Referenced and selected literature

NOTE: We are still building this list and it will always be a very limited selection from a huge literature. Apologies for all the great papers we've not included. Please feel free to send suggestions of papers you'd like to see included to

Also, we can only provide .pdfs for our own papers




Battin, J., and T. D. Sisk.  2003.  Assessing landscape-level influences of forest restoration on animal populations.  In P. Friederici & W. W. Covington (eds.) Ecological restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine forests.  Island Press, Covelo, CA.

Battin, J. 2004. When Good Animals Love Bad Habitats: Ecological Traps and the Conservation of Animal Populations. Conservation Biology 18:1482-1491.

Brand LA, George TL. 2001. Response of passerine birds to forest edge in coast redwood forest fragments. Auk 118:678–86

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Ewers, R. M. and Didham, R. K. 2006. Continuous response functions for quantifying the strength of edge effects JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 43: 527-536

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Ewers, R.M. and R.K. Didham. 2008. Pervasive impact of large-scale edge effects on a beetle community. PNAS 105:5426–5429.

Ewers, RM., CJ Marsh, OR Wearn. 2010. Making statistics biologically relevant in fragmented landscapes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25:699-704


Fagan WF, Cantrell RS, Cosner C. 1999. How habitat edges change species interactions. Am. Nat. 153:165–82

Fernandez C, Acosta FJ, Abella G, Lopez F, Dıaz M. 2002. Complex edge effect fields as additive processes in patches of ecological systems. Ecol. Model. 149:273–83

Fletcher, R.J. 2005. Multiple edge effects and their implications in fragmented landscapes. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY 74:342-352

Fletcher, R.J., L. Ries, J. Battin, and A.D. Chalfoun. 2007. The role of habitat area and edge in fragmented landscapes: definitively distinct or inevitably intertwined? Canadian Journal of Zoology 85:1017-1030. PDF

Fonseca C.R. and F. Joner. 2007. Two-sided edge effect studies and the restoration of endangered ecosystems. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 15:613-619


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Harper KA, MacDonald SE. 2001. Structure and composition of riparian boreal forest: new methods for analyzing edge influence. Ecology 82:649–59

Harris LD. 1988. Edge effects and conservation of biotic diversity. Conserv. Biol. 2:330–32

Hufkens, K., P. Scheunders, and R. Ceulemans. 2009. Ecotones in vegetation ecology: methodologies and definitions revisited ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH 24:977-986



Jules ES, Rathcke BJ. 1999. Mechanisms of reduced trillium recruitment along edges of old-growth forest fragments. Conserv. Biol. 13:784–93


Kennedy, CM, PP Marra, WF Fagan, and M. Neele. 2010. Landscape matrix and species traits mediate responses of Neotropical resident birds to forest fragmentation in Jamaica. ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 80: 651-669

Kristan WB, Lynam AJ, Price MV, Rotenberry JT. 2003. Alternative causes of edgeabundance relationships in birds and small mammals of California coastal sage scrub. Ecography 26:29–44


Lahti DC. 2001. The “edge effect on nest predation” hypothesis after twenty years. Biol. Conserv. 99:365–74

Laurance WF. 2000. Do edge effects occur over large spatial scales? Trends Ecol. Evol. 15:134–35

Laurance, W. F. 2008. Theory meets reality: how habitat fragmentation research has transcended island biogeographic theory. – Biol. Conserv. 141: 1731–1744

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Li et al.

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Lindell CA, Riffell SK, Kaiser SA, Battin AL, Smith ML, and Sisk TD. 2007. Edge responses of tropical and temperate birds WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY 119:205-220

Lindenmayer, D, and 26 coauthors, incl. T. Sisk. 2007. A checklist for ecological management of landscapes for conservation. Ecology Letters 10:1-14.

Lowther PE. 1993. Brown-headed cowbird. In The Birds of North America, No. 47, ed. A Poole, F Gill. Philadelphia, PA: Birds N. Am.


