Signal Evolution


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Table of Contents

Signal Evolution

Signal Evolution Pathways


Ritualized preening in duck courtship

Ritualized courtship in ducks

Sender precursors of visual signals

Food advertisement and pheasant courtship displays

Flight intention and courtship in pelecaniforms

Antithetical displays

Motivational conflict in wolves

Ambivalent threat displays

Displacement Acts

Displays from autonomic responses

Display co-option

Sender precursors of auditory signals

Antithetical vocalizations

Motivation-structure patterns

Repertoire evolution in sparrows

Sender precursors of olfactory signals

Bark beetle mating pheromones

Receiver bias and feature detectors

Feature detectors

Innate releasing mechanisms

Receiver precursors to signal evolution

Signalling may vary with habitat

PPT Slide

Sensory exploitation

Water mite courtship evolution

Female preferences evolved prior to male swordtails

or do they?

Author: Jerry Wilkinson


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