#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# qhist --> displays info about completed jobs
# Copyright 2008,2012 Philip Johnson.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License at for
# more details.
# Version history:
# 1.0 --> Mar 2008
# 1.1 --> Oct 2012 Report number CPUs requested if more than 1
use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $arg = join("' '", @ARGV);
$arg = "'".$arg."'" if length($arg);
my $majorVersion;
my @r = `condor_version`;
die "ERROR: is condor installed & in path?\n" if $? != 0;
($majorVersion) = $r[0] =~ /\s(\d+)\./;
my $opt = ($majorVersion >= 7) ? '-backwards -long' : '-l';
open QPIPE, "condor_history $opt $arg|" or die $!;
printf "%-9s%-10s%-3s%-10s%-12s%s\n", 'ID', 'OWNER', 'ST', 'RUNTIME', 'COMPLETED@', 'CMD';
my %s;
while () {
if (/^$/) {
$s{suspendTime} = 0 if !defined($s{suspendTime});
my $runtime = '--';
my $completeTime = '--';
if (defined $s{currStart}) {
if (defined $s{completionDate} && $s{completionDate} > 0) {
$completeTime = StringifyDate($s{completionDate});
$runtime =StringifyElapsedTime($s{RemoteWallClock}-$s{suspendTime});
if ($s{cpus} > 1) {
$runtime = $s{cpus}.'x'.$runtime;
if (!defined $s{cmd}) {
$s{cmd} = '[?? -- not submitted using qsub]';
printf "%-9s%-10s%-3s%-10s%-12s%s\n", $s{clusterId}.'.'.$s{procId}, $s{owner}, $s{status}, $runtime, $completeTime, $s{cmd};
undef %s;
if (/^ClusterId/) {
($s{clusterId}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^ProcId/) {
($s{procId}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^Owner/) {
($s{owner}) = /"(\S+)"/;
} elsif (/^JobStatus/) {
($s{status}) = /(\d+)/;
$s{status} = ('?', 'I', 'R', 'X', 'C', 'H')[$s{status}];
} elsif (/^CompletionDate/) {
($s{completionDate}) = /(\d+)/;
# } elsif (/^LastVacateTime/) {
# ($s{vacateDate}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^CumulativeSuspensionTime/) {
($s{suspendTime}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^JobCurrentStartDate/) {
($s{currStart}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^RemoteWallClock/) {
($s{RemoteWallClock}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^EnteredCurrentStatus/) {
($s{EnteredCurrentStatus}) = /(\d+)/;
} elsif (/^Env =/) {
($s{cmd}) = /CONDOR_CMD_LINE=(.+?);/;
if (defined $s{cmd}) {
$s{cmd} =~ s/SeMiCoLoN/;/g;
$s{cmd} =~ s/\\"/"/g; #condor escapes quotes in Env on output
} elsif (/^RequestCpus/) {
($s{cpus}) = /(\d+)/;
close QPIPE;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Take an elapsed time in seconds and make meaningful string
sub StringifyElapsedTime {
my ($t) = @_;
my $s = '';
if (int($t / (24*3600))) {
$s .= int($t / (24*3600)). 'd:';
$s .= int(($t % (24*3600))/3600). 'h';
} elsif (int(($t % (24*3600))/3600)) {
$s .= int(($t % (24*3600))/3600). 'h:';
$s .= int(($t % 3600)/60). 'm';
} elsif (int(($t % 3600)/60)) {
$s .= int(($t % 3600)/60). 'm:';
$s .= ($t % 60). 's';
} else {
$s .= $t.'s';
return $s;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Take a date in seconds since epoch and make meaningful string
sub StringifyDate {
return strftime "%m/%d %H:%M", localtime($_[0]);