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Bioinformatics: Molecular Systematics |
Spring 2008 |
1229 HJ Patterson Hall (Occasionally in 1321a Symons Hall)
Instructor: Charles Delwiche Phone: 301-405-8286
Molecular Systematics Application of phylogenetic analysis to molecular sequence data. Parsimony, distance, and likelihood methods in the context of molecular evolution and genomics. Introduces software used for comparative biological sequence analysis.
PBIO688N (2 credits) lasts seven weeks, and qualifies as a module in the CBMG graduate program. PBIO688O (3 credits) will last the full semester, and qualifies as a systematics course for the BEES program. PBIO688O will include a term project.
This course is offered every other year, in the Spring Semester of even-numbered years. Students in Systematics may wish to consider taking Charlie Mitter's course, ENTM 622 Principles of Systematic Entomology, which is offered in the preceding semester (Fall of odd-numbered years), and is an excellent precursor to this class. You may also be interested in Graduate Bioinformatics: Comparative Bioinformatics, which is offered in the Spring Semester of odd-numbered years.
Zuckerkandl and Pauling 1965 (in manuscript form!).
Reading | Supplementary Reading | Materials from past years |
Errata and datasets for Felsenstein's "Inferring Phylogenies"
Newsgroup: um.class.pbio699k.