Selected Lab Publications
Arranged by Topic:
- Spatial Ecology and Animal Movement
- Theoretical Ecology
- Biodiversity Databases and Ecological Informatics
- Quantitative Conservation Biology
- Linking Biological Stoichiometry, Evolution, and Community Ecology
- Generalist Predators
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Spatial Ecology and Animal Movement
- Mueller, T, R O'Hara, R Urbanek, S Converse, and WF Fagan. 2013. Social learning and migratory performance. Science. 341: 999-1002. (Cover Article)
- Fleming, C.H., J.M. Calabrese, T. Mueller, K.A. Olson, P. Leimgruber, and W.F. Fagan. 2014. From fine-scale foraging to home ranges: A semi-variance approach to identifying movement modes across spatiotemporal scales. American Naturalist. E154-E167.
- Fagan, WF, M A Lewis, M Auger-Méthé, T Avgar, S Benhamou, G Breed, L LaDage, U Schlägel, W Tang, Y Papastamatiou, J Forester, and T Mueller. Spatial memory and animal movement. Ecology Letters. 16: 1316-1329.
- Lynch, HJ, M Rhainds, JM Calabrese, S Cantrell, C Cosner, and WF Fagan. 2013. How climate extremes-not means-define a species' geographic range boundary via a demographic tipping point. Ecological Monographs. 84: 134-149.
- Kavathekar, D, T Mueller, and WF Fagan. 2013. Introducing AMV (Animal Movement Visualizer), A visualization tool for animal movement data from satellite collars and radiotelemetry. Ecological Informatics. 15: 91-95.
- Berbert, JM, and WF Fagan. 2012. How the interplay between individual spatial memory and landscape persistence can generate population distribution patterns. Ecological Complexity. 12: 1-12.
- Martinson, HM, WF Fagan, and RF Denno. 2012. Food web structure depends on patch size in an arthropod food web. Ecology. 93: 1779-1786.
- Grant, EHC, Lynch, HJ, R Muneepeerakul, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, and WF Fagan. 2012. Interbasin water transfer, riverine connectivity, and spatial controls on fish biodiversity. PlosONE. 7: e34170.
- Zipkin, E, EHC Grant, and WF Fagan. 2012. Developing and testing a community modeling approach for predicting species occurrences given uncertainty. Ecological Applications. 22: 1962-1972.
- Lynch, HJ, R Naveen, PN Trathan, and WF Fagan. 2012. Environmental change and the shifting balance among penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula. Ecology. 93: 1367-1377.
- Kennedy, C., E. Grant, M. Neel, W. Fagan, and P. Marra. 2011. Landscape matrix mediates occupancy dynamics of Neotropical avian insectivores. Ecological Applications 21(5): 1837-1850. abstract
- Lynch, H.J., E.H.C. Grant, R. Muneepeerakul, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, and W.F. Fagan. 2011. How restructuring river connectivity changes freshwater biodiversity and biogeography. Water Resources Research 47, W05531, doi:10.1029/2010WR010330. abstract
- Marleau, J.N., Y. Jin, J.G. Bishop, W.F. Fagan, and M.A. Lewis. 2011. A stoichiometric model of early plant primary succession. American Naturalist 177: 233-245. abstract
- Zeigler, SL, MC Neel, L Oliviera, BE Raboy, WF Fagan. 2011. Conspecific and heterospecific attraction in assessments of functional connectivity. Biodiversity and Conservation DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0107-z. abstract
- Fagan, W.F., C. Cosner, E.A. Larsen and J.M. Calabrese. 2010. Reproductive asynchrony in spatial population models: How mating behavior can modulate Allee effects arising from isolation in both space and time. American Naturalist 175: 362-373.
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- Goldberg, E.E., H.J. Lynch, M.G. Neubert and W.F. Fagan. 2010. Effects of branching spatial structure and life history on the asymptotic growth rate of a population. Theoretical Ecology 3:137-152.
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- Grant, E.H.C., J.D. Nichols, W.H. Lowe and W.F. Fagan. 2010. Use of multiple dispersal pathways facilitates amphibian persistence in stream networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1000266107.
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- Kennedy, C., P. Marra, W. Fagan, and M. Neel. 2010. Landscape matrix and species traits mediate responses of Neotropical resident birds to forest fragmentation in Jamaica. Ecological Monographs 80:651-669.
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- Fagan, W.F., R.S. Cantrell, C. Cosner, and S. Ramakrishnan. 2009. Interspecific Variation in Critical Patch Size and Gap-Crossing Ability as Determinants of Geographic Range Size Distributions. American Naturalist 173: 363-375. article / abstract
- Mueller, T. and W.F. Fagan. 2008. Search and navigation in dynamic environments - from individual behaviors to population distributions. Oikos 117: 654-664.
