Grad Student Amendment to HW3

Compare the probability of extinction where reproduction is density-dependent to the probability of extinction for the model where reproduction is density-independent. Discuss these results with other grad students using the listserv, and present the results to the class (not in your written HW) in less than 10 minutes on Wednesday.

The formula for density dependent reproduction is:

% breeding females at population size n = p0 - (p0 - pk)*(n/k)^b

Where p0 = the % breeding females at density = 0, pk = the % breeding females at carrying capacity, n = population size, k = carrying capacity, and b = shape parameter which defines the relationship between % breeding and population size (USE b=1). The HW assignment gives you the current density and % breeding females at that density. Evaluate the probability of extinction assuming p0 = both 40% and 45%. For both cases, you will have to determine pk using the equation above.