this study researchers examined the visual system adaptations and differences
between two closely related butterfly species, Caligo memnon and Morpho peleides. The researchers wanted to see if there
was an adaptive advantage in the crepuscular insectsÕ visual performance for
increased sensitivity and temporal resolution. Both species of butterfly are found in the rainforests of
Central America, are of similar size, and possess afocal
apposition eyes. The afocal apposition eye is an intermediate between the
superposition and apposition basic eye designs in insects and is best suited
for bright light, according to the study.
The interesting difference between the two butterfly species is that M. peleides is
known to be active only during the day while C. memnon is
active at dawn and at times at dusk.
researchers used only male butterflies in their study to eliminate any
implications that the visual adaptations were sex specific and related only to
reproductive success. They kept
the males in a controlled room where Òdark adaptationÓ was achieved by
switching off all lights and Òlight adaptationÓ was performed by using a
background lighting of 200 cdm-2 intensity. The researchers indicated penetration
of photoreceptor cells within the eyes by a depolarization response to a
flashlight using a goniometer to measure the visual
axis of the cell. From this the
spectral sensitivity, impulse response, and angular sensitivity were recorded
following the direction of maximum electrical response generation using the goniometer.
They found that the cells with a sensitivity peak around 550nm were the
only cells to be used because they were considered as an essential component
for the visual pathway for these butterflies to discern contrast and luminance
were also able to take a magnified image of the eye from the front and center
of the butterflyÕs visual field, and used this to measure the rhabdom diameter in the frontal visual field from the two
eyes in each species. They found
that C. memnon had very large facets with a maximum
diameter of 48μm while M. peleides rhabdom diameter was
more moderate at 34μm. This
difference was said to be attributed to the overall larger eye size of C. memnon. This finding relates to material
learned in lecture because the enlarged eye of C. memnon is
beneficial for increased sensitivity due to its enlarged aperture and increased
spatial acuity. Lecture material
pointed towards various adaptations used to increase sensitivity and this
adaptation agrees with the material presented in class.
used the angular sensitivity function in order to quantify spatial resolution
in the two butterfly species. They
stated that in the compound eye, the spatial resolution is dependent upon the
focused image quality, rhabdom acceptance function,
and sampling density. This study
found C. memnon to have broader angular sensitivity
functions than M. peleides;
the smallest angles were found close to the equator of the visual field at 10¼ to 20¼ lateral of anterior in
the eye. This was determined by the
ratio of the facet diameter D, to the radius of
curvature R of the eye.
researchers found that the integration times for impulse responses in the eyes
of the butterflies differed as C. memnon had longer integration times and times to peak
than M. peleides
in Òdark adaptation.Ó The
integration time was used as a measure of the temporal resolution of the eye,
because the impulse response is the photoreceptorÕs response to a short and dim
light flash that causes an electrical response in the eye, similar to a response
elicited by a photon. C. memnon was determined to be approximately 4 times
as sensitive as M. peleides
to the impulse response. This
finding added to the increased adaptations found in C. memnon for
longer integration time, larger acceptance angles, and enlarged facets as
stated earlier. While C. memnon
has larger eyes and facets, it has also maintained high temporal and spatial
resolution, as demonstrated in this study. Researchers stated that this evolutionary change may have
happened early in time to increase sensitivity in crepuscular insects, because
the enlarged eye and aperture size increases sensitivity while maintaining high
visual acuity.
concluded that the crepuscular insects visual systems have Òevolved adaptations
that improved their visual reliability in dim lightÓ settings and that these
adaptations have been optimized for specific light intensities within their
natural habitats. (Frederickson & Warrant, 2008) I chose this research article because I thought it directly
related to adaptations stated in lecture for optimizing sensitivity in low
light and improving resolution of the apposition eye design by increasing
aperture size and eye radius. This
article was interesting because it examined two closely related butterfly
species whose eyes have evolved based on the different times of day during
which they are most active.