3/24 - Samiha defends her thesis.

1/1 - Victoria wins Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) support from National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH.


8/21 - Ben wins a Best Poster Award at the MOCB retreat.








8/21 - Aishwarya wins the Zain award at the MOCB retreat.








5/20 - Dr. Mary Chey and Dr. Daphne Knudsen-Palmer post hooding.

4/8 - Amber wins summer support from the Office of Undergraduate Research's SPIRE program.

4/4 - Ben recognized with Honorable Mention by National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowships Program.








4/1 - Daphne defends her thesis.

1/23 - Victoria wins 2 years of support from the American Heart Association.









10/23 - Mary defends her thesis.

6/28 - Daphne's poster recognized with an honorable mention at the International Worm Meeting.

6/26 - Victoria and Daphne present Antony's poster at the International Worm Meeting.

6/24 - Jose lab at the International Worm Meeting at Glasgow, Scotland.


12/14 - Pick Lab and Jose Lab joint holiday party.

Near the holidays in lab.

5/20 - Dr. Nathan Shugarts post hooding.

5/11 - Mary receives the Isabel R. McDonald Service Award from CBMG.

4/25 - Mary receives a BISI Dissertation Fellowship.

3/29 - Samiha receives BISI support for summer stipend.

1/13 - Team Reviewer #3 (Yun + Daphne) become 2021 Trivia Champions


12/9 - Gingerbread House building at CBMG holiday party.

11/29 - Nate's farewell dinner at Franklins Brewery in Hyattsville.

11/8 - Farewell dinner for Andrew and Laura at Board and Brew in College Park.

10/31 - Harry Potter themed Halloween.

9/22 - Nate defends his thesis.

8/25 - Mary and Samiha help organize the MOCB retreat.

7/22 - Ice cream farewell for Victoria at 520 Ice cream & Tea.

6/21 - Virtual International Worm Meeting.

5/13 - Nate receives the Isabel R. McDonald Service Award from CBMG.

5/13 - Celebrating May birthdays (5!) at McKeldin Mall - cupcakes and Bocce ball.

3/26 - Victoria defends Honors thesis.

2/18 - Welcoming Rich, Aishwarya, and Molly over zoom.


12/14 - Team B elegans (Bea + Daphne) become 2020 Trivia Champions

10/13 - Kyle is interviewed at 17 minutes of Science.

08/25 - Mary and Daphne win Rebus Puzzle game at MOCB virtual retreat.

08/25 - Daphne wins 2nd place poster award at MOCB virtual retreat.

04/02 - Victoria and Andrew win Maryland Summer Scholar Awards.

03/27 - Shavin defends Honors thesis.

02/11 - Murder mystery-themed lab winter party. Left to Right: Andrew, Antony, Nate, Victoria, Rui, Daphne, Eunice, Shavin, Laura, Mary, and Samiha.


11/25 - Maigane chosen as a Rhodes Scholarship finalist.

08/21 - Nate wins 3rd place for his poster at the MOCB retreat.

08/21 - Mary, Daphne, and Nate help organize the MOCB retreat.

08/15 - Farewell for Pravrutha, Sindhuja, Snusha, Winnie, and Kyle at BoardRoom in DC.

06/25 - Daphne, Sindhuja, and Antony attend Society for Developmental Biology Meeting, Boston, MA. Sindhuja gives a talk in concurrent session. Antony presents a poster.

06/20 - Mary, Nate, Yun, and Antony at the International Worm Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Nate gives a talk in parallel session. Mary and Yun present posters.

06/16 - Snusha and Antony attend Gordon Research Conference on Developmental Biology, South Hadley, MA. Antony gives a talk. Snusha presents a poster.

06/04 - Hike through Rock Creek park.

05/23 - Dr. Pravrutha Raman and Dr. Snusha Ravikumar post hooding.

05/14 - Antony recognized as Graduate Faculty Mentor of the Year.
[Selected from nominations by students].