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- Muneepeerakul, R., E. Bertuzzo, H.J. Lynch, W.F. Fagan, A. Rinaldo and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe. 2008. Neutral metacommunity models predict fish diversity patterns in Mississippi-Missouri basin. Nature 453: 220-222.
- Fagan, W.F., F. Lutscher, and K. Schneider. 2007. Population and community consequences of spatial subsidies derived from central place foraging. American Naturalist 170(6): 902-915.
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- Grant, E.H.C., Winsor H. Lowe, and William F. Fagan. 2007. Living in the branches: population dynamics and ecological processes in dendritic networks. Ecology Letters 10:165-175.
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- Aumann, C., L. Eby, and W.F. Fagan. 2006. How transient patches affect population dynamics: the case of hypoxia and blue crabs. Ecological Monographs. 76 : 415-438 (plus 109 pages of online enhancements [that's right, 109 pages]).
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- Fagan, W.F. , M.A. Lewis, M. Neubert, C. Aumann, J. Apple, and J.G. Bishop. 2005. When can herbivores reverse the spread of an invading plant ? A test case from Mount St. Helens. American Naturalist . 166 : 669-686 (plus 8 pages of online enhancements)
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- Cantrell, S., C. Cosner, and W.F. Fagan. 2005. Edge-linked dynamics and the scale-dependence of competitive dominance. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2 : 833- 868.
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- Calabrese, J.M. and W.F. Fagan. 2004. A comparison shoppers' guide to connectivity metrics: trading off between data requirements and information content. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2:529-536.
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- Fagan, W.F., M.-J. Fortin, and C. Soykan. 2003. Integrating edge detection and dynamic modeling in quantitative analyses of ecological boundaries. Bioscience 53: 730-738.
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- Fagan, W.F., M.A. Lewis, M.G. Neubert, and P. van den Driessche. 2002. Invasion theory and biological control. Ecology Letters 5: 148-157.
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- Fagan, W.F. 2002. Connectivity, fragmentation, and extinction risk in dendritic metapopulations. Ecology 83: 3243-3249.
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- Fagan, W.F., and J.G. Bishop. 2000. Trophic interactions during primary succession: Herbivores slow a plant reinvasion at Mount St. Helens. American Naturalist 155: 238-251.
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- Fagan, W.F., R.S. Cantrell, and C. Cosner. 1999. How habitat edges change species interactions. American Naturalist 153: 165-182.
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Theoretical Ecology
- Fagan, WF, RS Cantrell, C Cosner, A Noble, and T Mueller. 2012. Leadership, social learning, and the maintenance (or collapse) of migratory populations. Theoretical Ecology. 5: 253-264.
- Fagan, WF, MA Lewis, M Auger-Méthé, T Avgar, S Benhamou, G Breed, L LaDage, U Schlägel, W Tang, Y Papastamatiou, J Forester, and T Mueller. Spatial memory and animal movement. Ecology Letters. In press.
- Berbert, JM, and WF Fagan. 2012. How the interplay between individual spatial memory and landscape persistence can generate population distribution patterns. Ecological Complexity. 12: 1-12.
- Noble, A., A. Hastings, and W.F. Fagan. In press. A multivariate Moran process with Lotka-Volterra phenomenology. Physical Review Letters. 23: 239904
- Fagan, W.F., R.S. Cantrell, C. Cosner, T. Mueller, and A. Noble. 2011. Leadership, social learning, and the maintenance (or collapse) of migratory populations. Theoretical Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s12080-011-0124-2.
- Mueller T., W.F. Fagan, and V. Grimm. 2011. Integrating individual search and navigation behaviors in mechanistic movement models. Theoretical Ecology 4: 341-355.
- Noble, A.E., N.M. Temme, W.F. Fagan, and T.H. Keitt. 2011. A sampling theory for asymmetric communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology 273: 1-14. abstract
- Goldberg, E.E., H.J. Lynch, M.G. Neubert and W.F. Fagan. 2010. Effects of branching spatial structure and life history on the asymptotic growth rate of a population. Theoretical Ecology 3:137-152.
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Biodiversity Databases and Ecological Informatics
- Mueller, T., G. Dressler, C. Tucker, J. Pinzon, P. Leimgruber, R. Dubayah, G. Hurtt, K. Böhning-Gaese, and W. F. Fagan. 2014. Direct anthropogenic effects on long-term global trends in photosynthetic capacity. Remote Sensing. 6: 5717-5731.
