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Department of Physics News
MARCH 2025
Message from the Chair
I asked ChatGPT about the state of science in the U.S., and it replied “The United States science research enterprise is teetering on the brink of disaster.” It is hard to argue with AI—but we must do whatever is in our power to resist the dismantlement of the most impactful endeavor in human history, often led by physics. Centuries of physics research have allowed us to predict hurricanes and tornadoes, detect broken bones and cancer, correct faulty vision and plumb the deepest seas. We could not fly, listen to recorded music, enjoy electric lights, refrigerate perishable food or rely on GPS to guide our wanderings. During this challenging time, I hope you enjoy reading about our continued explorations in particle physics, quantum science, plasmas, nuclear theory, lunar landings and more—contributions ranging from our undergraduates to our retired faculty. When you get physics in your blood, it never leaves.
~Steve |
Faculty, Staff & Research
Finding the Beauty in Physics
Assistant Professor Phoebe Hamilton (M.S. ’11, Ph.D. ’13, physics) helped make the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment a smashing success. READ MORE » |
New JQI Fellow Wants to Build an Error-Creating Quantum Computer
In her new lab, Alaina Green is making a quantum computer that is better at intentionally creating quantum errors that can be systematically studied. READ MORE » |
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore Announces $1B ‘Capital of Quantum’ Initiative Centered at UMD
The strategic partnership aims to cement the state and D.C. region as a world-leading quantum science and innovation hub.
Latest Moon Mission Carries a New Reflection on History
Professor Emeritus Douglas Currie, who helped send mirrors on Apollo 11, launched an improved model to the moon in January.
Associate Professor Zohreh Davoudi Awarded Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
The award is the highest honor the U.S. government bestows on early-career scientists and engineers.
Sasha Philippov Awarded 2024 Packard Fellowship
The assistant professor is the seventh University of Maryland faculty member to receive this highly competitive award.
UMD Physicist Helps Sculpt Quantum Mechanics into Reality
Nicole Yunger Halpern teamed up with an artist to create a sculpture that brings quantum concepts to life.
University of Maryland Names New Director of National Quantum Laboratory
Norbert Linke will return to UMD to become the new director of the National Quantum Laboratory at UMD on September 1, 2025.
William Dorland Awarded APS Maxwell Prize
He was honored for “pioneering work in kinetic plasma turbulence that revolutionizes turbulent transport calculations for magnetic confinement devices and inspires research in astrophysical plasma turbulence.”
Mapping Maryland’s Methane: UMD Initiative Takes Flight
UMD physicist Daniel Lathrop collaborated with the Maryland Civil Air Patrol to monitor the state’s carbon dioxide and methane emissions from the air.
Researchers Play a Microscopic Game of Darts with Melted Gold
Lasers helped UMD researchers hone their aim in a microscopic game of darts played to recover gold nanoparticles from levitation experiments.
studentS and Alumni
Malcolm Maas Named 2025-26 Churchill Scholar
Maas, who plans to graduate in three years with bachelor’s degrees in physics as well as atmospheric and oceanic science, joined 15 other students nationwide in winning the prestigious honor. READ MORE » |
Connecting the Quantum Dots
Physics Ph.D. student Anantha Rao tests ways to build bigger and better quantum computers. READ MORE » |
Senior Physics Major Becomes an Antarctic Ice Quake Detective
Zoe Schlossnagle uses her physics training to study seismic activity in the Earth’s cryosphere. READ MORE » |
Powered by Physics
Leonard Campanello’s (Ph.D. ’20, physics) experience at UMD provided a strong foundation for a unique role at Google and more challenges still to come. READ MORE » |
From Space Science to Science Fiction
How Adeena Mignogna’s (B.S. ’97, physics; B.S. ’97, astronomy) passion for science and space launched two successful—and very different—careers. READ MORE » |
In Memoriam
It is with much sadness that the department announces the passing of several members of our community. READ MORE »
We proudly recognize members of our community who recently garnered major honors, began new positions and more. READ MORE » |
To learn more about the events below and to see a complete list of upcoming colloquia and talks, visit |
Irving and Renee Milchberg Endowed Lecture
"Communicating What Science Knows in a Polarized Time"
Speaker: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, University of Pennsylvania
Learn More » |
Charles W. Misner Endowed Lecture in Gravitational Physics
Speaker: Daniel Harlow, MIT
Learn More » |
If you recently received an award or landed a new job, please send a brief description to so that we can share the great things you're doing with our community.
We are grateful to alumni and friends whose generosity supports current and future students. To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit |
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