First isolated as Vibrio
fetus in 1909 from spontaneous abortions in livestock
Campylobacter enteritis
was not recognized until the mid-1970s when selective isolation media
were developed for culturing campylobacters from human feces
Campylobacter, Helicobacter,
Wolinella, Arcobacter and Flexispira belong to a single phylogenetic
group that is distinct from other Gram-negative bacteria and based on 16S rRNA
sequencing, DNA hybridization, genus-specific probes, cell wall protein and
lipid characterization, serological and biochemical analyses
Campylobacter and Helicobacter (formerly Campylobacter) are the most clinically important members of the rRNA superfamily
Recently defined family Campylobacteriaceae contains the genera Campylobacter and Arcobacter
Helicobacter, Wolinella, and Flexispira now included in a phylogenetically distinct family, as yet unnamed
Campylobacter (Family Campylobacteriaceae):
15 species, 6 subspecies by
rRNA sequencing; 12 of 15 species associated with human disease
Campylobacter jejuni (poultry; humans)
C. jejuni subsp. jejuni (major human enteric pathogen worldwide)
C. jejuni subsp. doylei (gastroenteritis, gastritis, septicemia)
C. jejuni subsp. fetus
Campylobacter coli (porcine; humans)
Campylobacter fetus (cattle; sheep; occasionally humans)
C. fetus subsp. fetus (major veterinary pathogen)
C. fetus subsp. venerealis (Infrequent septicemia)
Many Minor Pathogens:
Campylobacter lari (avian; humans: gastroenteritis, diarrhea, septicemia): can be confused with C. jejuni on primary isolation but rarely associated with human enteritis)
Campylobacter concisus (Oral, gingival crevices in humans)
Campylobacter hyointestinalis (watery or bloody diarrhea, vomiting)
Campylobacter upsaliensis (acute watery diarrhea, septicemia, abscesses)
General Characteristics Common to Superfamily:
Pleomorphic helical (spiral or curved) Gram-negative microaerophilic (see WebLinked Campylobacter image)
Characteristics that facilitate penetration and colonization of mucosal environments (e.g., motile by polar flagella; corkscrew shape)
Become coccoid when exposed to oxygen or upon prolonged culture
Neither ferment nor oxidize carbohydrates; low DNA G+C base ratio
Cellular Structure:
Microscopically, helically-shaped cells have "gull-winged" appearance
Characteristic rapid darting motility by means of long sheathed polar flagellum at one (polar) or both (bipolar) ends of the cell that may be up to several times the length of the cell (see WebLinked image); motility slows quickly in wet mount microscopy preparation due to entangling of flagella and aerotoxicity (oxygen sensitivity)
Cells tend to form coccoid and elongated forms on prolonged culture or upon exposure to oxygen; may enter a nonculturable form in nature
Immunodominant antigens include:
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Porin: peptidoglycan-associated major outer membrane protein (MOMP):
Adhesins/binding proteins (PEBs)
C. fetus covered with capsule-like surface protein arrayed in crystalline lattices (S-protein or S-layer)
Culture: various commercial media available
Primarily caused by thermophilic enteropathogenic C. jejuni and C. coli
Inflammatory bacterial diarrhea; Damage to mucosal surfaces of jejunum; ileum; colon
Most commonly: acute enteritis with diarrhea, malaise, fever, and abdominal pain; nausea but not vomiting
Incubation period of 1-7 days with acute onset with abdominal cramps and diarrhea
About 1/3 of gastroenteritis patients suffer prodromal fever, headache, dizziness, myalgia, and other non-specific flu-like complaints 12-24 h before intestinal symptoms
Symptoms range from few loose stools to profuse prostrating water diarrhea with ten or more bowel movements per day during peak in affected patients, stools may contain mucus or gross blood
Generally self-limiting, symptoms may last for a week or longer
Range of clinical manifestations can include: colitis; acute abdominal pain; bacteremia (<1% of patients)
Important late onset complications following gastroenteritis include: Guillain-Barre Syndrome; Reiter’s syndrome; reactive arthritis; chronic infection in immunodeficient patients
syndrome (GBS): Low incidence potential sequela
Reactive, self-limited, autoimmune disease
Campylobacter jejuni most frequent antecedent pathogen; Infection induces humoral and cellular immune responses
Immune response to specific heat stable O-antigens (O-side chain of LPS) cross-react with ganglioside surface components of peripheral nerves (molecular or antigenic mimicry)
Acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy (85% of cases) from cross reaction with Schwann-cells or myelin
Acute axonal forms of GBS (15% of cases) from molecular mimicry of axonal membrane
(occasionally leading to meningitis); spontaneous abortion: C. jejuni