- Mueller,, T, R O'Hara, R Urbanek, S Converse, and WF Fagan. 2013. Social learning and migratory performance. Science. In press. (Cover Article)
- Fagan, WF, Y Pearson, E Larsen, JB Turner, HJ Lynch, H Staver, J Turner, AE Noble, S Bewick, and E Goldberg. 2013. Phylogenetic prediction of the maximum per capita rate of population growth. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 280: 20130523
- Mueller, T., K.A. Olson, G. Dressler, P. Leimgruber, T.K. Fuller, C. Nicolson, A.J. Novaro, M.J. Bolgeri, D. Wattles, S. DeStefano, J.M. Calabrese, and W.F. Fagan. How landscape dynamics link individual movements to population-level patterns: a multispecies comparison of ungulate relocation data. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 20: 683-694.
- Muneepeerakul, R., E. Bertuzzo, H.J. Lynch, W.F. Fagan, A. Rinaldo and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe. 2008. Neutral metacommunity models predict fish diversity patterns in Mississippi-Missouri basin. Nature 453: 220-222. article /
- Sheller, F.J., W.F. Fagan , and P.J. Unmack. 2006. Analyzing translocation success from sporadic monitoring data using survival analysis: Lessons from the Gila topminnow ( Poeciliopsis occidentalis ). Ecological Applications 16(5): 1771-1784.
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- Fagan, W.F., C. Aumann, C.M. Kennedy, and P.J. Unmack. 2005. Rarity, fragmentation, and the scale dependence of extinction risk in desert fishes. Ecology 86 : 34-41. abstract
- Fagan, W.F., P.J. Unmack, C. Burgess, and W.L. Minckley. 2002. Rarity, fragmentation, and extinction risk in desert fishes. Ecology 83 : 3250-3256. abstract
- Fagan, W.F., E. Meir, J. Prendergast, A. Folarin, and P. Kareiva. 2001. Characterizing population vulnerability for 758 species. Ecology Letters 4 : 132-138.
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- Boersma, P.D., P.M. Kareiva, W.F. Fagan, and J.A. Clark. 2001. How good are endangered species recovery plans? Bioscience 51 : 643-649.
- Andelman, S.J., and W.F. Fagan. 2000. Umbrellas and flagships: Efficient conservation surrogates or expensive mistakes? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97 : 5954-5959.
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Quantitative Conservation Biology
- Mueller,, T, R O'Hara, R Urbanek, S Converse, and W F Fagan. 2013. Social learning and migratory performance. Science. In press. (Cover Article)
- Fagan, WF, Y Pearson, E Larsen, JB Turner, HJ Lynch, H Staver, J Turner, A E Noble, S Bewick, and E Goldberg. 2013. Phylogenetic prediction of the maximum per capita rate of population growth. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B. 280: 20130523
- Zeigler, S, L Oliveira, B Raboy, M Neel, and WF Fagan. 2012. Conspecific and heterospecific attraction in the assessment of functional connectivity patterns between forest patches for a social primate in Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation. 20: 2779-2796.
- Fagan, WF, RS Cantrell, C Cosner, A Noble, and T Mueller. 2012. Leadership, social learning, and the maintenance (or collapse) of migratory populations. Theoretical Ecology. 5: 253-264.
- Lynch, HJ, EHC Grant, R Muneepeerakul, I Rodrigue-Iturbe, and W F Fagan. 2011. How restructuring river connectivity changes freshwater biodiversity and biogeography. Water Resources Research. 47: W05531.
- Grant, E.H.C., J.D. Nichols, W.H. Lowe and W.F. Fagan. 2010. Use of multiple dispersal pathways facilitates amphibian persistence in stream networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - USA. 107: 6936-6940. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1000266107.
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- Lynch, H.J., S. Zeigler, L. Wells, J. D. Ballou, and W.F. Fagan. 2010. Patterns of survivorship in captive mammalian populations and their implications for estimating population growth rates in data-poor situations. Ecological Applications. 20: 2334-2345.
- Kennedy, C., P. Marra, W. Fagan, and M. Neel. 2010. Landscape matrix and species traits mediate responses of Neotropical resident birds to forest fragmentation in Jamaica. Ecological Monographs 80:651-669.
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- Holmes, E.E., J. Sabo, S. Viscido, and W.F. Fagan. 2007. Statistical rather than mechanistic approaches to extinction risk forecasting. Ecology Letters. 10: 1182-1198.
- Lynch, H.J. and W.F. Fagan. 2009. Survivorship curves and their impact on the estimation of maximum population growth rates. Ecology 90: 1116-1124.
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- Calabrese, J.M., L. Ries, S.F. Matter, D.M. Debinski, J.N. Auckland, J. Roland and W.F. Fagan. 2008. Reproductive asynchrony in natural butterfly populations and its consequences for female matelessness. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 746-756.
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- Fagan, W.F., and F. Lutscher. 2006. The average dispersal success approximation: Linking home range size, natal dispersal, and metapopulation dynamics to reserve design. Ecological Applications. 16 : 820-828.
