Professor | Princeton University | dissertation |
Sarah Christianson | Washington, D.C. | dissertation | |
Eduardo Eizirik | Professor | Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | dissertation |
Pete Fauth | Professor | Dept of Biology, Hartwick College | |
Catherine Fry | Educational Manager | Am. Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | |
Erin Gillam | Professor | North Dakota State University | |
Ahmad Hariri | Professor | Duke University | |
Edward Hurme | Postdoc | University of Konstanz | dissertation |
Philip Johns | Assoc. Professor | Yale NUS College | |
Sue Davidson | Sr. Vice President | R/GA, New York, NY | |
Marion Kotrba | Curator of Diptera | Museum of Zoology, Munich | |
Pat Lorch | Research Manager | Cleveland Metroparks | |
Bea Mao | Postdoc | National Institute of Health | dissertation |
Kyle Miller-Hesed | Professor | Hesston College | dissertation |
Jason Munshi-South | Professor | Fordham University | |
Kim Paczolt | Senior Lecturer | University of Maryland, College Park | |
Tami Panhuis | Assoc. Professor & Chair | Ohio Wesleyan University | |
Traci Porter | Assoc. Professor & Chair | Salem College | |
Daven Presgraves | Professor | DUniversity of Rochester | |
Paul Reillo | Director | Tropical Conservation Institute, Florida International University | |
Josie Reinhardt | Assoc. Professor | DSUNY Geneseo | |
Emily Rose | Development Officer | University of California, Los Angeles | dissertation |
Julie Samy | dissertation |
Suzy Steele | Research Scientist | Dept of Conservation and Science, Dallas Zoo | |
Isabel Sullivan | thesis |
John Swallow | Professor & Assoc Dean | Dept of Integrative Biology, University of Colorado, Denver | |
LaReesa Wolfenbarger | Professor & Chair | Dept of Biology, University of Nebraska, Omaha | |
Tim Wright | Professor | Dept of Biology, New Mexico State University | |
Genni Wright | dissertation |
Publications (Google Scholar, Research Gate)
1982 | Wilkinson, G. S. and English-Loeb, G. M. Predation and coloniality in cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota). Auk 99: 459-467. |
1984 | Wilkinson, G. S. Reciprocal food sharing in the vampire bat. Nature 308: 181-184. |
1985 | Wilkinson, G. S. The social organization of the common vampire bat_I_Pattern and cause of association. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17: 111-121. |
Wilkinson, G. S. The social organization of the common vampire bat_II_Mating system, genetic structure and relatedness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 17: 123-134. |
Wilkinson, G. S. and McCracken, G. F. On estimating relatedness with genetic markers. Evolution 39: 1169-1174. |
Wheelwright, N. T. and Wilkinson, G. S. Space use by a neotropical water strider (Hemiptera: Gerridae): sex and age-class difference. Biotropica, 165-169. |
1986 | Wilkinson, G. S. Social grooming in the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus. Animal Behaviour 34: 1880-1889. |
1987 | Wilkinson, G. S. Equilibrium analysis of sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 41: 11-21. |
Wilkinson, G. S. and Baker, A. E. M. Communal nursing among genetically similar house mice. Ethology 77: 103-114. |
Wilkinson, G. S. Altruism and cooperation in bats. In: Recent Advances in the Study of Bats (Fenton, M. B., Racey, P. A. and Rayner, J. M. V., eds.) pp. 299-323. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
Wilkinson, G. S. Social organization and behavior. In: Natural History of Vampire Bats (Greenhall, A. M. and Schmidt, U., eds.) pp. 85-97. CRC Press, Boca Raton. |
1988 | Wilkinson, G. S. Reciprocal altruism in bats and other mammals. Ethology and Sociobiology 9: 85-100. |
Winkler, D. W. and Wilkinson, G. S. Parental effort in birds and mammals: Theory and measurement. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology 5: 185-214. | ||||
1990 | Wilkinson, G.S., Fowler, K. and Partridge, L. Resistance of genetic correlation structure to directional selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 44:1990-2003. |
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Wilkinson, G. S. Food sharing in vampire bats. Scientific American 262: 76-82. click to hear Radiolab summary from December, 2010 |
1991 | Wilkinson, G.S. and Chapman, A. Length and sequence variation in evening bat d-loop mt DNA. Genetics 128: 607-617 |
1992 | Wilkinson, G. S. Information transfer at evening bat colonies. Animal Behaviour 44: 501-518. |
Wilkinson, G. S. Communal nursing in the evening bat Nycticeius humeralis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 31:225-235. |
1993 | Scherrer, J. A. and Wilkinson, G. S. Evening bat isolation calls provide evidence for heritable signatures. Animal Behaviour 46:847-860. |
