The Tree of Life 2 - Prokaryotes
- Prokaryotes
- Major groups of prokaryotes
- Carl Woese and the SSU rRNA model
- The advantages (and disadvantages) of a natural classification
- This classification differs from the "traditional" metabolic approach
- Because this is a new classification, some major groups are very poorly
- Archaea
- Archaea remain poorly understood, and many new species have recently
been discovered
- Crenarchaeota
- Many are extreme thermophiles
- Euryarchaeota
- Many are methanogens or extreme halophiles
- Other
- Phototrophy in the Archaea
- Some halophiles use bacteriorhodopsin to create a proton
gradient that is used to generate ATP
- They are capable of a form of photoheterotrophy, but this process is probably
not related to bacterial photosynthesis involving electron transport chains
- Rubisco (similar to form II) has been identified in the complete genome sequences of
Methanococcus (a methanogen) and Archaeoglobus (an extreme
thermophile in the Euryarchaeota), but rubisco carbon fixation
is not thought to be coupled to photosynthesis in any archaea.
- Bacteria - Major groups in the Woese system
- Thermotogales
- Thermophilic - often extreme thermophiles
- Deinococci
- Radiation resistant bacteria
- Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand huge doses of radiation
(>> 5000 Gy; 5 Gy lethal to humans)
- First isolated from radiation sterilized meat
- Also found in nuclear reactor fuel storage sites, etc.
- Probably not originally an adaptation to life in nuclear reactor
cores, but rather to desiccation and UV radiation.
- Survival is based on an elaborate DNA repair mechanism that
assembles the genome from multiple copies
- Parenthetical comment: nature came up with random fragment
assembly of genomes before humans
- recA is essential to DNA repair; this gene is also involved
in sex in eukaryotes
- Green nonsulfur bacteria
- Small group, includes both photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic taxa
- Many are thermophilic
- Cyanobacteria ("blue-green algae")
- All are Photosynthetic
- Proteobacteria ("purple bacteria")
- A large and important group, very diverse physiologies
- Many are photosynthetic
- Subdivided into subgroups designated by greek letters - alpha, beta,
gamma, delta, epsilon.
- Phototrophs are found in alpha, beta, and gamma subgroups
- Gram Positive bacteria ("Firmicutes")
- Photosynthesis known only in Heliobacteria (photoheterotrophy)
- The gram stain is a key diagnostic tool in traditional determinative
microbiology. Gram positives are probably a monophyletic group, while
gram negatives definitely are not - they are everything except for
gram positive bacteria.
- Green Sulfur bacteria
- Most (all?) are photosynthetic
- Bacteroides/Flavobacterium group
- not photosynthetic
- Two subgroups, rather dissimilar from each other
- Obligate anaerobes, fermentative
- Aerobic gliding bacteria
- Spirochaetes
- not photosynthetic
- Distinctive structure
- Widespread, some are pathogenic
- Chlamydiae
- not photosynthetic
- Intracelular parasites
- Proteinaceous cell wall
- Planctomyces group
- not photosynthetic
- Obligate aerobes
- Proteinaceous cell wall
- The relationship between Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryotes
- Current hypotheses are based on limited data, and may be mistaken
- Archaea and Eukarya are probably more closely related than either is
to bacteria
Required Reading:
Supplemental Reading:
Balows, A., H.G. Trüper, M. Dworkin, W. Harder, and H.-H. Schleifer. 1992.
The Prokaryotes. Springer-Verlag, NY. This is an encyclopedic three volume
set with descriptions of each major prokaryotic group. It is on reserve in the
Chemistry Library.
Barns, S.M., C.F. Delwiche, J.D. Palmer, and N.R. Pace. 1996. Perspectives
on archaeal diversity, thermophily, and monophyly from environmental rRNA sequences.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:9188-9193.
Brock, T.D., and M.T. Madigan. 1997. Biology of Microorganisms, 8th ed. Prentice
Hall, NJ
Olsen, G.J., C.R. Woese, and R. Overbeek. 1994. The winds of (evolutionary)
change: breathing new life into microbiology. J. Bacteriol. 176:1-6.
Van de Peer, Y., J.-M. Neefs, P. De Rijk, P. De Vos, and R. De Wachter. 1994.
About the order of divergence of the major bacterial taxa during evolution.
System. Appl. Microbiol. 17:32-38.
Woese, C.R. 1994. There must be a prokaryotes somewhere: microbiology's search
for itself. Microbiol. Rev. 58:1-9.