David M. Mosser
Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Telephone: (301) 314-2594 - office (301) 314-2781 - lab
Fax: (301) 314-9489
Research Interests: Innate and Adaptive Immunity to
Microbial Pathogens.
Lab Homepage
The Maryland Pathogen
Research Institute (MPRI)
The plasticity of macrophages allows them to change their physiology
in responses to changes in their microenvironment. Our laboratory
is interested in exploiting the plasticity of these remarkable cells
to i) enhance immunity, ii) prevent autoimmunity, or iii) promote
wound healing and tissue regeneration. We employ a variety of
experimental approaches in Immunology and Cell Biology to understand
the molecular mechanisms by which macrophages can change their
physiology and mediate these divergent processes.
Studies on host defense to infectious diseases focus on: I) the cell
and molecular biology of macrophage infection by intracellular
pathogens. II) The molecules produced by macrophages that mediate
the killing of intracellular pathogens. III) An analysis of monocyte
or macrophage subsets during inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Studies relating to the host inflammatory response focus on: I) the
regulation of cytokine gene expression in macrophages and dendritic
cells. II) receptor-mediated modulation of cytokine production. III)
the development of novel anti-inflammatory therapeutics to treat
autoimmune diseases.
Recent Publications
Zhang, X. and Mosser, D.M.
2008. Macrophage activation by endogenous danger signals. J.
Pathol. 214:161-78.
Bonfield, T.L., Thomassen, M.J.,
Farver, C.F., Abraham, S. Koloze, M.T., Zhang, X., Mosser, D.M.
and Culver, D.A. 2008. J. Immunology 181:235-42.
Zhang, X. Goncalves, R. and Mosser,
D.M. 2008. The isolation and characterization of murine
macrophages. Current Protocols Immunology. Unit 14.1
Mosser, D.M. and Zhang, X.
2008. Activation of murine macrophages. Current Protocols
Immunology. Unit 14.2
Mosser, D.M. and Zhang, X.
2008. IL-10: New perspectives on an old cytokine. Immunological
Reviews. 226:205-218
Mosser, D.M. and Edwards, J. P.
2008. Exploring the full spectrum of macrophage activation.
Nature Reviews Immunology. 8:958-969.
Marbach-Ad, G. Briken, V., El-Sayed,
N., Frauwirth, K. Fredericksen, B., Hutcheson, S., Gao, L., Joseph,
S., Lee, V., McIver, K. S., Mosser, D. M., Quimby, B. B.,
Shields, P. Song, W. Stein, D. C., Yuan, R. T. and Smith, A. C.
2009. Assessing Student Understanding of Host Pathogen Interactions
Using a Concept Inventory. J. Microbiol. Biol. Edu. 10:43-50.
Cates, E.A., Connor, E.E., Mosser,
D.M. and Bannerman, D.D. 2009. Functional characterization of
bovine TIRAP and MyD88 in mediating bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced
endothelial NF-kB activation and apoptosis. Comp. Immunol.
Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 32:477-90.
Edwards, J.P. Zhang, X. and Mosser,
D.M. 2009. The expression of heparin-binding epidermal growth
factor-like growth factor by regulatory macrophages. J.
Immunology 182:1929-39.
Zhang, X. Edwards, J.P. and Mosser,
D.M. 2009. The expression of exogenous genes in macrophages:
obstacles and opportunities. Methods in Mol. Biol.
Gallo, P. Goncalves, R. and Mosser,
D.M. 2010. The influence of IgG Density on Phagocytosis and
IL-10 Production following Macrophage Fc (gamma) Receptor
Cross-linking. Immunol Letters 133:70-7.
Halstead, S.A. Mahalingham, S.
Marovich, M. A. Ubol, S. and Mosser, D.M. 2010. Intrinsic
antibody enhancement of infection in macrophages: disease regulation
by immune complexes. Lancet Infect. Dis. 10:712-22.
Marbach-Ad G. McAdams, K.C. Benson, S.
Briken, V. Cathcart, L. Chase, M. El-Sayed, N. Frauwirth, K.