Lorch, P., Wilkinson, G. S. and Reillo, P. R. Copulation duration and sperm precedence in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis whitei (Diptera: Diopsidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 32:303-311. |
Wilkinson, G. S. Artificial sexual selection alters allometry in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni (Diptera: Diopsodae). Genetical Research 62:213-222. |
1994 | Wilkinson, G. S. and Reillo, P.R. Female choice response to artificial selection on an exaggerated male trait in a stalk-eyed fly. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 255:1-6 |
1995 | Wilkinson, G.S. Information transfer in bats. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London 67:345-360. |
Shaw, F.H., Shaw, R.G., Wilkinson, G.S. and Turelli, M. Changes in genetic variances and covariances: G whiz! Evolution 49:1260-1267. |
1996 | Wilkinson, G.S. and Fleming, T.H. Migration and evolution of lesser long-nosed bats, Leptonycteris curasoae, inferred from mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Ecology 5:329-339 |
1997 | Wilkinson, G.S., Mayer, F., Kerth, G., and Petri, B. Evolution of repeated sequence arrays in the D-loop region of bat mtDNA. Genetics 146: 1035-1048 |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Dodson, G.N. Function and evolution of antlers and eye stalks in flies. In: The Evolution of Mating Systems in Insects and Arachnids. (J. Choe and B. Crespi, eds.). pp. 310-328. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
Presgraves, D., Severance, E. and Wilkinson, G.S. Sex chromosome drive in stalk-eyed flies. Genetics 147:1169-1180 |
1998 | Wilkinson, G. S., Presgraves, D.C. and Crymes, L. Male eye span in stalk-eyed flies indicates genetic quality by meiotic drive suppresion. Nature 391:276-279 |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Boughman, J. W. Social calls coordinate foraging in greater spear-nosed bats. Animal Behaviour 55:337-350 |
Boughman, J.W. and Wilkinson, G.S. Greater spear-nosed bats discriminate group mates by vocalizations. Animal Behaviour 55:1717-1732 |
Hariri, A., Werren, J.H., and Wilkinson, G.S. Distribution and reproductive effects of Wolbachia in stalk-eyed flies. Heredity 81:254-260 |
Wilkinson, G.S., Kahler, H., and Baker, R.W. Evolution of female mate preferences in stalk-eyed flies. Behavioral Ecology 9:525-533 |
1999 | Presgraves, D.C., Baker, R.H. and Wilkinson, G.S. Coevolution of sperm and female reproductive tract morphology in stalk-eyed flies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 266:1041-1048 |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Taper, M. Evolution of genetic variation for condition dependent ornaments in stalk-eyed flies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 266:1685-1690 |
Panhuis, T. and Wilkinson, G.S. Exaggerated male eye span influences contest outcome in stalk-eyed flies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46:221-227 |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Boughman, J.W. Social influences on foraging in bats. In: Mammalian Social Learning: Comparative and Ecological Perspectives. (H.O. Box and K.R. Gibson, eds.) pp. 188-204, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
Tschapka, M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Free-ranging vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus, Phyllostomidae) survive 15 years in the wild. Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde 64:239-240. |
Lande, R. and Wilkinson, G.S. Models of sexual selection and meiotic drive in stalk-eyed flies. Genetical Research 74:245-253. |
Wilkinson, G.S. Cooperation. In: Frontiers in Life, V.8 Biology of Behavior. (P. Bateson and E. Allevi, eds.). Academic Press, New York |
2000 | McCracken, G.F. and Wilkinson, G.S. Bat mating systems. In: Reproductive Biology of Bats. (E.G. Crichton and P.H. Krutzsch, eds.). pp. 321-362. Academic Press, New York |
Swallow, J.G., Wilkinson, G.S. and Marden, J.H. Aerial performance of stalk-eyed flies that differ in eyespan. Journal of Comparative Physiology, B 170:481-487 |
Flavin, M., O'Kelly, C.J., Nerad, T.A,. and Wilkinson, G.S. Cholamonas cyrtodiopsidis gen. n., sp n. (Cercomonadida), an endocommensal, mycophagous heterotrophic flagellate with a doubled kinetid. Acta Protozoologica 39: 51-60 |
2001 | Porter, T. and Wilkinson, G.S. Birth synchrony in greater spear-nosed bats (Phyllostomus hastatus). Journal of Zoology, London 253:383-390 |
Baker, R.H., Wilkinson, G.S. and DeSalle, R. The phylogenetic utility of different types of molecular data used to infer evolutionary relationships among stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Systematic Biology 50:1-20 |
