[picture of Dr. Inouye]

Dr. David W. Inouye
Associate Professor

Dept. of Biology
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742
email: di5@umail.umd.edu
phone: (301) 405-6946

Research Interest: Animal and Plant Ecology

Dr. Inouye's research has focused on a variety of projects at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado, but has also included field work in Australia, Austria, and Costa Rica. This long-term association with a single field site has made possible studies that span 20+ years on variation in flowering phenology of wildflowers, the population biology of several species of plants, and the population biology of hummingbirds. These studies have documented the great degree of variation in temporal and quantitative aspects of flowering, the unusual longevity of some of these wildflowers, and the longevity and fidelity of the resident hummingbirds. Dr. Inouye has also worked on resource partitioning in bumblebees, ant-plant mutualisms, the cost of reproduction of glacier lilies, age structure of trees killed by avalanches, the pollination biology of flies and the flowers they visit for pollen and nectar. At the University of Maryland Dr. Inouye teaches courses in plant-animal interactions, ecology, and conservation biology.

Representative Publications

Inouye, D.W., Natural variation in plant and animal populations, and its implications for studies of recovering ecosystems. In: J. Cairns (ed.), Rehabilitating Damaged Ecosystems, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 39-50 (1988)

Inouye, D.W., Calder, W.A. and Waser, N.M., Estimates of hummingbird population size as a function of flower abundance. Condor 93, 279-285 (1991)

Inouye, D.W. and McGuire, A.D., Effects of snowpack on the timing and abundance of flowering in Delphinium nelsonii: implications for climate change. Amer. J. Bot. 78(7), 997-1001 (1991)

Kearns, C.A. and Inouye, D.W., Techniques for Pollination Biologists. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO (1993)

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