Journal Review 5: Signal Function

ARNOLD, K. & ZUBERBUHLER, K. (2006) The alarm-calling system of adult male putty-nosed monkeys, Cercopithecus nictitans martini. Animal Behaviour, 72, 643-653.

BONATO, M., EVANS, M. R., HASSELQVIST, D. & CHERRY, M. I. (2009) Male coloration reveals different components of immunocompetence in ostriches, Struthio camelus. Animal Behaviour, 77, 1033-1039.

BOWEN, J. L., MAHONY, S. J., MASON, A. C. & YACK, J. E. (2008) Vibration-mediated territoriality in the warty birch caterpillar Drepana bilineata. Physiological Entomology, 33, 238-250.

CLUCAS, B., OWINGS, D. H. & ROWE, M. P. (2008) Donning your enemy's cloak: ground squirrels exploit rattlesnake scent to reduce predation risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 275, 847-852.

CORTOPASSI, K. A. & BRADBURY, J. W. (2006) Contact call diversity in wild orange-fronted parakeet pairs, Aratinga canicularis. Animal Behaviour, 71, 1141-1154.

DANTZER, B. J. & JAEGER, R. G. (2007) Detection of the sexual identity of conspecifics through volatile chemical signals in a territorial salamander. Ethology, 113, 214-222.

DARDEN, S. K. & DABELSTEEN, T. (2008) Acoustic territorial signalling in a small, socially monogamous canid. Animal Behaviour, 75, 905-912.

GERLACH, G. & LYSIAK, N. (2006) Kin recognition and inbreeding avoidance in zebrafish, Danio rerio, is based on phenotype matching. Animal Behaviour, 71, 1371-1377.

HIGHAM, J. P., SEMPLE, S., MACLARNON, A., HEISTERMANN, M. & ROSS, C. (2009) Female reproductive signaling, and male mating behavior, in the olive baboon. Hormones and Behavior, 55, 60-67.

ILLES, A. E. & JIMENEZ, L. Y. (2009) A female songbird out-sings male conspecifics during simulated territorial intrusions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 276, 981-986.

JANIK, V. M., SAYIGH, L. S. & WELLS, R. S. (2006) Signature whistle shape conveys identity information to bottlenose dolphins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, 8293-8297.

KIM, T. W., CHRISTY, J. H. & CHOE, J. C. (2007) A preference for a sexual signal keeps females safe. PLoS One, 2, 422.

LEIGHTY, K. A., SOLTIS, J., WESOLEK, C. M. & SAVAGE, A. (2008) Rumble vocalizations mediate interpartner distance in African elephants, Loxodonta africana. Animal Behaviour, 76, 1601-1608.

LINDSTEDT, C., LINDSTROM, L. & MAPPES, J. (2008) Hairiness and warning colours as components of antipredator defence: additive or interactive benefits? Animal Behaviour, 75, 1703-1713.

MICHAELIDIS, C. I., DEMARY, K. C. & LEWIS, S. M. (2006) Male courtship signals and female signal assessment in Photinus greeni fireflies. Behavioral Ecology, 17, 329-335.

MILNER, R. N. C., JENNIONS, M. D. & BACKWELL, P. R. Y. (2008) Does the environmental context of a signalling male influence his attractiveness? Animal Behaviour, 76, 1565-1570.

MORALES, M. A., BARONE, J. L. & HENRY, C. S. (2008) Acoustic alarm signalling facilitates predator protection of treehoppers by mutualist ant bodyguards. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences,, 1935-1941. 275

ORD, T. J., PETERS, R. A., CLUCAS, B. & STAMPS, J. A. (2007) Lizards speed up visual displays in noisy motion habitats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 274, 1057-1062.

PAGE, R.B. & JAEGER, R.G. (2004) Multimodal signals, imperfect information, and identification of sex in red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56:132-139.

RILLICH, J., BUHL, E., SCHILDBERGER, K. & STEVENSON, P. A. (2009) Female crickets are driven to fight by the male courting and calling songs. Animal Behaviour, 77, 737-742.

RIVERS, T. J. & MORIN, J. G. (2008) Complex sexual courtship displays by luminescent male marine ostracods. Journal of Experimental Biology, 211, 2252-2262.

SCARL, J. C. & BRADBURY, J. W. (2009) Rapid vocal convergence in an Australian cockatoo, the galah Eolophus roseicapillus. Animal Behaviour, 77, 1019-1026.

SCHIBLER, F. & MANSER, M. B. (2007) The irrelevance of individual discrimination in meerkat alarm calls. Animal Behaviour, 74, 1259-1268.

SEWALL, K. B. & HAHN, T. P. (2009) Social experience modifies behavioural responsiveness to a preferred vocal signal in red crossbills, Loxia curvirostra. Animal Behaviour, 77, 123-128.

SHEN, J. X., FENG, A. S., XU, Z. M., YU, Z. L., ARCH, V. S., YU, X. J. & NARINS, P. M. (2008) Ultrasonic frogs show hyperacute phonotaxis to female courtship calls. Nature, 453, 914-U46.

STANKOWICH, T. (2008) Tail-flicking, tail-flagging, and tail position in ungulates with special reference to black-tailed deer. Ethology, 114, 875-885.

STEPHAN, C. & ZUBERBUHLER, K. (2008) Predation increases acoustic complexity in primate alarm calls. Biology Letters, 4, 641-644.

TAKAHASHI, M., ARITA, H., HIRAIWA-HASEGAWA, M. & HASEGAWA, T. (2008) Peahens do not prefer peacocks with more elaborate trains. Animal Behaviour, 75, 1209-1219.

TEMPLETON, C. N., GREENE, E. & DAVIS, K. (2005) Allometry of alarm calls: Black-capped chickadees encode information about predator size. Science, 308, 1934-1937.

TRIPOVICH, J. S., CANFIELD, R., ROGERS, T. L. & ARNOULD, J. P. Y. (2008) Characterization of Australian fur seal vocalizations during the breeding season. Marine Mammal Science, 24, 913-928.

VELANDO, A., BEAMONTE-BARRIENTOS, R. & TORRES, R. (2006) Pigment-based skin colour in the blue-footed booby: an honest signal of current condition used by females to adjust reproductive investment. Oecologia, 149, 535-542.

WRONSKI, T., APIO, A. & PLATH, M. (2006) The communicatory significance of localised defecation sites in bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 60, 368-378.