Photos of Lab activities
Photos of 2019

Lab outing to Kent to sample blue crabs (Sept. 2019)

Liu Lab field trip to Hillwood Gardens, DC (Mar. 2019)
Photos of 2018:

Liu Lab field trip to visit USDA Appalachian Fruit Research Station,
Winter 2018

Farewell Dinner (Rachel and Nicole) (May 2018)
Photos of 2017:

Liu Lab field trip to visit USDA Appalachian Fruit Research Station,
Summer 2017

Liu Lab field trip and lunch (Mar. 2017)

Lab field trip to Renwick Museum, DC (Mar. 2017 )

Liu Lab field trip to Renwick Museum, DC (Mar. 2017)
Photos of 2016:

Liu Lab Group Photo (Dec. 2016)

Lab Holiday Party Chinese Painting Competition (Dec. 2016 )
Lab Trip to the US Botanical Garden (March, 2016)
Photos of 2015:

Great Wall of China (Oct. 2015)

Lab hiking trip to the Great Falls, Maryland (Nov. 2015 )

Lab crab feast (Oct., 2015)

Lab hiking trip to the Sugarloaf Mountain, Maryland (March, 2015)
Photos of 2014:

Lab trip to Harris Crab House (Oct. 2014)

Lab Photo at Matthew's Bar Mitzvah (April 2014 at Bethesda, Maryland)

Lab field trip to the Zoo (March, 2014)

Rachel receiving Carroll E. Cox Award for Plant Biology (2014)
Lab field trip (spring 2014)
Photos of 2013:
Floor Holiday party (Dec. 2013)

Lab Party to say farewell to visiting scientist Jing Wang (July 2013)

Rachel wedding (June, 2013 at Eastern Shore of Maryland)

Lab field trip to strawberry farm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland (May 2013)

Lab field trip to Harpers Ferry, March. 2013 (From left: Qione, Dandan, Charles, Jing, Chunying, Wanpeng, Julie, Rachel, Stephanie, and Zhongchi)
Photos of 2012:

Lab outing to Anapolis, Sept. 2012 (From left: Charles, Yifan, Dandan, Chunying, Zhongchi, Jing, Stephanie, Rachel, Qione, and Wanpeng)

Congratulations to Zhongchi for her promotion to full professor (2012)

Lab field trip to see cherry blossom in Washington DC (Spring 2012).
Photos of 2011:

Feasting on Peking Duck in celebration of several publications this year (Dec., 2011).

Lab group photo (July 2011).

Liu Lab basketball team (July 2011).

Summer bioinformatic workshop for high school teachers at Towson Univ. (July 2011).

Lab field trip to visit Dumbarton Oaks, Georgetown, Washington DC (Spring 2011).
Photos of 2010:

Lab group photo (April 2010).

Lab BBQ party for the graduation of Boyana, Toju, and Chris at Courtney's house (May 2010)

Floor party for the marriage of Paja and Tamara (April 2010)
Photos before 2008:

BBQ party for Huie's departure (Sept. 2008)

Lab photo (Spring 2008)

Summer 2007 in the lab.
(Left back: Gabi, Ranjani, Boyana. Left front: Minh, Channa)

CBMG Award Ceremony with Boyana receiving Appleman Norton Award and Courtney receiving Distinquished TA award, May 2007.
(front left: Paja, Boyana, Zhongchi, Courtney; back left Fei, Channa)

Graduation of undergraduate students: Channa and Boyana (May, 2007)

Lab outing to Happer's Ferry, West Virginia, March, 2007.
(from left: Ranjani, Paja, Zhongchi, Boyana, Courtney, Minh (front), Channa (back), Fei, and Vid).

The Lab celebrated Connie's acceptance to Pharmacy School, 2005
(from left Minh, Zhongchi, Jiangsong, Black, and Connie)

A Gardener?
Zhongchi at Switzerland, 2004

Lab picture, 2000 summer, at the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian, Washington, D.C.
From front to back: Anandkumar Surendrarao, Black Wang, and Bob Franks.

Lab picture, 2000 spring, at Dumbarton Oaks , Washington, D.C.
From left: Anandkumar Surendrarao, Zhongchi Liu, Black Wang, Alex Bao, and Bob Franks.

Lab picture, 1999 fall, in front of the H.J. Patterson Hall.
From left: Terri Leung, Sarah Brooks, Bob Franks, Seth Glatstein, Jai-Young Song, Black Wang, and Zhongchi Liu.