Instructions to Authors


Acceptable Manuscripts 

Conservation Biology), accepts several kinds Of manuscripts (number of words includes all textual material except tables and figures):

 1. Research papers (approximately 2000 to 7500 words).

 Manuscript Submission and Specifications

Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, with 1.5 inch (4 cm) right hand margins, on good quality, nonerasable paper of standard size (8.5 x 11 inches, or 21.5 x 28 cm). Ragged right margins are preferred to justified right margins as this reduces the number of end-of-line hyphens. Print must be in upper- and lower-case letters, and of type writer quality; specifically, manuscripts printed on dot matrix printers will be returned if they are difficult to read (7 x 9 or 9 x 9 dot matrix). Footnotes should be avoided. Metric measurements must be given unless English measurements are clearly more appropriate, in which case metric equivalents must be in parentheses. Statistical terms and other measures are to conform with the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual. We discourage the use of acronyms in the text unless the are absolutely necessary. Pages, including tables, should be numbered. Figure pages are not numbered. Manuscripts must be in English and no longer than 7500 words. Provide the number of words in the manuscript on the title page. Papers that unreasonably exceed the word limits may be returned without review. Bound manuscripts are not accepted.

A cover page should include the title of the paper; a shortened version of running head (no more than 40 characters); word count; the author’s or authors’ address(es) at the time the research was conducted and present mailing addresses including street address; and the name and complete mailing and email addresses of the person to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent.



Each research paper, review article, or analytic essay should have an abstract of no more than 300 words. The abstract should state concisely the goals, methods, principal results, and major conclusions of the paper.


 Citations, Tables, and Illustrations

 Literature citations in the text should be as follows: (Buckley & Buckley 1980b; Pacey, 1983). Abstracts and unpublished manuscripts may not be cited. The Literature Cited section must be typed double spaced. For abbreviations and additional details consult the BIOSIS List and recent issues of Conservation Biology.

 Tables must be typed double-spaced, without vertical rules, and should not duplicate any material in the text or illustrations. All tables are to have complete but brief headings, should be typed on separate sheets of paper, and numbered consecutively within the text.