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- Fagan, W.F. , and E. E. Holmes. 2006. Quantifying the extinction vortex. Ecology Letters . 9 : 51-60.
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- Fagan, W.F., C.M. Kennedy, and P.J. Unmack. 2005. Quantifying rarity, losses, and risks for lower Colorado River Basin fishes: Implications for conservation listing. Conservation Biology. 19 : 1872-1882.
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- Calabrese, J.M. and W.F. Fagan. 2004. Lost in time, lonely and single: Reproductive asynchrony and the Allee effect. American Naturalist. 164 : 25-37.
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- Holmes, E.E., and W.F. Fagan. 2002. Validating population viability analysis for corrupted data sets. Ecology 83 : 2379-2385. abstract
Linking Biological Stoichiometry, Evolution, and Community Ecology
- Gilbert, J, H Martinson, C Acquisti, J J Elser, S Kumar, and W F Fagan. 2013. GRASP [Genomic Resource Access for Stoichioproteomics]: Comparative explorations of the atomic content of 12 Drosophila proteomes. BMC Genomics. 14:599.
- Gilbert, J. and W.F. Fagan. 2011. Contrasting mechanisms of proteomic nitrogen thrift in two ecotypes of Prochlorococcus. Molecular Ecology. 20: 92-104.
- Elser, J.J., W.F. Fagan, A.J. Kerkhoff, N.G. Swenson, and B.J. Enquist. 2010. Biological stoichiometry of plant production: metabolism, scaling, and ecological response to global change. New Phytologist. 186: 593-608 (Invited Tansley Review)
- Hambäck, P.A., J. Gilbert, K. Schneider, H.M. Martinson, G. Kolb, and W.F. Fagan. 2009. Effects of body size, trophic mode and larval habitat on dipteran stoichiometry: A regional comparison. Oikos 118: 615-623.
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- Martinson, H. M.^, K. Schneider^, J. Gilbert, J.E. Hines, P.A. Hambäck, and W. F. Fagan. 2008. Detritivory: stoichiometry of a neglected trophic level. Ecological Research 23: 487-491. [^: Equal contribution] abstract
- Fagan, W.F., F. Lutscher, and K. Schneider. 2007. Population and community consequences of spatial subsidies derived from central place foraging. American Naturalist 170(6): 902-915.
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- Elser, J.J., W.F. Fagan, S. Subramanian, and S. Kumar. 2006. Signatures of ecological resource availability in the animal and plant proteomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 1946 - 1951.
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- Kerkhoff, A.J., W.F. Fagan , J.J. Elser, and B. J. Enquist. 2006. Phylogenetic and growth form variation in the scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus in the seed plants. American Naturalist. 168 (4): E103-E122.
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- Denno, R.F., and W.F. Fagan. 2003. Might nitrogen limitation promote omnivory among carnivorous arthropods? Ecology 84 : 2522-2531.
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- Fagan, W.F., E. Siemann, C. Mitter, R.F. Denno, A.F. Huberty, H.A. Woods, and J.J. Elser. 2002. Nitrogen in insects: Implications for trophic complexity and species diversification. American Naturalist 160 : 784-802.
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- Elser, J.J., W.F. Fagan, R.F. Denno, D.R. Dobberfuhl, A. Folarin, A. Huberty, S. Interlandi, S.S. Kilham, E. McCauley, K.L. Schulz, E.H. Siemann, and R.W. Sterner. 2000. Nutritional contraints in terrestrial and freshwater food webs. Nature 408 : 578-580.
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Generalist Predators (Crabs, Praying Mantids and Spiders)
- Martinson, HM, WF Fagan, and RF Denno. 2012. Food web structure depends on patch size in an arthropod food web. Ecology. 93: 1779-1786.
- Aumann, C., L. Eby, and W.F. Fagan. 2006. How transient patches affect population dynamics: the case of hypoxia and blue crabs. Ecological Monographs. 76: 415-438 (plus 109 pages of online enhancements [that's right, 109 pages]).
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- Fagan, W.F. and R.F. Denno. 2004. Stoichiometry of actual versus potential predator-prey interactions: insights into nitrogen limitation for strict and intraguild predators. Ecology Letters. 7: 876-883.
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- Denno, R.F., and W.F. Fagan. 2003. Might nitrogen limitation promote omnivory among carnivorous arthropods? Ecology 84: 2522-2531.
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- Fagan, W.F. 2002. Can vertebrate predation alter aggregation of risk in an insect host-parasitoid system? Journal of Animal Ecology 71: 487-496.
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- Fagan, W.F. 1997. Omnivory as a stabilizing feature of natural communities. American Naturalist 150: 554-568.
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