BSCI360/708B Class
Schedule 2012
(click on Notes
to see lecture outline or Topic to see reading assignment)
Month |
Day |
Topic |
Session |
Notes |
Perspectives |
Aug |
29 |
Intro & levels of analysis |
Lecture 1 |
Ch. 1, 2 |
31 |
Discussion |
Sept |
5 |
Behavioral genetics - I |
Lecture 2 |
Ch. 3 |
7 |
Discussion |
10 |
Behavioral genetics - II |
Lecture 3 |
Ch. 3 |
12 |
Adaptation and selection |
Lecture 4 |
Ch. 4 |
14 |
Discussion |
17 |
Inferring evolution of behavior |
Lecture 5 |
pp 70-75 |
19 |
Instinct and learning |
Lecture 6 |
Ch. 5, pp 159-171 |
21 |
Discussion |
24 |
Social learning, Problem set 1 due |
Lecture 7 |
pp 85-87, 171-182 |
26 |
Migration and navigation |
Lecture 8 |
Ch. 10, pp 245-252 | |
28 |
Discussion |
Oct |
1 |
Biological clocks |
Lecture 9 |
Ch. 9 |
3 |
Midterm I (L1-9) |
Exam |
5 |
Grant Proposal Discussion |
Lecture 10 |
8 |
Optimal decision making |
Lecture 11 |
Ch. 12 |
10 |
Foraging in a variable environment |
Lecture 12 |
Ch. 12 |
12 |
Discussion |
15 |
Conflict resolution |
Lecture 13 |
pp. 68-70, 405-413 |
17 |
Assessment |
Lecture 14 |
pp. 294-297 |
19 |
Discussion |
22 |
Dominance and territoriality |
Lecture 15 |
pp. 413-422 |
24 |
Group living |
Lecture 16 |
pp 297-302, 423-427 |
26 |
Discussion |
29 |
No class (Hurricane Sandy) |
31 |
Communication, Problem
set 2 due |
Lecture 17 |
Ch 16 & 17 esp. pp 355-56, 372-87 |
Nov |
2 |
Discussion |
5 |
Sex and sex ratios |
Lecture 18 |
7 |
Sexual selection |
Lecture 19 |
Ch. 14 |
9 |
Discussion |
12 |
Midterm II (L11-18) |
Exam |
14 |
Mating systems |
Lecture 20 |
pp. 345-354 |
16 |
Discussion |
19 |
Lekking |
Lecture 21 |
21 | Help with grant proposals | Workshop | |||
23 |
Thanksgiving |
Holiday |
26 |
Lecture 22 |
pp 233-245 |
28 |
Parental care |
Lecture 23 |
pp 333-344 |
30 |
proposal reviews |
Discussion |
Dec |
3 |
Cooperative breeding |
Lecture 24 |
pp 439-445 |
5 |
Eusociality |
Lecture 25 |
pp 445-450 |
7 |
Grant proposal reviews |
Discussion |
10 |
Reciprocity |
Lecture 26 |
pp. 427-439 |
15 |
FINAL (L1-26) 8-10AM |
Exam |