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Message from the Chair
Greetings from the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry!
In this season of thanks, my sincere gratitude goes to the students, faculty, staff and alums who made 2023 such a great year for the department. Read on to learn about the transformative experiences and accomplishments of members of our community—and to learn about new members and roles.
Have you been on campus recently? Please join us on Chemistry Lane in the spring for inspiring lectures in the new Chemistry Building and hands-on activities on Maryland Day!
~Janice |
New Chemistry Building |
Quantum Researcher Yu Liu Brings Laser Focus to UMD's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The laser cooling expert plans to launch two research projects on ultracold molecules in his lab in the new Chemistry Building. READ MORE » |
New Chemistry Building Update
Watch a video to see the latest construction progress on the new Chemistry Building, expected to open in spring 2024. WATCH THE VIDEO » |
Faculty, Research & STAFF
Finding the Fingerprint of a Disease
A team of researchers including Professor YuHuang Wang makes a breakthrough discovery for cancer diagnostics. READ MORE » |
Q&A With Lee Friedman, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Friedman, who joined UMD in 2007, shares his experiences and insights in his role. READ MORE » |
'Eye-Opening' Study Sheds Light on Circadian Pacemaker
University of Maryland researchers studied synaptic changes in an animal model before and after it developed vision, which plays a key role in circadian rhythm. READ MORE » |
StudentS & AlumS |
Baritone, Brownies and Biochemistry
Senior biochemistry major Emma Neiswender's passion for problem-solving led her to excel in research and community-building at UMD. READ MORE » |
From Ghana to Graduate School in Maryland
Chemistry Ph.D. student Solomon Attionu traveled thousands of miles from his home country in Africa to study the viral progression of hepatitis B and how to stop it. READ MORE » |
Lessons in Flavoring
Alum Lisa Bird (B.S. ’89, chemistry; M.S. ’98, food science) melds chemistry and culinary passion at McCormick. READ MORE » |
Honors & Awards |
We proudly recognize members of our community who recently garnered major honors, began new positions and more. READ MORE » |
Events |
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Lecture
“Beyond Sparkle and Glitter: How the Science of Crystals will Usher in the Quantum Revolution”
Speaker: Efrain Rodriguez, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMD LEARN MORE » |
Marker Lectures in Organic Chemistry
Speaker: K Barry Sharpless, 2001 and 2022 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Scripps LEARN MORE » |
We'd Love To Hear From You! |
If you recently received an award or landed a new job, please send a brief description to so that we can share the great things you're doing with our community.
We are grateful to alumni and friends whose generosity supports current and future students. To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland
0107 Chemistry Building / 8051 Regents Drive / College Park, MD 20742
301-405-1788 / |