Wolfenbarger, L.L. and Wilkinson, G.S. Sex-linked expression of a sexually selected trait in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Evolution 55:103-110 |
Wright, T. and Wilkinson, G.S. Population genetic structure and vocal dialects in amazon parrots. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 268:609-616 |
Baker, R.H. and Wilkinson, G.S. Phylogenetic analysis of eye stalk allometry and sexual dimorphism in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Evolution 55: 1373-1385 |
Reggia, J.A., Schulz, R., Wilkinson, G.S. and Uriagereka, J. Conditions enabling the emergence of inter-agent signalling in an artificial world. Artificial Life 7:3-32 |
Wilkinson, G.S. Genetic consequences of sexual selection in stalk-eyed flies. In: Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology. (L. Dugatkin, ed.) pp. 72-91. Princeton University Press, Princeton |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Sanchez, M.L. Sperm development, age and sex chromosome meiotic drive in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis whitei. Heredity 87:17-24 |
Wilkinson, G.S. Bat blood donors. In: The New Encyclopedia of Mammals. (D. Macdonald and S. Norris, eds.) pp. 766-767. Andromedia Oxford Limited, Abingdon. |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Fry, C.L. Meiotic drive alters sperm competitive ability in stalk-eyed flies. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 268:2559-2564 |
2002 | Davidson, S.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Geographic and individual variation in vocalizations by male Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae). Journal of Mammalogy 83:526-535 |
Swallow, J.G. and Wilkinson, G.S. The long and short of sperm polymorphisms in insects. Biological Reviews 77:153-182 |
Ortega, J., Maldonado, J.E., Arita, H.T., Wilkinson, G.S., Fleischer, R.C. Characterization of microsatellite loci in the Jamaican fruit-eating bat Artibeus jamaicensis and cross-species amplification. Molecular Ecology Notes 2:462-464. |
Wilkinson, G.S. and South, J.M. Life history, ecology and longevity in bats. Aging Cell 1: 124-131 appendix |
2003 | Baker, R. and Wilkinson, G.S. Phylogenetic analysis of correlation structure in stalk-eyed flies (genus Diasemopsis, Diopsidae). Evolution 57: 87-103 |
Wilkinson, G.S., Swallow, J.G., Christianson, S.J. and Madden, K. Phylogeography of sex ratio and multiple mating in stalk-eyed flies from southeast Asia. Genetica 117:37-46 |
Wilkinson, G.S. and McCracken, G.F. Bats and balls: Sexual selection and sperm competition in the Chiroptera. In: Bat Ecology. (T.H. Kunz and M.B. Fenton, eds.) pp. 128-155. University of Chicago Press, Chicago |
Wilkinson, G.S. Social and vocal complexity in bats. In: Animal Social Complexity: Intelligence, Culture and Individualized Societies. (F.B.M. de Waal and P.L. Tyack, eds.) pp. 322-341. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA |
Ortega, J., Maldonaldo, J.E., Wilkinson, G.S., Arita, H.T. and Fleischer, R.C. Male dominance, paternity and relatedness in the Jamaican fruit-eating bat (Artibeus jamaicensis). Molecular Ecology 12:2409-2415 |
Wagner, K., Reggia, J.A., Uriagereka, J. and Wilkinson, G.S. Progress in the simulation of emergent communication and language. Adaptive Behavior 11:37-69. |
2004 | Bohn, K.M., Boughman, J.W., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Auditory sensitivity and frequency selectivity in greater spear-nosed bats suggest specializations for acoustic communication. Journal of Comparative Physiology, A 190:185-192 |
Davidson, S.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Function of male song in the greater white-lined bat, Saccopteryx bilineata. Animal Behaviour 67:883-891 |
Fry, C.L. and Wilkinson, G.S. Sperm survival in female stalk-eyed flies depends on seminal fluid and meiotic drive. Evolution 58:1622-1626 |
Wright, T.F., Johns, P.M., Walters, J.R., Lerner, A.P., Swallow, J.G., and Wilkinson, G.S. Microsatellite variation among divergent populations of stalk-eyed flies, genus Cyrtodiopsis. Genetical Research 84:27-40 |
2005 | Wilkinson, G.S. and Johns, P.M. Sexual selection and the evolution of fly mating systems. In: The Biology of the Diptera. (D.K. Yeates and B.M. Weigmann, eds.) pp. 312-339. Columbia University Press, New York |
Christianson, S.J., Swallow, J.G., and Wilkinson, G.S. Rapid evolution of postzygotic reproductive isolation in stalk-eyed flies. Evolution 59:849-857 |
Wilkinson, G.S., Amitin, E.G., and Johns, P.M. Sex-linked correlated responses in female reproductive traits to selection on male eye span in stalk-eyed flies. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45:500-510 |
Johns, P.M., Wolfenbarger, L.M.