Macreadie, PI, RM Connolly, GP Jenkins, JS Hindell, and MJ Keough. 2010. Edge patterns in aquatic invertebrates explained
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Malcolm JR. 1994. Edge effects in central Amazonian forest fragments. Ecology 75:2438–45

Mancke RG, Gavin TA. 2000. Breeding bird density in woodlots: effects of depth and buildings at the edges. Ecol. Appl. 10:598–611

McCollin D. 1998. Forest edges and habitat selection in birds: a functional approach. Ecography 21:247–60

Mueller, T, N Selva, E Pugacewicz and E Prins. 2009. Scale-sensitive landscape complementation determines habitat
suitability for a territorial generalist. Ecography 32: 345-353.

Murcia C. 1995. Edge effects in fragmented forests: implications for conservation. Trends Ecol. Evol. 10:58–62


Noss RF. 1991. Effects of edge and internal patchiness on avian habitat use in an old-growth Florida hammock. Nat. Areas J. 11:34–47





Ries, L., and W. F. Fagan. 2003. Habitat edges as a potential ecological trap for an insect predator. Ecological Entomology 28: 567-572. PDF

Ries, L., R.J. Fletcher Jr., J. Battin, and T.D. Sisk. 2004. Ecological responses to habitat edges: mechanisms, models and variability explained. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 35:491-522. PDF Supplemental material

Ries, L. and T.D. Sisk. 2004. A predictive model of edge effects. Ecology 85: 2917-2926. PDF

Ries, L. and T.D. Sisk. 2008. Edge effects are predicted by a simple model in a complex landscape. Oecologia 156:75-86. PDF

Ries, L. and T.D. Sisk. 2010. What is an edge species? The implications of sensitivity to habitat edges. Oikos 119:1636-1642. (PDF available 1 year after publication)

Ross WG, Kulhavy DL, Conner RN. 1997. Stand conditions and tree characteristics affect quality of longleaf pine for red-cockaded woodpecker cavity trees. For. Ecol. Manag. 91:145–54


Schlossberg, S. and King, D. I. 2008. Are shrubland birds edge specialists? – Ecol. Appl. 18: 1325–1330.

Sisk, T.D. 2007. Incorporating edges effects into landscape design. Chapter 14 in D. Lindenmayer and R. Hobbs (eds.) Managing and designing landscapes for conservation: moving from perspectives to principles. Blackwell. Sydney.

Sisk, T.D. and J. Battin. 2002. Habitat edges and avian habitat: geographic patterns and insights for western landscapes. Studies in Avian Biology 25: 30-48.

Sisk, T.D. and N.M. Haddad. 2002. Incorporating the effects of habitat edges into  landscape models: Effective area models for cross-boundary management. Pages 208-240 in J. Liu and W. Taylor (eds.) Integrating Landscape Ecology into Natural Resource Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Sisk TD, Haddad NM, Ehrlich PR. 1997. Bird assemblages in patchy woodlands: modeling the effects of edge and matrix habitats. Ecol. Appl. 7:1170–80

Sisk, T.D., B.R. Noon, and H.M. Hampton. 2002. Estimating the effective area of habitat patches in variable landscapes. Pages 713-725 in Scott, Michael J., Patricia Heglund, Michael L. Morrison, Jonathon B. Haufler, Martin G. Raphael, William A. Wall, and Fred B. Samson, eds. Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale. Island Press: Washington.

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Toms JD, Lesperance ML. 2003. Piecewise regression: a tool for identifying ecological thresholds. Ecology 84:2034–41


Villard MA. 1998. On forest-interior species, edge avoidance, area sensitivity, and dogmas in avian conservation. Auk 115:801–5

Villard, M.A., F.K.A. Schmiegelow, and M.K. Trzcinski. 2007. Short-term response of forest birds to experimental clearcut edges AUK 124: 828-840


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Wilcove DS. 1985. Nest predation in forest tracts and the decline of migratory songbirds. Ecology 66:1211–14

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