Introduction to Isolation of Luminescent Bacteria

      The intention of this experiment was to use enrichment cultures and develop a protocol that would provide for isolation and the maintenance of growth of luminescent bacteria. Luminescent bacteria are found in marine environments but are occasionally found in freshwater or soil.  Bioluminescent species found in marine environments are members of the genera Vibrio or Photobacterium.  A squid was chosen as the environment from which the bacteria would be isolated because luminescent bacteria are ubiquitous in the marine environment while they are rare in freshwater and soil. It was hypothesized that after a period of incubation in 3% salt solution, glowing colonies would be observed on the squid. From these colonies, luminescent bacteria, either of the genus Vibrio or Photobacterium , both from the family Vibrionaceae, could be isolated and maintained.
      A protocol was designed based on known characteristics of marine luminescent bacteria.  Past tests have proven that species of the genus Vibrio and Photobacterium are Gram-negative, straight or curved rods, that require salt for growth and are facultative anaerobes.  Most species are also motile (Holt 1984).  Enrichment procedures focused on the dependence of bacteria on salt for growth and therefore, NaCl Agar provided a media on which these luminescent bacteria could colonize. Luminous media was chosen to support growth of luminescent bacteria.  This recipe also contains a high concentration of salt and thus is ideal for growth.  The seawater complete liquid medium was used based on previous findings, which have concluded that both Vibrio and Photobacterium can be supported in this medium (Farmer and Hickman-Brenner).  
     Distinguishing between Vibrio and Photobacterium is difficult due to the many similar characteristics they possess. However, several tests based on differences can be performed in an attempt to classify the isolated organism in either genus. A Gram stain, motility test, oxidase test, and carbohydrate utilization test will provide information helpful for the classification of the bacteria.  

Figure 1.  Squid from which luminescent bacteria were isolated.

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