and Wilkinson, G.S. Genetic linkage between a sexually
selected trait and X chromosome meiotic drive. Proceedings of
the Royal Society of London, B 272:2097-2103 recommended by F1000 |
Swallow, J.G., Wallace, L.E., Christianson, S.J., Johns, P.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Genetic divergence does not predict change in ornament expression among populations of stalk-eyed flies. Molecular Ecology 14:3787-3800. |
2006 | Pitnick, S., Jones, K.E. and Wilkinson, G.S. Mating system and brain size in bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 273: 719-724. recommended by F1000 |
Munshi-South, J. and Wilkinson, G.S. Diet influences life span in parrots (order Psittaciformes). Auk 123: 108-118. |
Munshi-South, J. and Wilkinson, G.S. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Bornean treeshrews (Tupaia spp.). Molecular Ecology Notes 6:698-699. |
Bohn, K.M., Moss, C.F. and Wilkinson, G.S. Correlated evolution between hearing sensitivity and social calls in bats. Biology Letters 2:561-564. |
Wilkinson, G.S., Johns, P.M., Kelleher, E.S., Muscedere, M.L. and Lorsong, A. Fitness effects of X chromosome drive in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:1851-1860. |
2007 | Bohn, K.M., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Discrimination of infant isolation calls by female greater spear-nosed bats, Phyllostomus hastatus. Animal Behaviour 73: 423-432. |
Johns, P.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. X chromosome influences sperm length in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Heredity 99: 56-61. |
2009 | Brunet-Rossinni, A.K. and Wilkinson, G.S. Methods for age estimation and the study of senescence in bats. In: Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats. (T.H. Kunz and S. Parsons, eds.) pp. 315-325. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. |
Bohn, K.M., Moss, C.F. and Wilkinson, G.S. Pup guarding by greater spear-nosed bats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:1693-1703. |
Ribak, G., Pitts, M.L., Wilkinson, G.S. and Swallow, J.G. Wing shape, wing size, and sexual dimorphism in eye-span in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98:860-871. |
Baker, R.H., Morgan, J., Wang, X., Boore, J.L. and Wilkinson, G.S. Genomic analysis of a sexually-selected character: EST sequencing and microarray analysis of eye-antennal imaginal discs in the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni (Diopsidae). BMC Genomics 10:361 |
2010 | Munshi-South, J. and Wilkinson, G.S. Bats and birds: Exceptional longevity despite high metabolic rates. Ageing Research Reviews 9:12-19. |
Wilkinson, G.S. and Birge, L.M. Social behaviour and speciation. In: Social Behavior: Genes, Ecology and Evolution. (T. Szekeley, A. Moore and J. Komdeur, eds.) pp. 619-649. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. |
Birge, L.M., Pitts, M.L., Baker, R.H., and Wilkinson, G.S. Length polymorphism and head shape association among genes with polyglutamine repeats in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:227 (doi:10.1186/1471-2148-10-227) |
Baker, R.H. and Wilkinson, G.S. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) reveals a neo-X chromosome and biased gene movement in stalk-eyed flies (genus Teleopsis). PLoS Genetics 6(9): e1001121 (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001121) recommended by F1000 |
2011 | Husak,
J.F., Ribak, G., Wilkinson, G.S. and Swallow, J.G.
