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Department of Physics News
September 2022
Message from the Chair
With the Fall semester in full swing and the campus and the department almost back to pre-pandemic normalcy, I am delighted to highlight some of the interesting things happening in the department. We feature stories of support—both through scholarships and through solidarity—along with research developments, academic accolades, and tales of talented students.
They remind me again of the versatility of a physics education, which trains our students to persevere and problem solve and thus manage future challenges in physics and fields well beyond.
As always, I appreciate your interest in our department.
~Steve |
Faculty & Staff & Research
Beyond Higgs: The Search for New Particles That Could Solve Mysteries of the Universe
A decade after the Higgs boson was discovered by the Large Hadron Collider, UMD physicists weigh in on the future of high-powered particle smashers. READ MORE » |
Edward Ott Elected to National Academy of Sciences
He has spent his career conducting research in nonlinear dynamics and chaos. READ MORE » |
Richard Greene Named Distinguished University Professor
The title is the highest academic honor bestowed by UMD.
Michelle Girvan, Professor of Physics, Named Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
She was honored for her notable success in teaching and in her research in the field of network science.
Sylvester James Gates, Jr. Returns to UMD Faculty as Clark Leadership Chair in Science
He will hold a joint appointment in the Department of Physics and School of Public Policy.
Compact Electron Accelerator Reaches New Speeds with Nothing But Light
A tabletop alternative to mile-long expensive accelerator facilities is another step closer to reality.
studentS and Alumni
Physicists in Florence
UMD students experience enriching STEM curriculum abroad. READ MORE » |
Diving Into UMD's Quantum Community A passion for quantum computing led sophomore Jade LeSchack to found the Undergraduate Quantum Association.
Recent Physics Grad Sees Many Roads Ahead
Jeffrey Wack (B.S. '22) made significant contributions in physics, math, teaching and music during his time at UMD. READ MORE » |
Women in Physics Group Changes Its Name to Physicists of Underrepresented Genders
The student organization continues to support all underrepresented members of the UMD physics community. READ MORE » |
Scott Moroch (B.S. '20) Awarded Hertz Fellowship
A graduate student at MIT, Scott is now developing new techniques in radioactive isotopes, ion trapping, laser spectroscopy and quantum technologies. READ MORE » |
From Unexpected Opportunity to Game-changing Discovery
Didier Depireaux (Ph.D. '91) takes an unpredictable path to a breakthrough medical startup.
UMD Now Offers Quantum Computing Graduate Certificate
The program provides working professionals with training and advanced knowledge in quantum computing and offers the opportunity to apply learning through hands-on exercises and experiential opportunities. READ MORE » |
Blessing the World With More Leons
Judy Herreid builds on a family tradition of supporting physics students in memory of her late husband Leon A. Herreid, a physicist and systems engineer at NASA Goddard.
Awards & Notes
We proudly recognize members of our community who recently garnered major honors, began new positions and more. READ MORE » |
To learn more about the lectures below and to see a complete list of upcoming colloquia, visit
Inaugural Charles W. Misner Endowed Lecture in Gravitational Physics
Speaker: Sam Gralla, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Arizona |
Dr. Shih-I Pai Lecture
Speaker: M. Cristina Marchetti, Distinguished Professor of Physics, Syracuse University |
John S. Toll
Endowed Lecture in Physics
Roald Sagdeev, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Maryland |
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Lecture
Speaker: Michelle Girvan, Professor, Physics University of Maryland |
If you recently received an award or landed a new job, please send a brief description to so that we can share the great things you're doing with our community.
We are grateful to alumni and friends whose generosity supports current and future students. To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit
The Department of Physics
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland
0208 Physical Sciences Complex / 4296 Stadium Dr. / College Park, MD 20742
301.405.3401 /