4/21/03: 0.3 mL of phage filtrate vs. 0.0 mL phage 4/21/03: Plaques from plate 5
4/21/03: Plaques from plate 5 vs. control (0.0 mL phage filtrate, 0.3 mL E.coli) 4/30/03: Plate 4e, final dilution with plaques. (Used in titer)

Amount of filtrate on each plate = 0.3 mL
Plate 4e results: 50 large plaques, 167 small plaques
Titer of Phage
Concentration of filtrate 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
# large plaques (phage) 50 500 5000 50000 500000 5000000
# small plaques 167 1670 16700 167000 1670000 16700000

Original filtrate concentration (1.0) contains 5000000 phage/0.3 mL = 1.6666667 x 10^7 large phage/ mL
                                                                  16700000 phage/0.3 mL = 5.5666667 x 10^7 small phage/mL