Compensation for exaggerated eye stalks in stalk-eyed flies
(Diopsidae). Functional
Ecology 25: 608-616. (10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01827.x) |
Arnold, B.D. and Wilkinson, G.S. Individual specific contact calls of pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus) attract conspecifics at roosting sites. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 1581-1593. (10.1007/s00265-011-1168-4) |
Husak, J.F., Ribak, G., Wilkinson, G.S. and Swallow, J.G. Sexual dimorphism in wing beat frequency in relation to eye span in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104:670-679. |
Wright, G.S., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Social learning of a novel foraging task by big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. Animal Behaviour 82:1075-1083. (10.1016/j.anbehav.2011.07.044 ) |
Christianson, S.J., Brand, C.L., and Wilkinson, G.S. Reduced polymorphism associated with X chromosome meiotic drive in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni. PLoS ONE 6:e27254. (10.1371/journal.pone.0027254) |
Baker, R.H., Kuehl, J.V., and Wilkinson, G.S. The Enhancer of split complex arose prior to the diversification of Schizophoran flies and is strongly conserved between Drosophila and stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:354 |
2012 | Baker, R.H., Narechania, A., Johns, P.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Gene duplication, tissue-specific gene expression and sexual conflict in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B 367: 2357-2375 (10.1098/rstb.2011.0287) |
2013 | Carter, G.C. and Wilkinson, G.S. Food sharing in vampire bats: reciprocal help predicts donations more than relatedness or harassment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20122573 (10.1098/rspb.2012.2573) (Science News, Earth Sky) |
Husak, J.F., Ribak, G., Baker, R.H., Rivera, G., Wilkinson, G.S. and Swallow, J.G. Effects of ornamentation and phylogeny on the evolution of wing shape in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:1281-1293 (10.1111/jeb.12133) |
Wilkinson, G.S., Johns, P.M., Metheny, J.D., and Baker, R.H. Sex-biased gene expression during head development in a sexually dimorphic stalk-eyed fly. PLoS ONE 8:e59826 (10.1371/journal.pone.0059826) |
Uriagereka, J., Reggia, J.A. and Wilkinson, G.S. A framework for the comparative study of language. Evolutionary Psychology 11:470-492. |
Carter, G.G. and Wilkinson, G.S. Cooperation and conflict in the social lives of bats. In: Bat Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation. (R.A. Adams and S.C. Pedersen, eds.) Springer Science Press, New York. (10.1007/978-1-4614-7397-8_12) |
Carter, G.G. and Wilkinson, G.S. Does food sharing in vampire bats demonstrate reciprocity? Communicative and Integrative Biology 6:6 e25783. (10.4161/cib.25783) |
Wright, G.S., Chiu, C., Xian, W., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Social calls of flying big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. Frontiers Physiology 4:214 (10.3389/fphys.2013.00214). |
2014 | Rose, E.G., Brand, C.L., and Wilkinson, G.S. Rapid evolution of asymmetric reproductive incompatibilities in stalk-eyed flies. Evolution 68:384-396 (10.1111/evo.12307) |
Wright, G.S., Chiu, C., Xian, W., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Social calls predict foraging success in big brown bats. Current Biology 24(8):885-889. (10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.058). (Science, Scientific American) |
Reinhardt, J.A., Brand, C.L., Paczolt, K.A., Johns, P.M., Baker, R.H. and Wilkinson, G.S. Meiotic drive impacts expression and evolution of X-linked genes in stalk-eyed flies. PLoS Genetics 10(5):e1004362 (10.1371/journal.pgen.1004362) |
Wilkinson, G.S., Christianson, S.J., Brand, C.L., Shell, W. and Ru, G. Haldane's rule is linked to extraordinary sex ratios and sperm length in stalk-eyed fles. Genetics 198:1167-1181 (10.1534/genetics.114.167536) | ![]() |
2015 | Wilkinson,
G.S., Breden, F., Mank, J.E., Ritchie, M.G., Higginson, A.D.,
Radwan, J., Jaquiery, J., Salzburger, W., Arriero, E.,
Barribeau, S.M., Phillips, P.C., Renn, S.C.P, and Rowe, L.
