PhD Students:
Javier Carpinteyro: studies the genomics of species divergence in Drosophila.
Ronald Clark: studies the evolution of sORFs in Drosophila.
Zexuan Zhao: studies evolutionary genomics of the fig-fig wasp mutualism
Kevin Quinteros: NSF postdoctoral fellow. Kevin studies evolutionary genomics of fig wasps with a focus on the evolution of chemosensory genes
Prakhya Chikkem
Lab Manager:
Suwei Zhao
Lab Alumni:
Kawther Abdilleh: PhD Student (UMD, 2014) Postoctoral Fellow, School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Carlos Flores: PhD Student (UMD, 2013) Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC), Ensenada, Mexico.
Kevin Nyberg: PhD Student and postdoc (UMD, 2015).
Kevin Nyberg: Now a postdoc at Northwestern University
Dean Croshaw: PERT postdoc (UA). Now an Assistant Professor at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Zi-feng Jiang: Postdoc (UMD). Now a postdoc at the University of Chicago.
Marussich: PERT postdoc (UA).
Anna Himler: PERT postdoc (UA).
Undergraduates and Visiting Graduate Students:
Elise Ahn: General Biology major (UMD).
Kacie Baker: General Biology major (UMD)
Cavanaugh: General Biology major and UBRP student (UA).
Mikhail Chavis: Molecular Biology major (UMD). Graduate Program in Biology at Villanova University.
Katy Davis: MCB major (UA).
Abby DiVito: EEB major (UMD). PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dalziel Dominguez: EEB major (UA).
Victoria Duckworth: EEB major (UA).
Henry Ertl: General Biology major (UMD). PhD student at the University of Michigan.
Hudson: EEB major (UA). PhD in Ocean Sciences at the University of South Florida.
Izaguirre: General Biology major (UMD).
Jacobs: MCB major (UA).
Kelley: MCB major and UBRP student (UA).
Erin Kuroiwa: Physiology major (UA).
Erik Mohlhenrich: General Biology major (UMD). Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Colorado State University.
Laura Rascon: lab technician (UMD). Masters program in Environmental and Occupational Exposure Sciences at the University of Washington.
Levi Teitz: General Biology major (UMD). PhD student at M.I.T.
Enwei Tian: Visiting PhD Student from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangzhou (2012-2013).
Schofield: lab technician (UA). PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology at Yale University.
Li-Yuan Yang: Visiting PhD Student from Beijing Normal University (2012).