#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Prepare liftover chains for a "fastLift.pl". Namely, split apart
# overlapping chains and sort by chromosome and position.
# Copyright 2010 Philip Johnson.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License at for
# more details.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use constant {
TNAME => 2,
TSTART => 5,
TEND => 6,
QSTART => 10,
QEND => 11,
ID => 12
$| = 1;
my ($chainFile);
if (!GetOptions('chain=s' => \$chainFile) ||
!defined($chainFile)) {
print "usage: $0 -chain \n".
"Use to generate input for fastLift.pl. Very inefficent and\n".
"slow, but only need to run once. Output is sent to stdout,\n".
"so you probably want to redirect to a file.\n".
exit 1;
my @chainsData;
my $chainDat;
#load raw UCSC chain file
if ($chainFile =~ /.gz$/) {
open CHAIN, "zcat $chainFile |" or die $!;
} else {
open CHAIN, $chainFile or die $!;
while () {
next if /^\#/;
if (/^c/) {
if (defined($chainDat)) {
push @chainsData, $chainDat;
my @header = split /\s+/;
my ($tName, $tStart, $tEnd, $id);
$chainDat = [@header[TNAME, TSTART, TEND, ID], ''];
$chainDat->[4] .= $_ if !/^$/;
if (@{$chainDat}) {
push @chainsData, $chainDat;
close CHAIN;
@chainsData = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @chainsData;
#break into non-overlapping
my $changed;
my $c = 0;
do {
$changed = 0;
my $numChains = @chainsData;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numChains-1; ++$i) {
if ($chainsData[$i+1]->[0] eq $chainsData[$i]->[0] &&
$chainsData[$i+1]->[1] < $chainsData[$i]->[2]) {
#print "splitting at ", $chainsData[$i+1]->[0], ": ", $chainsData[$i+1]->[1], "\n";
push @chainsData, SplitChain($chainsData[$i], $chainsData[$i+1]->[1]);
# if ($changed < 10) {
# print STDERR "changed id: ", $chainsData[$i]->[3], "\n";
# }
print STDERR "round we go ", ++$c," ($changed changed)\n";
@chainsData = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @chainsData;
} while ($changed);
##WHY DID THIS USE TO BE @chainsData-1 ???
for (my $i = 0; $i < @chainsData; ++$i) {
print $chainsData[$i]->[4], "\n";
sub SplitChain {
my ($chain, $splitPos) = @_;
my @blocks = split /\n/, $chain->[4];
my @header = split /\s+/, $blocks[0];
shift @blocks;
my ($tStart, $tEnd, $qStart, $qEnd) = @header[TSTART,TEND, QSTART,QEND];
my ($size, $dt, $dq, $prev_tEnd, $prev_qEnd);
($size, $dt, $dq) = split /\s+/, $blocks[0];
$tEnd = $tStart + $size;
$qEnd = $qStart + $size;
my $i = 1;
for (; $i < @blocks && $tEnd <= $splitPos; ++$i) {
($prev_tEnd, $prev_qEnd) = ($tEnd, $qEnd);
$tStart += $size + $dt;
$qStart += $size + $dq;
($size, $dt, $dq) = split /\s+/, $blocks[$i];
$tEnd = $tStart + $size;
$qEnd = $qStart + $size;
if ($i == 1 || $tEnd <= $splitPos) { #should have split! {
print $i, "\n";
print $splitPos, "\t", $tEnd, "\n";
print join(' ', @header), "\n";
print join("\n", @blocks), "\n";
die "bogus";
my @newHeader = @header;
$newHeader[TSTART] = $tStart;
$newHeader[QSTART] = $qStart;
if ($newHeader[ID] =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
$newHeader[ID] = $1.'.'.($2+1);
} else {
$newHeader[ID] .= '.1';
my @newChain = (@newHeader[TNAME,TSTART,TEND,ID],
join("\n", join(' ', @newHeader), @blocks[$i..$#blocks]));
$header[TEND] = $prev_tEnd;
$header[QEND] = $prev_qEnd;
($size, undef, undef) = split /\s+/, $blocks[$i-1];
$blocks[$i-1] = $size."\n";
@$chain = (@header[TNAME,TSTART,TEND,ID],
join("\n", join(' ', @header), @blocks[0..($i-1)]));
return \@newChain;