05/20 - Pravrutha defends her thesis:

04/01 - Shavin and Maigane win Maryland Summer Scholars Awards.

01/18 - 90's themed lab holiday party.


10/31 - Halloween style swap. Characters (Left to Right): Kyle, Shavin, Antony, Maigane, Pravrutha, Sindhuja, Nate, Winnie, Mary, Snusha, Farida

10/12 - Maigane wins best poster award at SACNAS: The National Diversity in STEM Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

09/11 & 11/21 - Pravrutha wins Jacob K Goldhaber and BISI-MOCB travel award to attend Epigenetics and Chromatin conference.

06/11 - Snusha defends her thesis:

06/06 - Pravrutha wins Best All Around Award from the BISI program

06/04 - Mary wins support from CMB Training Grant

05/23 - En route to Crystal's farewell lunch. Clockwise: Sindhuja, Eunice, Nicholas, Yun, Nate, Crystal, Prav, Kyle, Farida, Mary, Snusha, Yixin; Center: Antony

05/21 - Dr. Julia Marré and Dr. Sindhuja Devanapally post hooding

05/11 - Farida wins Outstanding CBMG Undergraduate Student Award

04/05 - Farida is chosen for the University Honors Outstanding Student Award

04/04 - Pravrutha wins first place at the UMD 3-minute Thesis competition

03/31 - Winnie wins Maryland Summer Scholars Award

02/13 - Sindhuja defends her thesis:

01/20 - Maïgane wins HHMI EXROP award for a summer research experience.


12/11 - Pajama-themed lab holiday party. Left to right: (back) Mary, Antony, Prav, Nate; (middle) Maïgane, Yixin, Snusha, Sindhuja; (front) Eunice, Winnie, Farida.

07/22 - Lab reunion at Brookmill Farm in Lambertville, NJ. Left to right: Andrew, Ying, Sindhuja, Prav, Julia, Eddie, Antony, Sam, Hai, Snusha, Winnie, Nate...and somewhere...Yun's legs.

06/25 - Snusha, Sindhuja, Prav, Nate, Yun, and Antony at the 21st International C. elegans Conference. All graduate students were supported in part by travel awards from UMD.

06/5 - In lab...Left to right heads: Sindhuja, Snusha, Maïgane, Nate, Antony, Pravrutha, Nicholas, Farida, Winnie, Julia.

06/1 - Julia defends her thesis:

05/12 - Sindhuja selected to give a plenary talk at the 21st International C. elegans Conference

04/26 - Floor Party on BRB 2nd floor to celebrate Tenure:

Top: People hanging out
Bottom: Injection of red/green-labeled dsRNA (detail from Worms on OP50 plate cake)

04/21 - Pravrutha wins travel award from GSA to attend 21st International C. elegans Conference

02/4 - Winter party and Lanelle's farewell at Antony's [Standing: Farida, Molly, Yun, Winnie, Rex, Antony;
Sitting: Sindhuja, Prav, Snusha, Lanelle, Nate]


08/24 - Sindhuja wins 3rd place in poster competition at MOCB retreat

05/18 - Nate wins support from CMB training grant

04/6 - Farida wins HHMI undergraduate research fellowship

04/1 - Monika defends her undergraduate thesis


12/19 - 1920's party at Antony's [Standing: Jordan, Snusha, Julia, Antony, Sindhuja, Andrew, Monika;
Sitting: Prav, Farida, Ray, Nate, Yun]

12/10 - Sindhuja being presented the Zain award by Prof. Zhongchi Liu

09/14 - Mustache pic - why not? [Standing: Yun, Snusha, Prav, Andrew, Antony, Lanelle, Sindhuja;
Sitting: Jordan, Julia, Ray, Monika, Farida]

09/09 - Bowling to celebrate Yun's new job: A pic with a Narscistick. [Lanelle, Julia, Sindhuja, Yun,
Ray, Antony, Prav, Farida]

08/24 - Yun appointed as Assistant Clinical Professor for the Transgenerational Brain Initiative

06/04 - Ying & Aubrey goodbye party at Bacchus of Lebanon [Julia, Sindhuja, Farida, Antony,
Andrew B, Ying, Snusha, Yun, Andrew S, Aubrey, Prav].

