Department of Physics News
September 2020
Message from the Chair
We were delighted by the response to our first newsletter in January. But within weeks,
our campus and our lives changed dramatically. COVID-19 forced a sudden shift to
online instruction, a cessation of experiments, and a startling realization of how quickly
our normal rhythms can change. This was followed by multiple events exposing the
racial injustice present in our country.
Our department has risen to these grave challenges, and I have been heartened by the
energy and perseverance displayed in recent months. Gradually and cautiously, we
restarted our research efforts. Curricula were reconsidered; lecture demonstrations
were adapted and filmed. We launched a Climate Committee to ensure that the
Department of Physics is always a welcoming and cooperative environment for all. The
College has initiated a Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council, and the University has
launched The 1856 Project to study the history of slavery and its complicated legacies
in modern American society.
We appreciate your interest in the continued progress and accomplishments of our
department, and we hope you enjoy the stories below.
Black Lives Matter.
Faculty and Staff
A Physics Career of a Thousand Steps
A native of Iran, Zohreh Davoudi started down the path of becoming a theoretical physicist at an early age. READ MORE » |
Donna Hammer Takes Outreach Online
Creating new content to adapt to the pandemic could bring physics to a bigger audience. READ MORE » |
The Extraordinary Adventures of Lifelong Terp, Jordan Goodman
The particle astrophysicist describes his five decades at UMD as an Indiana Jones-style
studentS and Alumni
Department's Newest Goldwater Scholar Hopes to Make His Mark in the World of Accelerator Physics
Scott Moroch built his own nuclear fusion reactor in high school. READ MORE » |
Neural Networks and Hidden Figures
Ph.D. student Amitava Banerjee hopes to take machine learning and diversity to new heights in physics.
Alumnus Makes $515K Donation to Support Physics Students
The generous gift from Charles Husar (B.S. '71) will provide fellowships and summer research and travel awards. READ MORE » |
Accepting the Challenge for Change
For Douglas Arion (M.S. '80, Ph.D. '84), physics has provided a foundation for innovation. READ MORE » |
Undergrads Highlight High-energy Physics COVID-19 Relief Efforts
Students in the First-Year Innovation & Research Experience program created a video featuring efforts by CERN personnel and the wider community. READ MORE » |
Awards & Notes
Faculty, Staff, Student and Alumni Awards & Notes
We proudly recognize members of our community who recently garnered major honors, awards, promotions and more. READ MORE » |
In Memoriam
It is with much sadness that the department announces the passing of several members of our community. READ MORE » |
Shih-I Pai Distinguished Lecture
Presented by Alán Aspuru-Guzik, University of Toronto MORE » |
We also plan to reschedule from spring the Irving and Renee Milchberg Endowed Lecture, the W. J. Carr Lecture Series on Superconductivity and Advanced Materials, and the discussion with Jim Gates on his new book "Proving Einstein Right: The Daring Expeditions that Changed How We Look at the Universe."
To see a complete list of upcoming events, visit umdphysics.umd.edu/events.
If you recently received an award or landed a new job, please send a brief description to physics-news@umd.edu so that we can share the great things you're doing with our community.
We are grateful to alumni and friends whose generosity supports current and future students. To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit go.umd.edu/givetophysics.