Lecture 15: Origins and Early History of Life: How, When, Where, and What?
1. Definitions of Life
- 2 key processes that characterize all living systems:
- metabolism
- reproduction with variation → adaptation (multiplication, variation, heredity)
- Carl Sagan: "Life is any system capable of reproduction, mutation, and reproduction of its mutations."
- When did life first occur on Earth?
- Universe ~ 10-20 billion years old; Earth ~ 4.5 5 billion years old
- Fossil imprints show that microbes were well established by 3.5 billion years ago; best estimates that life existed 3.8 4 billion years ago
- Heavy bombardment of the earth by meteors 4.5 4.8 billion years ago
- Not calm conditions!
- Possibly killed off early life several times before it ultimately survived
- Early sun was weak; what kept the Earth from a deep freeze?
- "methane blanket" → warmth
- abrupt rise to 10-15% oxygen
3. Hypotheses: How did life originate on Earth?
- Darwin: "Warm Little Pond" Hypothesis (1871)
- Warm waters + organic molecules + long time → simple organisms
- Stanley Miller experiment (1953) to simulate supposed conditions on primitive earth
- Water; methane; ammonia and nitrogen (atmosphere); sparks (as lightening)
- One week later → goop of organic chemicals, including amino acids
- But now it is believed that CO2 was the major component of the early Earths atmosphere, and what about genetic molecules?
- The "Hot World" Hypothesis
- Nearly constant bombardment by meteors during earths 1st billion years
- Where could life have evolved and been safe from most asteroids?
- deep sea hydrothermal vents were common on early earth
- RNA from modern sulfur-eating bacteria indicate that they are very primitive
- at high temperatures, organisms can get extra energy from nutrients
4. How did organic molecules come together to form polymers, polypeptides, and amino acids?
- delivered in comets, meteors, interplanetary dust = panspermia hypothesis
b. chemical evolution
- abiotic synthesis and accumulation of monomers (Fig. 26.6) = building blocks
- join monomers into polymers (such as proteins or nucleic acids)
- formation of protobionts = aggregates of abiotically produced molecules able to maintain an internal environment different from their surroundings and exhibit some life properties such as metabolism and storing energy (Fig. 26.5)
- origin of heredity during or before protobiont appearance
- clay may have been an important substrate for abiotic synthesis of polymers (concentrate monomers on clay surface; metal ions in clay act as catalysts)
5. The earliest important organic molecule was probably RNA, not protein or DNA
- RNA molecules functioned both as genetic material and as enzyme-like catalysts
- Primitive life: amino acids aligned along RNA (= the first genes) (Fig. 26.7); replication errors → mutation
6. Membrane-bound protobionts _ Life
- Had genetic information
- Selectively accumulated monomers from the surroundings
- Used enzymes programmed by genes to make polymers and carry out other chemical reactions
- Grew and split, distributing copies of its genes to offspring
- Variation among related protobionts (due to mutation) would be subject to natural selection