05/26 - Monika wins HHMI support for travel to International Worm Meeting

05/22 - FIRE grant 'Transgenerational Brain Initiative' awarded

05/04 - Sindhuja wins MOCB-CA travel award to attend Gordon Conference

04/13 - Monika wins HHMI undergraduate research fellowship

03/11 - Monika wins Maryland Summer Scholars Award

03/27 - Sindhuja wins Jacob K Goldhaber Travel Grant to attend Gordon Conference

03/28 - Ying defends his undergraduate thesis with high honors


Winter party at Antony's [Antony, Monika, Sam, Julia, Sindhuja, Prav, Ying, Snusha, Andrew B].

(L) Hai's going away party at Patterson Park [Andrew S, Snusha, Andrew B, Sindhuja, Yun, Hai, Prav, Julia, Antony].
(R) Michael Koelle's visit to UMD [Soriayah, Prav, Antony, Michael, Julia, Snusha, Hai, Sindhuja].

(L) Soriayah at outstanding undergraduate of CBMG award ceremony.
(R) Soriayah's goodbye party at Snusha & Prav's [(back) Yun, Sam, Ying, Antony, Andrew B;
(front) Hai, Sindhuja, Soriayah, Michael, Snusha, Julia, Prav].

08/25 - Prav wins best poster at MOCB retreat

08/25 - Sindhuja wins best talk at MOCB retreat

06/23 - Julia wins Dean's fellowship

05/14 - Soriayah wins outstanding CBMG student award

02/26 - Yun wins CBMG/CMNS Merit Postdoctoral fellowship


(L) At Hai's graduation. (R) Hai at the ceremony for UMD undergraduate of the year.

(L) Lab retreat house at Deep Creek lake. (R) Colorful skewers at the lab retreat.

(L) Croquet at the lab retreat. (R) A sketch of lab members by Sindhuja.

(L) Skaters [Hai, Snusha, Heather, Julia, Sindhuja, Ed].
(R) Winter Party at Antony's [(back) Snusha, Soriayah, Prav, Yun, Ying, Monika, Lanelle, Antony; (front) Julia, Sindhuja, Hai].

12/19 - Ying wins HHMI undergraduate research fellowship

11/19 - Hai named as University of Maryland undergraduate of the year

11/19 - Soriayah wins best poster at Bioscience Day

08/26 - Snusha wins best poster at MOCB retreat

03/01 - Soriayah wins HHMI undergraduate research fellowship


(L) At the Cheesecake factory [Lanelle, Snusha, Ed, Sindhuja, Hai, Antony, Soriayah]. (R) Lab retreat at Greenbelt Park.

Bowling team with Surya (T-shirt designer) and Norma Andrews (chair of CBMG).

11/19 - Hai wins best poster at Bioscience Day

08/26 - Snusha & Sindhuja win best poster at MOCB retreat

03/08 - Hai wins Maryland Summer Scholar award


(L) Lab in the making... (R) Hai helps set up the lab

(L) Ed and Lanelle help set up the lab. (R) Bowling practice [Lanelle, Hai, Snusha, Ed, Sindhuja].

Homemade Cakes...

(L) Hai's Graduation cake. (R) Hai's farewell party Steak, peas, and mash cake.

(L) Soriayah's farewell party High heel cake. (R) Trilab bowling competition Bowling cupcakes.

(L) Ed's farewell party Watermelon cake. (R) Lanelle's baby shower Baby Olivia's Dress cake.

(L) A lab meeting Rainbow cake. (R) A worm club Bundt cake.

(L) Worms on OP50 plate cake illustrating projects in the lab. (R) Cake illustrating more projects in the lab.

Germline cake for Sindhuja's defense.

Three Pharingos cake for Snusha's defense.

Cake for Nate's defense.

Cake for Daphne's defense.