and C. coli, but primarily caused by C. fetus
Proctitis; septic arthritis; enterocolitis; acute appedicitis or "pseudoappendicitis";
cholecystitis; hepatitis; pancreatitis; peritonitis; cystitis; prostatitis;
fetus subsp. fetus most commonly associated with systemic
Presents initially as gastroenteritis with propensity to spread from gastrointestinal tract to bloodstream and systemically to distal foci, particularly in debilitated and immunocompromised patients, e.g., those with liver disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, or malignancies
Bacteremia; Septic thrombophlebitis; Arthritis; Septic abortion; Meningitis
is most common form of acute infectious diarrhea in developed countries;
higher incidence than both the gastroenteric pathogens Salmonella and
Shigella combined
infections in many animals particularly avian reservoirs (bird) species
and shedding into the environment; spontaneous abortions in cattle, sheep, and
swine, but generally asymptomatic carriage in animal reservoir
acquire via ingestion of contaminated food (particularly poultry),
unpasteurized milk, or improperly treated water Infectious
dose is reduced by foods that neutralize gastric acidity, e.g., milk
infections in humans far outnumber those affected in point-source
epidemics; sporadic cases peak in the summer in temperate climates with
a secondary peak in the late fall seen in the U.S.
dose (some people infected
with as few as 500 organisms while others need >106) and host
immunity appear to be major factors in determining whether gastroenteric disease
or achlorhydric patients are at
higher risk (lower infectious dose)
of campylobacter gastroenteritis not fully characterized
strains and those lacking adhesin are avirulent
(edematous and bloody) to the mucosal surfaces of the jejunum, ileum, and colon
Collection and Processing:
Feces in plain container, refrigerated, examined within few hours
Rectal swabs in semisolid transport medium (e.g., Cary-Blair transport medium; Wang’s medium)
Care to avoid oxygen exposure
Gull-wing appearane in gram stain
Darting motility in wet mount preparation under phase-contrast or dark field illumination; direct detection of darting organisms is possible in fresh stool (rarely done in clinical lab)
Fecal leukocytes are commonly present and can be readily visualized with methylene blue staining of wet or dried fecal smears
on the basis of biotyping, serotyping, phage typing, molecular typing can be
used but are not routinely available:
Hippurate hydrolysis (C. jejuni is positive)
Indoxyl acetate hydrolysis (C. fetus is negative
Growth temperature (C. fetus not thermophilic; will grow at 25C)
Susceptibility to:
Nalidixic acid (C. jejuni; C. coli sensitive): naladixic acid is a quinolone (see below about resistance to the floroquinolones)
Cephalothin (C. fetus sensitive)
PCR and DNA probes are on the horizon
Lior serotyping scheme: Heat-labile flagellar and capsular antigens; Slide agglutination assay
Penner serotyping scheme: Heat-stable O-polysaccharide antigen; Indirect hemagglutination assay
Correlates of protection ("markers" that predict protection of host from disease) have not been established
Latex particle agglutination kits are available commercially but expensive
Serodiagnosis may be important in the immunological sequelae reactive arthritis or Guillain-Barre syndrome
Generally self-limiting; Replacement of fluids and electrolytes as needed
Antibiotic treatment may not shorten duration of disease symptoms but can shorten the excretion period of the organisms
Proper food handling, preparation and storage
Control should be directed at domestic animal reservoirs and interrupting transmission to humans
Favorable prognosis with optimal supportive care
Intensive-care unit for 33% of patients; Require intubation; assisted ventilation
Infusions of IgG or plasma exchange may shorten the course of disease (Immunomodulation)
Erythromycin continues to be the drug of choice for severe or complicated enteritis (500mg b.i.d. for 5 days); Continue for 4 weeks with bacteremia; Azithromycin was shown to be effective in recent human clinical trials
Consistently sensitive to macrolides, aminoglycosides, and nitrofurans (furazolidone activity limited to gut); Tetracycline and chloramphenicol are also active; Inherently resistant to trimethoprim and most cephalosporins
Fluroquinolones were highly active (e.g., ciprofloxacin was becoming drug of choice) but fluoroquinolone resistance has developed rapidly since the mid-1980s apparently related to unrestricted use and the use of enrofloxacin in poultry; In the Netherlands, the rise in resistance among poultry strains has been closely paralleled by the rise in resistance among human clinical strains
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