Sequences for Alignment Exercise (9/20/99):
Assignment for 10/7/99
Find accession number L07390
What is the scientific name of the organism from which this sequence was isolated?
What is its common name?
What gene is (partially) encoded by this sequence?
Is there an intron in the sequence?
If so, where does it begin and end?
Where does the exon begin and end?
What manipulation would you have to perform on this DNA sequence if you were going to translate it to get the amino acid sequence shown?
What is the %GC content of the entire sequence?
What is the %GC of the coding sequence (the two exons)?
To calculate %GC use (#G+#C)/(#A+#C+#G+#T)*100.
And for a bonus point, why do you think they differ?
Assignment for 10/29/99
Consider the required reading in the textbook to date. Identify at least one question that you have concerning this material, pose the question, and and describe the thoughts that you have had on the subject. Why is this question of interest to you? What makes it difficult for you to determine the answer?
Consider the commentary: Roach, J.C. et al. 1999. "Gaps in the Human Genome Project". Nature 401:843-845.
Write a concise (2 pages or less) review of the article. Your review should include the following:
You should write this review in the context of your knowledge of genomics and bioinformatics. Because everyone has their own distinctive area of expertise, your review will be helpful even if you do not consider yourself to be expert in the field. Write the review at a level that would be appropriate if it were to be read by another member of the class, i.e., you need not define terms that everyone in the class should know.