A. Phylogenetics
B. Why are phylogenies important?
C. Controversies
  1. Morphology
  2.  Molecular Genetics
Morphology Molecules
Later, sudden radiation (K-T boundary, 65 MYA) Early divergence(~100 MYA; neutral theory, mol.dating)
Supported by fossil record But where are the fossils?
Convergence? Robustness of analyses?

D. George Gaylord Simpson
E. Later SuperOrders    (~65 MY old)
F. Recent Advances    
G. Fossils
H. Supertrees
Supertree: 430 trees, 315 studies

I. Ascendancy of Molecular Data
J. Molecular Tree
16,400 bp, 19 nuclear genes, 3 mtDNA genes, all major lineages

K. New Synthesis
L. Euarchontoglires (controversy cont.)

M. What is a treeshrew?
N. Taxonomic History
O.  Introduction
P. Objectives of J. South's Study

Q. Study Site
R. Citations (all are available online through UMD; need Adobe Acrobat reader to view them)

Arnason, U., et al.  2002.  Mammalian mitogenomic relationships and the root of the eutherian tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(12): 8151-8156.

Liu, R. F., et al.  2001.  Molecular and morphological supertrees for eutherian (placental) mammals. Science 291: 1786-1789.

Murphy, W. J., et al.  2001.  Resolution of the early placental mammal radiation using Bayesian phylogenetics. Science 294: 2348-2351.

Schmitz, J., et al.  2002.  The Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus, Dermoptera): the primates' gliding sister? Molecular Biology and Evolution 19(12): 2308-2312.