Sharon Bewick
Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Manager
I am interested in population dynamics, particularly how detailed species life-histories can alter survival outcomes and how this is likely to interact with global change to impact species persistence in the future. My favourite systems involve a combination of non-linear dynamics and insects - especially ants. However, I have studied a broad range of different organisms, from mosquitos, moths and butterflies to squirrels and trees. This coming year, I'm going to branch out even further by looking at the biodiversity of microbes on the human skin. Our goal is to extend current models of spatial ecology to consider patterns and processes driving the spatial distributions of bacteria, viruses and fungi on our bodies
Recent Publications
- Bewick. S.A., Chisholm, R.A., Akcay, E. and Godsoe, W. 2014. A stochastic biodiversity model with overlapping niche structure. Theoretical Ecology (in press)
- Bewick. S.A., Stuble, K.L., Lessard, J.P., Dunn, R.R., Adler, F.R. and Sanders, N.J. 2014. Predicting future coexistence in a North American ant community. Ecology and Evolution. 4(10), 1804-1819.
- Bewick, S.A., Brosi, B.J., Armsworth, P.R. 2013. Predcting the effect of competition on secondary plant extinctions in plant-pollinator networks. Oikos. 122(12), 1710-1719.
Previous education
- 2006 PhD, Chemistry Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- 2001 BS, Chemistry Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB