Evolutionary Stable Strategies
I. What is an ESS (evolutionary stable strategy)?
A. ESS: a strategy which if adopted by all members of a population cannot be invaded
by a mutant strategy through the operation of natural selection. (Note that a stategy
is the behavioral phenotype of an individual, usually a composite of behaviors.)
B. Game theory is used whenever the evolutionary outcome is frequency dependent,
i.e. whenever the fitness consequences of an act depend on what others in the population
are doing, in other words competition occurs. Note that the ESS need not maximize
C. Assumptions:
1. Infinite population
2. Asexual (haploid) reproduction
3. All possible strategies have been specified
4. Either pairwise contests occur between two opponents or one individual competes
against a group
II. Why don't animals injure each other more often during contests over resources?
- The basic symmetric model for the evolution of display with equal opponents
A. Possible behaviors during a contest: display, escalate with risk of injury, or
1. which cannot detect differences between themselves (i.e. the contest is symmetrical)
B. Possible strategies:
1. Hawk - escalate and continue until injured or until opponent retreats
2. Dove - display initially but retreat if opponent escalates.
C. Payoff matrix (changes in fitness due to interactions):
Opponent: |
Hawk |
Dove |
Actor |
Hawk |
(V-C)/2 |
V |
Dove |
0 |
V/2 |
V = value of resource being contested; C = cost of fighting due to injury
D. Possible solutions -
1. When V > C, Hawk is a pure ESS, i.e. Hawks can
a. resist invasions: the payoff to an individual adopting strategy I when confronted
with an opponent adopting strategy I is greater than the payoff to an individual
adopting strategy J when confronted with an opponent adopting strategy I
b. and invade: the payoff to an individual adopting strategy I when confronted with
an opponent adopting strategy I is equal to the payoff to an individual adopting
strategy J when confronted with an opponent adopting strategy I, and the payoff to
an individual play I against J exceeds the payoff to an individual playing J against
2. When V < C, hawks and doves coexist at a mixed ESS which occurs when the fitness
of the two strategies are equal
a. assume p = proportion of Hawks in the population
b. fitnesses of hawks and doves:
W(H) = p[1/2(V-C)] + (1-p)(V)
W(D) = p(0) + (1-p)(V/2)
c. Thus, W(H) = W(D) =p/2(V-C) + (1-p)V = (1-p)V/2 or p = V/C. Consequently, we expect
escalation to occur only if the benefit of the resource is greater than the risk
associated with fighting for it.
d. Mixed ESS can occur by two mechanisms:
i. a stable strategy set in which a single individual sometimes performs one strategy
and sometimes another with a fixed probability, p.
ii. a stable polymorphic state: a fraction, p, of the population adopts one strategy
while the remainder, 1-p, adopts another.
e. Alternative reproductive strategies which appear to be mixed ESS
i. Hooknose and jack salmon
ii. Bluegill sunfish
iii. marine isopods (see text)
iv. Soay (bighorn) sheep
v. Ruff (lekking shorebird)
f. Alternative reproductive strategies which appear to be condition dependent strategies,
i.e. males make the best of a bad situation
i. Caller and satellite male frogs
ii. Horned and hornless male beetles
3. In general, for the matrix:
I |
J |
I |
a |
b |
J |
c |
d |
H |
D |
B |
H |
(V - C)/2 |
V |
3V/4 - C/4 |
D |
0 |
V/2 |
V/4 |
B |
(V - C)/4 |
3V/4 |
V/2 |
H |
D |
A |
H |
(V - C)/2 |
V |
(V-C)/2 |
D |
0 |
V/2 |
V/4 |
A |
V/2 |
3V/4 |
V/2 |
2. If an animal can tell it is unlikely to win a contest, it will not engage in a
fight unless it values the resource highly. When two individuals are closely matched
and resources are of equal value, fights will occur.
B. Predictions
1. The length of a fight should increase when the asymmetry in fighting ability decreases
2. The cost of a fight should increase when the asymmetry in fighting ability decreases
3. An individual's probability of winning should increase as the asymmetry in fighting
ability increases
C. Examples - cichlids
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