The locus of sexual selection: Moving sexual selection studies
into the post-genomics era. Journal of Evolutionary
Biology 28:739-755 (10.1111/jeb.12621) |
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Arnold, B.D. and Wilkinson, G.S. Female natal philopatry and gene flow between divergent clades of pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus). Journal of Mammalogy 96:531-540 (10.1093/jmammal/gyv058) |
Aktipis, C.A., Boddy, A.M., Jansen, G., Hibner, U., Hochberg, M.E., Maley, C.C., Wilkinson, G.S. Cancer across the tree of life: Cooperation and cheating in multicellularity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B 370:20140219 (10.1098/rstb.2014.0219) (NY Times, middle school song) |
Boddy, A., Kokko, H., Breden, F., Wilkinson, G.S., Aktipis, C.A. Cancer susceptibility and reproductive trade-offs: A model of the evolution of cancer defenses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B 370:20140220 (10.1098/rstb.2014.0220) |
Carter, G.G. and Wilkinson, G.S. Intranasal oxytocin increases social grooming and food sharing in the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus. Hormones and Behavior 75:150-153 (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2015.10.006) | ![]() |
Carter, G.G. and Wilkinson, G.S. Social benefits of non-kin food sharing by female vampire bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20152524. (10.1098/rspb.2015.2524) (National Geographic, Science News) |
2016 | Wilkinson, G.S., Carter, G.G., Bohn, K.M. and Adams, D.M. Nonkin cooperation in bats. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B 371:20150095. (10.1098/rstb.2015.0095) |
Stanley, C.Q., Walter, M.H.,
Venkatraman, M.X., and Wilkinson, G.S. Insect noise
avoidance in the dawn chorus of neotropical birds.
Animal Behavior 112:255-265
(10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.12.003) |
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Lindholm, A.K., Dyer, K.A., Firman, R.C., Fishman, L.,
Forstmeier, W., Holman, L., Johannesson, H., Knief, U., Kokko,
H., Larracuente, A.M., Manser, A., Montchamp-Moreau, C.,
Petrosyan, V.G., Pomiankowski, A., Presgraves, D.C., Safronova,
L.D., Sutter, A., Unckless, R.L., Verspoor, R.L., Wedell, N.,
Wilkinson, G.S., and Price, T.A.R. The ecology
and evolutionary dynamics of meiotic drive. Trends
in Ecology and Evolution 31(4):315-326
(10.1016/j.tree.2016.02.001) |
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Baker, R.H., Narechania, A., DeSalle, R., Johns, P.M., Reinhardt, J.A. and Wilkinson, G.S. Spermatogenesis drives rapid gene creation and masculinization of the X chromosome in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae). Genome Biology and Evolution 8(3):896-914 (10.1093/gbe/evw043) |
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Carter, G.G. and Wilkinson, G.S. Common vampire bat contact calls attract past food-sharing partners. Animal Behaviour 116:45-51 (10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.03.005) |
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Mao, B., Aytekin, M., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) reveal diverse strategies for sonar target tracking in clutter. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140, 1839-1849 (10.1121/1.4962496) |
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2017 | Carter, G.G., Wilkinson, G.S., and Page, R.A. Food-sharing vampire bats are more nepotistic under conditions of perceived risk. Behavioral Ecology 28:565-569. (10.1093/beheco/arx006) | ![]() |
Carter, G.G., Farien, D. R., Wilkinson, G.S. Social bet-hedging in vampire bats. Biology Letters 13:20170112 (10.1098/rsbl.2017.0112) (CS Monitor) | ![]() |
Paczolt, K.A., Reinhardt, J.A., and Wilkinson, G.S. Contrasting patterns of X-chromosome divergence underlie multiple sex-ratio polymorphisms in stalk-eyed flies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30:1772-1784. (10.1111/jeb.13140) | ![]() |
Mao, B., Moss, C.F. and Wilkinson,
G.S. Age dependent gene expression in the inner ear of
big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). PLoS ONE 12(10):
e.0186667 |
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2018 | Aktipis, C.A., Cronk, L., Alcock, J., Ayers, J.D., Baciu, C., Balliet, D., Boddy, A., Curry, O.S., Krems, J.A., Munoz, A., Sullivan, D., Sznycer, D., Wilkinson, G.S., Winfrey, P. Understanding cooperation through fitness interdependence. Nature Human Behavior 2:429-431 ( | ![]() |
Adams, D.M., Li, Y. and Wilkinson, G.S. Male scent
gland signals mating status in greater spear-nosed bats, Phyllostomus
hastatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44:975-986
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Fishbein, A.R., Loschner, J., Mallon, J.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Dynamic sex-specific responses to synthetic songs in a duetting suboscine passerine. PLoS ONE 13(8): e020235 | ![]() |
Egert-Berg, K., Hurme, E., Greif, S., Goldstein, A.,
Herrera, L.G., Flores-Martinez, J.J., Valdes, A.T., Johnston,
D.S., Eitan, O., Borissov, I., Shipley, J.R., Medellin, R.A.,
Wilkinson, G.S., Goerlitz, H.R., Yovel, Y. Resource
ephemerality drives social foraging in bats. Current
Biology 28 ( |
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2019 | Wilkinson, G.S., Carter, G.G.,
K.A., Caspers, B., Chaverri, G., Farine, D., Gunther, L.,
Kerth, G., Knornschild, M., Mayer, F., Nagy, M., Ortega, J.
