Interpretation of Results Observed


         The original hypothesis that luminescent bacteria could be isolated from squid was proved using enrichment methods.  Though several alterations were made to the original protocol, luminescent bacteria were successfully isolated using NaCl Agar and seawater complete liquid medium.  It was originally intended to use luminous media; however, no growth was observed on the plates.  Therefore, it was decided that the use of luminous media should be omitted from the final protocol.  Luminescent bacteria were not visible on squid incubated at 4°C; however, once the squid were swabbed and the samples were plated, luminous colonies were observed at room temperature.  In order to account for this observation, the squid should be incubated at room temperature rather than at 4°C.  Furthermore, growth was not observed in the seawater complete liquid medium until day 5.  Therefore, seawater complete liquid medium should be incubated for at least 5 days.
    While luminescent bacteria were not visible on the squid, colonies appeared after incubation of NaCl Agar overnight at room temperature.  Five days after the inoculation of the seawater complete liquid medium, luminescence was observed.  From here, growth of the organism was maintained and characterization was possible.  Initial research led to the belief that the organism that would be isolated would be of the genus, Vibrio.  Results proved this incorrect.
     The Gram stain proved the isolated organism to be Gram-negative, bacillus.  Although it was predicted that these results would be obtained, long, thinner rods were expected.  Instead, the rods appeared short and plump.  Most luminescent species are motile thus leading to the prediction that the isolated organism would be motile regardless of the species (Holt 1984).  After performing a motility stab and observing a wet mount, results proved the organism to be motile.  According to research on Vibrio species, organisms were expected to ferment both mannitol and glucose (Holt 1984); however, fermentation of mannitol was not observed.  Fermentation of glucose indicates that the organism has both a respiratory and fermentative type of metabolism.  This led to the belief that the isolated organism may not have been of the genus, Vibrio.  The oxidase test further supported this belief. Vibrio species are oxidase positive (Holt 1984); however, after repeating the oxidase test 3 times, a positive result was never obtained.  This indicates that the organism may have an electron transport chain that does not use cytochrome oxidase.
     These inconsistent results for Vibrio led to further research of the other genus of luminescent bacteria, Photobacterium.  While Vibrio and Photobacterium exhibit many similar characteristics, they differ in fermentation of mannitol and in oxidase (Holt 1984).  The results obtained suggested that the isolated organism was from the genus, Photobacterium.  Three species of Photobacterium exist, two of which are luminescent.  Of the two luminescent species, P. phosphoreum and P. leiognathi , it was apparent that P. leiognathi was the organism isolated.  This is because P. phosphoreum exhibits growth at 4°C and produces gas upon fermentation of glucose, neither of which was observed.   On the other hand, P. leiognathi does not grow at 4°C and does not produce gas upon fermentation of glucose (Holt 1984).  Therefore, it could be concluded that the isolated luminescent organism was P. leiognathi .

Figure 9.  Maintained growth and isolated colonies of luminescent bacteria visible on day 4 after incubation of squid.  Colonies present on NaCl Agar incubated at room temperature.

      The glowing charactistic of luminescent bacteria occurs when the bacteria colonize specialized light organs in fish or squid.  They can exist freely or in a symbiotic relationship with these marine organisms.  Mutualism is observed in the symbiotic relationship as the squid benefits because the bacteria play a large role in attracting prey and in camouflage.  The light radiating from the fish or squid matches the intesnsity of moonlight in order to prevent a shadow from appearing on the seafloor and thus warning prey (Farmer and Hickman-Brenner).  In return, the host provides a niche and nutrients for the bacteria.
    Luminescent bacteria have been used in recent years as detectors for carcinogenic compounds and to monitor toxic activities because light emission can be easily and quickly measured (Quinto 2001).  Since luminescent bacteria have ecological and clinical applications, it is important to isolate this organism using a consistent set of procedures.  The organisms on which these bacteria can be obtained may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, including pathogens. Therefore, a clear step by step enrichement protocol is necessary to select against undesired microbes.

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