Elementary Review of Resting
Membrane and Action Potentials
During the course of the semester, you will utilize a set of tutorial programs contained on CDs, the Interactive Physiology Modules from the Benjamin/Cummings - Addison/Wesley/Longman Publishing Company. While some sections of these modules may seem very elementary, they do provide visualization and explanation of several important concepts. You will work through each module, noting the important concepts and details that also are referred to in lecture.
The first module you will examine is the Nervous System Part I: The Neuron..
The Cardiovascular CD will be installed in the computer and its icon will appear on the desk top.
Your TA will tell you how to get the program started. When the opening screen appears, click once on the control panel box at the bottom left of the screen (it's the one with the little slide bars or levers on it).
Control Panel and Help Buttons
Turn off the narration by clicking on that box. (Please note that all of the 'virtual buttons' in this module are turned on and off by clicking on them once, just like pushing a button.) You may elect to keep the narration on or turn it off. Notice that you may return to this panel at any time to adjust the speed of the animations.
The "?" button at the bottom left provides a series of instructive help screens. Use it when necessary.
After following the on screen instructions and clicking anywhere on the screen, you will see the menu of chapters in this module. Select one. Now you will see the following icons at the bottom right of the screen:
• QUIZ - takes you to the end of chapter Quiz
• Page List - presents a list of pages in this chapter. You may highlight and click on any page and the program will take you there.
• Arrows - the forward and reverse arrows move you one page within the chapter. The forward arrow will light up when you have seen all animations on the current page.
• | | - this button pauses the action. Press it a second time to resume the animation.
• Return Arrow - this key exits the chapter and returns you to the main menu of chapters within the module.
The Neuron CD
Take your time as you work through this module. Everything should be familiar to you since you had it all in ZOOL 211. Please take a moment to be sure you can answer the following questions and understand the concepts:
• What does sodium channel inactivation mean? When does it occur? Why is it important (2 reasons!)
• What is the cause of the resting membrane potential (Vm)?
• What happens to Vm if the GNa+ increases? decreases?
• What happens to Vm if the GK+ increases? decreases?
• How does myelin increase conduction velocity?