Fredericksen, B. Joseph, S. Lee, V. McIver, K. Mosser, D.M.
Quimby, B.B. Shields, P. Song, W. Stein, D.C. Stewart, R. Thompson,
K.V. Smith, A.C. 2010. A model for using a concept inventory as a
tool for students’ assessment and faculty professional development.
CBE Life Sci Educ. 9:408-16.
Reis M.L. Ferreira, V.M. Zhang, X.
Goncalves, R. Vieira L.Q. Tafuri, W.L. Mosser, D.M. and
Tafuri, W.L. 2010. Murine immune responses induced by Leishmania
major during the implantation of paraffin tablets. Virchows Arch.
Yang, Z. Zhang, X. Darrah, P.A. and
Mosser, D.M. 2010. The regulation of Th1 responses by the p38
MAPK. J. Immunol. 185:6205-13.
Liu, X. Lu, L. Yang, Z. Palaniyandi,
S. Zeng, R. Gao, L.Y. Mosser, D.M. Roopenian, D.C. and Zhu,
X. 2011. The neonatal FcR mediated presentation of immune complexed
antigen in associated with endosomal and phagosomal pH and antigan
stability in macrophages and dendritic cells. J. Immunol.
Yang, Z. Kong, B. Mosser, D.M.
and Zhang, X. 2011. TLRs, macrophages and NK cells: Our
understanding of their function in the uterous and ovary. Int.
Immunopharmacol. 11:1442-50.
Goncalves, R. Zhang, X. Cohen, H.
Debrabant, A. and Mosser, D.M. 2011. Platelet activation
attracts a subpopulation of effector monocytes to sites of L. major
infection. J. Exp. Med. 208:1253-65.
Fleming,B.D. and Mosser, D.M.
2011 Regulatory macrophages: Setting the threshold for therapy.
Eur. J. Immunol. 41:2498-502.
Briken, V. and Mosser, D.M.
2011. Switching on arginase in M2 macrophages. J. Leuk. Biol.
Mosser, D.M. and Zhang, X.
2011. Measuring opsonic phagocytosis via Fcγ receptors and
complement receptors on macrophages. Curr. Protoc. Immunol.
XChapter 14, Unit 14.27
Previous Graduate Students (year of Ph.D. and present position)
Mary K. Hondalus, 1995, Associate Professor (tenured), University of
Dona C. Love, 1996, Staff Scientist, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD
Andrew Brittingham, 1998, Associate Professor (tenured), Des Moines
University, School of Osteopathic Medicine, Des Moines, IA
Fayyaz Sutterwala (MD/PhD student), 1999, Assistant Professor,
University of Iowa Medical School. Iowa City, IA
Margaret Mentink Kane, 2001, Staff Scientist, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD
Gang Chen, 2001, Group Leader, Astra Zenica, Wilmington, DE
Patricia A. Darrah, 2001, Staff Scientist, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD
Jeffrey Gerber (MD/PhD student), 2001, Assistant Professor,
Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Charles F. Anderson, 2002, Staff Scientist, Sanaria, Rockville, MD
Suzanne A. Miles, 2005, Site Manager, Lancaster Laboratories, West
Point, PA
Sean Conrad, 2006, Law offices of K & L Gates, Pittsburgh, PA
Anne E. Field, 2007, Project Manager, MedImmune, Rockville, MD.
Justin P. Edwards, 2008, Postdoctoral fellow, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD
Ziyan Yang, 2009, Physician, Dept Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Shandong University, China
Undergraduate Students
Paul Gallo, Temple University Medical School, MD/PhD Program
Sagie Wagage, University of Pennsylvania, Graduate Student
Vic Prasanna, Pittsburgh University Medical School, Resident
Eric Stickles, Temple University Medical School, Resident
Current lab members
Ricardo Gonclaves, Postdoctoral fellow
Bryan Fleming, Graduate Student
Rahul Suresh, Graduate Student
Heather Cohen, Graduate student
Amanda Ward,
Undergraduate Student
Ramsey Bekdash, Undergraduate Student
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