and Patriquin, K. Kinship, association
and social complexity in bats. Behavioral
Ecology and Sociobiology 73:7
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Wilkinson, G.S. and Adams, D.M. Recurrent evolution of extreme longevity in bats. Biology Letters 15:20180860 ( | ![]() |
Hurme, E., Gurarie, E., Greif,
S., Herrera, L.G., Flores-Martinez, J.J., Wilkinson, G.S., and
Yovel, Y. Acoustic evaluation of behavioral
states predicted from GPS tracking: a case study of a marine
fishing bat. Movement Ecology 7:21 ( |
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Frankino, W.A., Bakota, E., Dworkin, I., Wilkinson,
G.S., Wolf, J.B., Shingleton, A.W. Individual
cryptic scaling relationships and the evolution of animal
form. Integrative and Comparative Biology 59:1411-1428.
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Fishbein, A.R., Fritz, J., Idsardi, W. and Wilkinson, G.S. What can animal communication teach us about human language? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B 375: 20190042 ( | ![]() |
S.C. and Wilkinson, G.S.
Behaviour, biology, and evolution of vocal learning in bats.
Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society series B 375: 20190061 ( |
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Wilkinson, G.S. Vampire bats. Current Biology 29(23): R1216-1217. ( | ![]() |
2020 |
Adams, D.M., Nicolay, C. and Wilkinson, G.S. Patterns of sexual dimorphism and mating systems. In: Phyllostomid Bats: A Unique Mammalian Radiation, pp. 221-236 (T.H. Fleming, L. Davalos and M. Mello, eds.) Chicago University Press, Chicago. |
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Braun, M.J., Wilkinson, G.S. and Cade, B.S. Comment on "Female toads engaging in adaptive hybridization prefer high-quality heterospecifics as mates". Science 370:eabd3905 10.1126/science.abd3905 | ![]() |
Adams, D.M. and Wilkinson, G.S. Male condition and group heterogeneity predict extra-group paternity in a Neotropical bat. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:136 ( | ![]() |
Wright, G.S., Wilkinson, G.S. and Moss, C.F. Social facilitation in short-tailed fruit bats, Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus) Behaviour 157:1193-1210 ( | ![]() |
2021 | Wilkinson, G.S., Adams, D.M., et al. DNA methylation predicts age and provides insight into exceptional longevity of bats. Nature Communications 12:1615 ( (Nature Ecology and Evolution Blog) | ![]() |
Lu, A. T., Z. Fei, A. Haghani, T. R. Robeck, J. A. Zoller, C. Z. Li, J. Zhang, J. Ablaeva, D. M. Adams,..., R. K. Wayne, G. S. Wilkinson, C. K. Williams, R. W. Williams, X. W. Yang, B. G. Young, B. Zhang, Z. Zhang, P. Zhao, Y. Zhao, J. Zimmermann, W. Zhou, J. Ernst, K. Raj and S. Horvath. Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues. Preprint at | ![]() |
Li, C. Z., A. Haghani,..., G. S. Wilkinson, R. W. Williams, X. W. Yang, B. G. Young, B. Zhang, Z. Zhang, P. Zhao, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou, J. A. Zoller, J. Ernst, A. Seluanov, K. Raj, V. Gorbunova, and S. Horvath. Epigenetic predictors of maximum lifespan and other life history traits in mammals. Preprint at | ||||
