Message from the Chair
This has been a Fall semester like no other. In spite of the unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic, our staff, students and faculty rose to the occasion and created a wonderful virtual educational and research environment.
We are very happy to welcome to our department many new members. We are also sending our best wishes to colleagues who retired last year; we are looking forward to a day in which we can celebrate their careers in person. And on that note, we would like to wish a Happy 90th Birthday to Joe Auslander!
These unusual times also brought us new opportunities. In collaboration with the School of Education, we started a pilot program of teaching calculus to local high school students. In addition, an organizational change within our college brought the Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM) to our department. CSCAMM will have an expanded scope as a Math Research Center that will host workshops, visitors and educational activities organized by members of our department.
I invite you to read about some of the exciting things that happened in our department over the past semester. Please keep sending us your latest news and updates. We may not be together in person, but we are still one family.