1 shows the air sample collected on NA + 7.5% NaCl. After incubating
for 48 hours at 30° C there were no colored colonies and the plate was
to be discarded. However, thanks to a second scan of the plates 4 days
after plating, a small, pink colony was noted. Because Deinococcus
radiodurans forms pink/red pigmented colonies, we chose that colony for
further investigation. More research revealed that our target organism
has a long lag phase and grows very slowly requiring up to a week on rich
media for colonies to form. (5)
In Fig. 2, the Gram stain shows Gram positive rods without spores
from the lack of clearing in the rods. An endospore stain did not show
spores. Even though we were searching for cocci, we continued to test
this isolate because some Deinococcaceae forms rods. Pure colonies
of the isolated organism were obtained through streak plating and used to
grow in nutrient broth. After incubation for 48 hours, 100 mL aliquots
were spread plated on TSA and NA + 7.5% NaCl plates. Figures 3-5 shows
the growth of the organism 7 days after exposure to UV radiation for 5, 10
and 15 minutes. On all plates (Fig. 3-5), there was growth of pigmented
colonies, showing that they are osmotolerant and UV resistant. Growth
around the edge of the plates shows the shielding effect of plastic but there
is growth away from the perimeter as well. In comparison, figures 6-8
shows the growth of E.coli grown overnight on TGY. E. coli
is very susceptible to UV radiation as seen by the graph below in Fig 13.
At two minutes (Fig.6), there is very little growth and even less after four
minutes (Fig. 7). Eight minutes (Fig. 8), killed all the E. coli.
A UV dose that kills 99.99% of E. coli has no effect on D. radiodurans.

A motility stab showed that the organism is non-motile and red-pigmented
growth on the top on the agar shows that this organism is aerobic or a facultative
anaerobe. After growing these rods in TGY broth at 30° C in the
shaker, the cells precipitated which also showed that the organism was non-motile.
The organism was catalase and oxidase positive, all consistent with Deinococcaceae.
However, we had to conclude that our organism was not a member of
Deinococcaceae because more research (5) indicated that the only
member of this family that forms rods is Deinobacter grandis and it
is Gram negative. We tried to identify our organism but we were sidetracked
by an incorrect assumption that the organism did not sporulate. Another
Gram stain from a seven-day-old colony showed a few spores (Fig. 10).
Using the tests results and observations available, we used a probability
matrix for 44 Bacillus species, (8) to conclude that we had been examining
Bacillus lentus.
In spite of our spending so much time testing the wrong isolate,
we were able to isolate our target organism. Soil samples from the arid
desert outside of Las Vegas, NV were placed in TGY broth and incubated in
the shaker for 48 hours at 30° C. Aliquots of broth were spread
plated on TGY and NA + 7.5% NaCl plates and exposed to UV radiation for 5,
10 and 15 minuets. After seven days of incubation at 30° C, a small,
pinpoint, very red colony appeared on the NA + 7.5% NaCl plate (Fig. 10) exposed
to 15 minutes of UV radiation. The Gram stain (Fig. 11) of this organism
showed Gram positive cocci. Not many cocci form spores and the ones
that do, do not make red colonies. This organism grows in aerobic conditions,
tolerates high salt concentrations, is Gram positive, is slow growing and
survived three times the killing dose of UV radiation for E. coli.
A definitive conclusion cannot be made because there was not enough time
to grow the organism for more tests. We do not know if this organism
forms pairs or tetrads because the Gram stain was taken from solid media.
Differentiation between the Deinococcus species requires comparison
of the fatty acids in their lipid membranes.
Highlights of Deinococcus radiodurans
main feature of Deinococcus radiodurans is its great ability to resist
ionizing radiation. It has been called "Conan the Bacterium" and the
Guiness Book of World Records calls D. radiodurans the "toughest bacterium"
because it can survive 1.5 million rads (3000 times more than a human).
Ionizing radiation causes double stranded breaks in DNA. About four
such breaks are enough to kill a cell but D. radioduranscan survive
over 200 double stranded breaks. Its unusual compartmentalization of
the cell is also another distinctive characteristic. The cell is split
up into four sections. Another thing to note is that this bacterium
has two chromosomes. Inside each compartment there is a copy of each
chromosome and plasmid tightly wound into a torus. Between these compartments
are small passageways. "After about an hour and a half of repair within
the ring, the DNA unfolds and migrates to an adjacent compartment where it
mingles with the copy of DNA residing there. Then the "regular"
repair machinery, common in humans and bacteria alike, comes into play -
repair enzymes compare between the two copies of DNA, using each as a template
to fix the other. Since the DNA has already been through one phase of repair
in which many of the breaks are fixed, this phase can be completed relatively
easily." (10) The entire genome of this organisms has been sequenced
and examination of its gene compliment shows that it does not possess any
unusual DNA repair mechanisms. It appears that the tightly coiled ring
of DNA is responsible for its ability to put back together shattered DNA.
There is no habitat on earth with a natural radiation flux as high as what
D. radiodurans can survive. It seems that the extreme
radiation resistance is a byproduct if its adaptation to survive desication.
placed on a slide and left to sit, dried out, over 80% of the cells will survive
after two years. Various
Deinococcus have been found in arid soil, fecal waste of animals,
sewage and radioactive waste. They have also been found in airbourn
contaminants, on human skin and in irradiated meat. They have also been
found in granite from Antarctica's Valleys which is similar to the conditions
on Mars.
Significance of Deinococcus Radiodurans:
One important role
of these organisms in the environment is their possible use in bioremediation.
Even though there are already many microbes that can clean up toxic
waste none can clean up radioactive waste and some heavy metals. Work
is underway to make strains of Deinococcusto cleanup radioactive waste
in the soil and groundwater and to
transform toxic mercury compounds commonly found at nuclear weapons
production sites into less harmful forms. (9) Some strains
are already being tested.
NASA is studying D. radiodurans to genetically engineer strains
to produce various drugs that humans might need while exploring Mars. It
takes over 16 months to reach Mars with existing propulsion technology and
it would be difficult to take all the possible, perishable drugs astronauts
might need. Engineered Deinococcus in suspended animation could
be activated if someone became ill while treatment could start
with drugs from a small supply kept on hand. Work is being done
on making a D. radiodurans able to be cultivated on Mars to see if
it can survive the harsh, extraterrestrial environment.
Because of its potential to clean up the worst hazardous waste sites,
it is important to learn more about this organism and find other similar species
with characteristics that may prove to be more utile. This bacterium
may even be key to the exploration of other worlds.