Review Paper 2: Vision
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Doutrelant, C. & Sorci, G. 2004 Ultraviolet
reflectance affects male-male interactions in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus
ultramarinus). Behavioral Ecology
15, 805-809.
Bernath, B., Gal, J. & Horvath, G. 2004 Why is it worth flying at
dusk for aquatic insects? Polarotactic water detection is easiest at low solar
elevations. Journal of Experimental Biology 207,
Bleiweiss, R. 2004 Ultraviolet plumage reflectance distinguishes
sibling bird species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 101, 16561-16564.
Buschbeck, E., Ehmer, B. & Hoy, R. 1999 Chunk versus point sampling:
Visual imaging in a small insect. Science 286, 1178-1180.
Calderone, J. B., Reese, B. E. & Jacobs, G. H. 2003 Topography of
photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells in the spotted hyena (Crocuta
crocuta). Brain Behavior and Evolution 62, 182-192.
Cronin, T. W., Shashar, N., Caldwell, R. L., Marshall, J., Cheroske, A.
G. & Chiou, T. H. 2003 Polarization vision and its role in biological
signaling. Integrative and Comparative Biology 43,
Cummings, M. E., Rosenthal, G. G. & Ryan, M. J. 2003 A private
ultraviolet channel in visual communication. Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 270,
Diaz, E. R. & Thiel, M. 2004 Chemical and visual communication
during mate searching in rock shrimp. Biological Bulletin 206,
Doutrelant, C., McGregor, P. K. & Oliveira, R. F. 2001 The effect
of an audience on intrasexual communication in male Siamese fighting fish,
Betta splendens. Behavioral Ecology
12, 283-286.
Engeszer, R. E., Ryan, M. J. & Parichy, D. M. 2004 Learned social
preference in zebrafish. Current Biology 14, 881-884.
Gomez, D. & Thery, M. 2004 Influence of ambient light on the
evolution of colour signals: comparative analysis of a Neotropical rainforest
bird community. Ecology Letters 7, 279-284.
Hart, N. S., Lisney, T. J., Marshall, N. J. & Collin, S. P. 2004
Multiple cone visual pigments and the potential for trichromatic colour vision
in two species of elasmobranch. Journal of Experimental Biology 207,
Hausmann, F., Arnold, K. E., Marshall, N. J. & Owens, I. P. F. 2003
Ultraviolet signals in birds are special. Proceedings of the Royal Society
of London Series B-Biological Sciences
270, 61-67.
Heiling, A. M., Herberstein, M. E. & Chittka, L. 2003 Pollinator
attraction - Crab-spiders manipulate flower signals. Nature 421,
Heindl, M. & Winkler, H. 2003 Vertical lek placement of
forest-dwelling manakin species (Aves, Pipridae) is associated with vertical
gradients of ambient light. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80,
Heindl, M. & Winkler, H. 2003 Interacting effects of ambient light
and plumage color patterns in displaying Wire-tailed Manakins (Aves, Pipridae).
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
53, 153-162.
Jawor, J. M., Gray, N., Beall, S. M. & Breitwisch, R. 2004 Multiple
ornaments correlate with aspects of condition and behaviour in female northern
cardinals, Cardinalis cardinalis. Animal Behaviour 67,
Johnsen, S., Widder, E. A. & Mobley, C. D. 2004 Propagation and
perception of bioluminescence: Factors affecting counterillumination as a
cryptic strategy. Biological Bulletin 207, 1-16.
Kriska, G., Horvath, G. & Andrikovics, S. 1998 Why do mayflies lay
their eggs En masse on dry asphalt roads? Water-imitating polarized light
reflected from asphalt attracts Ephemeroptera. Journal of Experimental
Biology 201, 2273-2286.
Kroger, R. H. H. 2000 Optical and developmental constraints on colour
vision with lens eyes. Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics 2,
Leal, M. & Fleishman, L. J. 2002 Evidence for habitat partitioning
based on adaptation to environmental light in a pair of sympatric lizard
species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological
Sciences 269, 351-359.
Maddocks, S. A., Bennett, A. T. D., Hunt, S. & Cuthill, I. C. 2002
Context-dependent visual preferences in starlings and blue tits: mate choice
and light environment. Animal Behaviour 63, 69-75.
Mather, J. A. & Mather, D. L. 2004 Apparent movement in a visual
display: the 'passing cloud' of Octopus cyanea (Mollusca : Cephalopoda). Journal
of Zoology 263, 89-94.
McGraw, K. J., Hudon, J., Hill, G. E. & Parker, R. S. 2005 A simple
and inexpensive chemical test for behavioral ecologists to determine the
presence of carotenoid pigments in animal tissues. Behavioral Ecology and
Sociobiology 57, 391-397.
McGraw, K. J., Safran, R. J., Evans, M. R. & Wakamatsu, K. 2004
European barn swallows use melanin pigments to color their feathers brown. Behavioral
Ecology 15, 889-891.
Mennill, D. J., Doucet, S. M., Montgomerie, R. & Ratcliffe, L. M.
2003 Achromatic color variation in black-capped chickadees, Poecile
atricapilla: black and white signals of sex and rank. Behavioral Ecology and
Sociobiology 53, 350-357.
Norris, D. R., Marra, P. P., Montgomerie, R., Kyser, T. K. &
Ratcliffe, L. M. 2004 Reproductive effort molting latitude, and feather color
in a migratory songbird. Science
306, 2249-2250.
Oakley, T. H. 2003 The eye as a replicating and diverging developmew
tal unit. Integrative and Comparative Biology 43,
Ord, T. J. & Evans, C. S. 2003 Display rate and opponent assessment
in the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus): An experimental analysis. Behaviour 140,
Ord, T. J., Peters, R. A., Evans, C. S. & Taylor, A. J. 2002
Digital video playback and visual communication in lizards. Animal Behaviour 63,
Shi, Y. S. & Yokoyama, S. 2003 Molecular analysis of the
evolutionary significance of ultraviolet vision in vertebrates. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100,
Siebeck, U. E. 2004 Communication in coral reef fish: the role of
ultraviolet colour patterns in damselfish territorial behaviour. Animal
Behaviour 68, 273-282.
Siefferman, L. & Hill, G. E. 2005 UV-blue structural coloration and
competition for nestboxes in male eastern bluebirds. Animal Behaviour 69,
Speed, M. P., Kelly, D. J., Davidson, A. M. & Ruxton, G. D. 2005
Countershading enhances crypsis with some bird species but not others. Behavioral
Ecology 16, 327-334.
Stavenga, D. G., Stowe, S., Siebke, K., Zeil, J. & Arikawa, K. 2004
Butterfly wing colours: scale beads make white pierid wings brighter. Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 271,
Stummer, L. E., Weller, J. A., Johnson, M. L. & Cote, I. M. 2004
Size and stripes: how fish clients recognize cleaners. Animal Behaviour 68,
Sweeney, A., Jiggins, C. & Johnsen, S. 2003 Insect communication:
Polarized light as a butterfly mating signal. Nature 423,
Thery, M., Debut, M., Gomez, D. & Casas, J. 2005 Specific color
sensitivities of prey and predator explain camouflage in different visual
systems. Behavioral Ecology 16, 25-29.
Tso, I. M., Lin, C. W. & Yang, E. C. 2004 Colourful orb-weaving
spiders, Nephila pilipes, through a bee's eyes. Journal of Experimental
Biology 207, 2631-2637.