Summer Bioinformatics Workshop For High School Teachers

at University of Maryland, College Park

July 30-August 3, 2018

A bioinformatics workshop for high school biology teachers will be held on the campus of University of Maryland, College Park, MD on July 30-August 3, 2018. This intensive 5-day workshop aims at exposing high school teachers to basic concepts and analysis skills in bioinformatics such that this fast growing field of biology can be introduced into high school biology curricula.

The workshop is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation and taught by scientists from USDA-ARS and University of Maryland, College Park. Each participant teacher will receive a stipend of $180 per day. In addition, each teacher is encouraged to bring 2 high school students to attend the workshop and work as a team in the development of the lesson plan.

We plan to include one ‘wet’ lab component, and the remaining will be a combination of short lectures and computer-based exercises including as examples, DNA sequencing and personal genomes, identifying components of herbal supplements using DNA barcodes, and understanding CRISPR genome editing. The week will culminate in the development of appropriate lesson plans for high school science curricula.

To apply, please send the following information to

  1. Your resume (include your contact formation).
  2. A brief reference letter from your school principal.
  3. A brief paragraph about your background in biological training and why you are interested in attending this workshop.

Please send the information in a single email and indicate "Summer Workshop" in your email subject title. Priority will be given to teachers from the Prince George County Public Schools
If more information is needed, please email any questions to