Rutowski, R.L. et al. 2005. Pterin pigments amplify iridescent ultraviolet
signal in males of the orange sulphur butterfly, Colias eurytheme. Proc R Soc B.
272, 2329-2335.
Butterflies have
a large array of nanostructural color production
mechanisms. This paper focuses on
the interplay of pigment and structure.
Researchers studied the orange sulphur
butterfly (Colias eurytheme). The dorsal side of the wings is
yellow/orange from the pigment pterin while in males
there is also iridescent ultraviolet (UV) coloration that is directional and
produced by nanostructural lamellae arranged like
shingles in parallel ridges of scales.
These orange/UV scales are surrounded by brown scales
containing melanin. The
presence of pterins in the same scales that produce
UV colors is an oddity as pterins absorb UV light.
To study this
question researchers took parts of male butterfly wings, treating one by
extracting pterins with NH4OH and leaving
the other untreated. The NH4OH
removes the pterins but leaves the structural
component that generates the iridescent UV color intact.
The researchers
used a spectrometer to detect the reflectance spectra of these wings at viewing
angles where UV reflectance was at a maximum (UV+) and a minimum (UV-). Untreated wings exhibited two
reflectance peaks in the UV+ orientation one at 340 nm (UV) and another at 620
nm (orange). At the UV- angle
there was a similar spectrum but with little reflectance in the UV range. Extraction altered reflectance across
all wavelengths. In the UV+
configuration UV reflectance increased 20%, in the UV- configuration it
increased 27%. Hue angle and chroma were analyzed as well: hue angle increased in both
orientations (reflections were more blue) and chroma
decreased in both orientations (reflections became paler) after pterins were removed.
This evidence
indicates that coloration pigments and structures are interacting to enhance
coloration. Pterins
appear to amplify the iridescent properties of the UV signals by making the
difference in UV reflectance brightness between the UV+ and UV- orientations
much greater. Without pterins there is a three-fold difference in UV intensity
between the two configurations, with the pterins
there is a twenty-fold change in UV brightness. These butterflies are believed to have long and short
wavelength photoreceptors so color combination (UV and orange) is thought to
contrast strongly with the background of green foliage, which absorbs UV light. Finally, small motions in the wings can
create a large change in UV reflectance (from 3% to 63%) thanks to filtering by
the pterin pigmentation. This great change in UV
reflectance created as a male butterfly flaps his wings may be designed to take
advantage of the fact that flashing signals draw strong responses in many
species of butterfly. Researchers
believe that the production of the UV signal is costly, which may indicate that
it is part of an honest signal of fitness by males.
In this paper
spectrometry was once again used to analyze color reflectance by animal
structures. Chroma and hue, two concepts discussed in class, were also
used a way to quantitatively analyze the changes in color reflectance by the
treated and untreated butterfly wings.
As with the last
paper, this paper also discussed the interaction of pigments and structural
color production, showing that these two methods of producing colors can occur
together in two different organisms.
In this case thin-film interference was used by lamellae in the
butterfly wings to produce iridescent UV reflectance. Also discussed in class is that different organisms have
photoreceptors that have difference wavelengths of maximum absorbance. This paper discussed the fact that the
UV and orange colors produced by the wings are particularly well detected by
the photoreceptors of these butterflies, particularly in an environment of
green foliage. If an organism
wants to be seen it will exhibit colors different from its surroundings, a
concept brought up in class which seems to be involved
in the selection of these signaling colors.
mentioned in class was the importance of temporal characteristics of
color. This seems to be the case
here as flashing is another property of light that these butterflies can
manipulate, possibly so that males can attract the attention of females. The importance of a flashing motion is
likely related to the fact that, as we discussed in class, rhabdomeric
eyes such as those used by insects (including butterflies) have better temporal
discrimination than ciliary eyes such as those used
by humans.