Territorial Signaling Games
Outline of lecture
What is a territory?
Avian territoriality: temperate vs tropical
Territory defense signal design rules
Territory ownership and auditory signals
Types of intruders
Quantifying territory value
Value of a territory differs between individuals
Why do owners usually win?
Hawk-Dove-Bourgeois game
Do ownership conventions really exist?
Alternatives to simple ownership convention
Asymmetric war of attrition
Peak in contest duration
General conclusions from territorial games
Implications for territorial signals
Assessment of neighbors versus floaters
Individual signatures in kangaroo rats
Neighbor-stranger discrimination
Sound degradation and ranging
Examples of ranging
Neighbor versus floater intrusions
Neighbors as ëdear enemiesí
Competition in territorial signals
Singing strategies in territorial songbirds
Single songtypes: song dialects
Multiple songtypes: Why different repertoire sizes?
Multiple songtypes: song matching
Eavesdropping in mammal olfactory marking
Territorial cheating
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Email: tw98@umail.umd.edu
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