Photosynthetic Life
Syllabus -Fall 1998
I: Introduction to Photosynthesis
Week 1: 8/31
II: Anoxygenic Photosynthetetic Bacteria
Week 2: 9/7
Holiday: Monday 9/7/98
- Tree of Life (continued)
- Proteobacteria
- The relationship between physiology and ecological niche
Week 3: 9/14
First homework assignement due Monday 9/14
III: Cyanobacteria and Plastids
Week 4: 9/21
Week 5: 9/28
IV: Eukaryotes - Glaucocystophyta and Rhodophyta
Week 6: 10/5
Second homework assignment due Monday, 10/5
Week 7: 10/12
Midterm Exam: Friday October 16
V: Eukaryotes - Taxa with secondary plastids derived from red algae
Week 8: 10/19
- Glaucocystophyta
- Rhodophyta
- Alternation of generations as a response to the loss of flagella
- Parasitism in red algae -- cytosolic hijacking
Week 9: 10/26
Week 10: 11/2
Week 11: 11/9
Third homework assignment due Monday 11/9
Week 12: 11/16
Week 13: 11/23
Fourth homework assignment due 11/23
Thanksgiving Holiday 11/27
Week 14: 11/30
- Dinoflagellates
- Apicomplexa - nonphotosynthetic plastids in parasites
- Toxin-forming algae (including Pfiesteria)
- Feeding mechanisms in mixotrophic organism
VI: Eukaryotes - Taxa with green plastids
- Micromonadophyceae
- Ulvophyceae
- Pleurastrophyceae
- Chlorophyceae
- Charophyceae
- The evolution of cell division
- Algae as model systems
- Algae in biotechnology
Week 15: 12/7
- Taxa with secondary plastids from green algae
- The molecular biology of secondary endosymbiosis
- Molecular traffic within the cell
- Molecular systematics of the eukaryotes revisited
VII: Land Plants: the Drier Algae
- Charophyceae sensu Mattox and Stewart
- The transition to a terrestrial flora
- Embryophytes - green algae adapted to life on land
- Alternation of generations
- Structural adaptations
- Biochemical adaptations
Final Exam: 12/17