Haghani, A., Lu, A.T., Li, C.Z., Robeck, T.R., Belov, K., Breeze, C.E., Brooke, R.T., Clarke, S., Faulkes, C.G., Fei, Z., Ferguson, S.H., Finno, C.J., Gladyshev, V.N., Gorbunova, V., Goya, R.G., Hogan, A.N., Hogg, C.J., Hore, T.A., Kiaris, H., Kordowitzki, P., Banks, G., Koski, W.R., Mozhui, K., Naderi, A., Ostrander, E.A., Parsons, K.M., Plassais, J., Robbins, J., Sears, K.E., Seluanov, A., Steinman, K.J., Szladovits, B., Thompson, M.J., Villar, D., Wang, N., Wilkinson, G.S., Young, B.G., Zhang, J., Zoller, J.A., Ernst, J., Yang, X.W., Raj, K., Horvath, S. DNA Methylation Networks Underlying Mammalian Traits. Preprint at | ![]() |
2022 |
Bronikowski, A. M., Meisel, R. P., Biga, P. R., Walters, J. R., Mank, J. E., Larschan, E., Wilkinson, G. S., Valenzuela, N., Conard, A. M., de Magalhaes, J. P., Duan, J., Elias, A. E., Gamble, T., Graze, R. M., Gribble, K. E., Kreiling, J. A., Riddle, N. C. Sex-specific aging in animals: Perspective and future directions. Aging Cell. e13542 ( | ![]() |
Sullivan IR, Adams DM, Greville LJS, Faure PA, Wilkinson GS Big brown bats experience slower epigenetic ageing during hibernation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20220635. ( | ![]() |
2023 | Tarnovsky, Y.C., Taiber, S., Nissan, S., Boonman, A., Assaf, Y., Wilkinson, G.S., Avraham, K.B., Yovel, Y. Bats experience age-related hearing loss (presbycusis). Life Science Alliance 6, e202201847 ( | ![]() |
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Paczolt, K.A., Welsh, G., and Wilkinson, G.S. X-chromosome drive is constrained by sexual selection and influences ornament evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 20230929 ( | ![]() |
Haghani, A., (180 authors), Wilkinson, G.S., and Horvath, S. DNA methylation networks underlying mammalian traits. Science 381, eabq5693 ( | ![]() |
Lu, A.T., Fei, Z., Haghani, A., (183 authors), Wilkinson, G.S., and Horvath, S. Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues. Nature Aging ( | ![]() |
2024 |
Riddle, N. C., Biga, P. R., Bronikowski, A. M., Walters, J. R., Wilkinson, G. S., IISAGE Consortium. Comparative analysis of animal lifespans. Geroscience ( | ![]() |
Hartman, C. R. A., Wilkinson, G. S., Razik, I., Hamilton, I. M., Hobson, E. A., & Carter, G. G. Hierarchically embedded scales of movement shape the social networks of vampire bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291(2021), 20232880 ( | ![]() |
Wilkinson, G.S., Adams, D.A., Rayner, J. Sex, season, age and status influence urinary steroid hormone profiles in an extremely polygynous neotropical bat. Hormones and Behavior 164:105606 (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2024.105606) | ![]() |
Cooper, L. N., Ansari, M. Y., Capshaw, G., Galazyuk, A., Lauer, A. M., Moss, C. F., Sears, K. E., Stewart, M., Teeling, E. C., Wilkinson, G. S., Wilson, R. C., Zwaka, T. P., & Orman, R. Bats as instructive animal models for studying longevity and aging. Ann NY Acad Sci., 1-14. ( | ![]() |
Paczolt, K.A., Pritchard, M.E., Welsh, G.T., Wilkinson, G.S., & Reinhardt, J. Stalk-eyed flies carrying a driving X chromosome compensate by increasing fight intensity. Frontiers in Ethology ( | ![]() |
Capshaw, G., Diebold, C.A., Adams, D.M., Rayner, J., Wilkinson, G.S., Moss, C.F., & Lauer, A.M. Resistance to age-related hearing loss in the echolocating big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 291(2024), 20241560 ( | ![]() |