Bacterial Resistance
to Antibiotics is
Intrinsic Resistance: organism is inherently not susceptible to the antibiotic
Phenotypic Resistance (non-genetic)
(e.g., non-growing cells; gram-negative, outer cell membrane)
Genotypic Resistance: Exchange
of r-Determinants (Genes that confer resistance to specific antimicrobial
agents); Transfer and recombination of resistant mutant genes is possible through
normal bacterial genetic exchange mechanisms (conjugation;
transduction; transformation)
Plasmids: Multidrug (multiple) resistance is possible; Can cross species barrier and closely related strains may acquire r-determinants
Plasmid: covalently closed circular extrachromosomal DNA
May carry genes for drug resistance; metabolic enzymes; virulence factors (e.g., exotoxins)
Restricted or broad host range
Small size (~5 Md) are non-conjugal; Large (20-200 Md) can be conjugal
Plasmid transfer between cells
Bacterial conjugation ("sex"):Replication and transfer of the conjugal plasmid via cell-to-cell contact through an F-pilus encoded by tra (transfer) genes
Transduction: Transferred by phage
Transformation possible
Transposons (Tn) (plasmid or chromosomal): Genes transferable within a replicon via self-excision; Multidrug resistance is possible; Can cross species barrier
Integrons found on transposons or plasmids; Contains the gene and the site for incorporating resistance genes as cassettes allowing expression of the genes; Multidrug resistance is possible
Selective chromosomal mutations (single drug resistance)
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