On being a worm
Coelomate Protostome relationships
- Monophyletic
- Synapomorphies
- Blastopore becomes mouth
- True coelom via schizocoely
- Spiral cleavage
- Determinate development
- Trochophore larva
- Three major Phyla
- Annelids and Arthropods united by
Phylum Annelida
- General characteristics and synapomorphies
- The coelom as a hydrostatic skeleton
- Segmentation and metamerism
- 3 classes: Polychaeta, Oligochaeta,
- Locomotion
- Feeding
- Reproduction
- Why be a worm?
The Annelid Bauplan
- General characteristics
- Segmented, Metameric
- Closed circulation
- True coelom as a fluid- filled cavity
- Circular and longitudinal muscles
- Probably began to burrow very early as they developed
- Figure 10-1
The Annelid Bauplan
- General characteristics
- Synapomorphies
- Annelid head
- Setae
The Coelom as a hydrostatic skeleton
- A fact: Muscles can only contract, not
- Extension due to action of antagonist
- Jointed skeletons
- antagonists have opposite effects on hard
- Hydrostatic skeleton
- antagonist takes advantage of the
incompressibility of fluid
- Circular/Longitudinal muscles
- Different regions can
- Act independently
- Specialize for different functions
- Very important for evolution
Phylum Annelida - three major Classes
- Polychaeta
- Clam worms, lug worms,
- Oligochaeta
- Earthworms, ice worms
- Hirudinea
- Leeches
- Oligochaeta + Hirudinea united by:
- Hermaphroditism
- Clitellum
- Direct Development
Class "Polychaeta"
- >10,000 species
- Very common, mostly marine
- Monophyletic?
- Complex head
- Parapodia
Class "Polychaeta"
- >10,000 species
- Monophyletic?
- Retain trochophore larvae
Class "Polychaeta"
- >10,000 species
- Monophyletic?
- Retain trochophore larvae
- Two general types
- Errant (free moving)
- Sedentary
- Distinction between errant and sedentary blurry
(e.g., burrowers)
Errant vs. Sedentary Polychaetes
- Errant
- Large head
- Jaws
- Large parapodia
- Sedentary
- Reduced head, usually
- Reduced parapodia
- Protective tubes, sometimes
Class "Oligochaeta"
- Paraphyletic
- Mostly FW, terrestrial, a few known from glaciers
(ice worms)
- May exceed 3m!
- Direct development (eggs shed in cocoon)
- No parapodia
- Setae usually present, but reduced
Class Hirudinea
- Monophyletic
- > 500 species
- 75% parasitic (ectoparasitic), were used in
Medieval medicine
- Mostly freshwater, some marine, some
- Direct development (eggs shed in cocoon)
- No setae
- Up to 30 cm!
Polychaete locomotion
- Complex, reflecting variety of lifestyles
- Sedentary forms
- Retract feeding structures (giant nerve
- Peristaltic movement within tube (pump water,
many have modified parapodia)
- Parapodia and setae anchor the worm in
- Armored tubes
- Calcium Carbonate
- Protein
- Cemented particles
Polychaete locomotion
- Errant polychaetes
- Peristalsis common (on surface but more commonly in burrowing;
see discussion for Oligochaetes)
- Crawling
- Parapodia and setae engage the
- Parapodial muscles contract
for power stroke
Polychaete locomotion
- Errant polychaetes
- Peristalsis (especially burrowing)
- Crawling
- Swimming
- Greater use of body wall muscles
- Posterior to anterior wave of contraction on one side
- Parapodia important, parapodia often large with long setae
- Not very efficient
Oligochaete locomotion
- Peristaltic contraction
- Probably primitive for annelids
- Hydrostatic skeleton
- Coelom divided by septa
- Alternating contractions of
- Longitudinal muscles
- Circular muscles
- against incompressible fluid
- Setae provide traction
Hirudinean locomotion
- Loss of setae, septa
- Leeches don't burrow
- Galloping
- Circular muscles contract with posterior sucker
- Anterior sucker attaches, posterior sucker
- Longitudinal muscles contract with anterior
sucker attached
- Swimming
Hirudinean locomotion
- Loss of setae, septa
- Leeches don"t burrow
- Galloping
- Circular muscles contract with posterior sucker
- Anterior sucker attaches, posterior sucker
- Longitudinal muscles contract with anterior
sucker attached
- Swimming
- Undulations simlar to galloping but without
- Not very efficient
Polychaete feeding
- Raptorial
- Eversible pharynx
- Jaws
- Some venomous
- E.g., Nereis
(clam worm)
Polychaete Feeding
- Raptorial
- Deposit feeders
- Direct
- E.g., Arenicola (lug worm)
- Indirect
- E.g., Terebella (spaghetti worm)
Polychaete Feeding
- Raptorial
- Deposit feeders
- Filter feeders
- Specializations
- Head
- Sabella
- Body
- Chaetopterus
Oligochaete Feeding
- Fairly simple
- Direct deposit feeding
- Scavenging
- Gut straight, with
- Gizzard
- Typhlosole
Hirudinean Feeding
- 25% predators, 75% parasites
- Usually penetrate skin with three bladelike
- Secrete
- An anesthetic
- Hirudin - an anticoagulant
- Pump blood with muscular pharynx
Polychaete Reproduction
- Asexual in a few (bud new individuals)
- Usually sexual
- Dioecious -Male or female
- Coelom stores gametes
- Epitoky
- "Epitoke" = specialized swimming forms budded off posterior
or sides from benthic individual
Polychaete Reproduction
- Epitoky
- Specialized swimming form budded off posterior or
sides from benthic individual
- Large parapodia, setae, eyes, (often lack
digestive system)
- Swarming (often swimming and then burst open just
after sunset or before sunrise; bioluminescent!)
- Pacific pololo worm, "fire worm"
Oligochaete Reproduction/Copulation
- Asexual reproduction (budding, fragmentation)
- Usually sexual
- Simultaneous Hermaphrodites
- Copulation
- Pairs line up facing opposite
- Sperm exchanged
- Stored in each spermatheca
- Each produces cocoon
Oligochaete Cocoon formation
- Clitellum secretes
- Chitinous cocoon
- Albumin
- As cocoon is shed
- Eggs and sperm deposited in cocoon
- Fertilization external
Hirudinean Reproduction
- Similar to Oligochaetes, but
- No asexual reproduction
- Protandrous hermaphrodites (male first, change
sex to female as grow older)
- Fertilization internal
Why be a worm?
- Many groups have converged on this body plan.
- Bilateral symmetry and cephalization
- Sensory, feeding structures at one end
- Reduced cross-sectional area
- Good for burrowing, getting into protective
crevices, insinuating into tissue spaces of organisms
- Large surface area/volume
- Gas exchange, waste removal, nutrient
- Elongate digestive tract
- Regionalization; feces released far from
- Conducive to development of segmentation