List of Lecture Topics


  Lectures 1 & 2Introduction & History of Microbiology

  Koch's Postulates
  History of Antibiotics

  Lectures 3 & 4Structure of the Prokaryotic Cell

  Arrangement of bacterial flagella
  Comparison of gram-positive and gram-negative cells
  Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

  Lecture 5 — Microbial Growth & Nutrition

  Table of Types of Culture Media

  Lecture 6 — Control of Microbial Growth

  Lectures 7, 8 & 9 — Microbial Metabolism

  Classes of enzymes
  Competitive inhibition
  General catabolic pathways
  Summary of Aerobic Metabolism (Same as your text Fig. 6.21)

  Lectures 10, 11 & 12Bacterial Genetics

  Lecture 10 —

  DNA/RNA Structure & Function
  DNA Replication
  RNA & Protein Synthesis (Transcription/Translation)

  Lecture 11 —

  Regulation of Gene Expression
  Mutation: Change in the Genetic Material

  Lecture 12 —

  Genetic Transfer & Recombination
  Genes & Evolution

  Lecture 13 — Biotechnology & Recombinant DNA

  Lectures 14, 15 & 16 — Virology

  Lecture 14 — Viral Biology

  DNA vs. RNA virus biosynthesis

  Lecture 15 — Bacteriophage & Transduction

  Electron micrograph of a T-even phage

  Lecture 16 — Animal and Plant Viruses; Prions

  Bacteriophage vs. animal virus multiplication
  Persistent viral infections of humans
  Oncogenic viruses
  Table of plant viruses

  Lecture 17 — Biotic Relationships: Classification

  Lecture 18 — Principles of Disease and Epidemiology

  NOVA: Ecosystem Disruption & Emerging Infectious Diseases

  Lecture 19 — Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenicity

  Lecture 20 — Non-Specific Host Defenses

  Lectures 21 & 22 — Specific Defenses of the Host Immune Response

  Lecture 21 — Immunity and Antibodies

  Lecture 22 — Cell-Mediated Immunity

  Lecture 23Disorders of the Immune System

  Case History: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Transmission

  Lecture 24Chemotherapy: Antimicrobial Drugs

  Lectures 25 & 26 — Environmental Microbiology

  Lecture 25 —

  Microbial Diversity
  Soil Microbiology & Biogeochemical Cycles
  Molecular Structures of Environmental Significance
  Basic Carbon-Oxygen Cycle
  Basic Nitrogen Cycle

  Lecture 26 —

  Aquatic Microbiology & Sewage Treatment
  Hydrothermal Vents

  Lecture 27 — Food Microbiology; Applied & Industrial Microbiology


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OPTIONAL: Below Are Additional Materials Not Included in Lecture (This material will not be included on exams. It is not a supplement to class lectures, but is distinct additional microbiological information.)

  ChapterProkaryotic Diversity

  Gram-Negative Nonproteobacteria
  Photosynthetic Bacteria
  Low G + C Gram-Positive Bacteria
  High G + C Gram-Positive Bacteria

  ChaptersMicrobial Diseases of the Nervous and Genitourinary System

  Case History: Meningitis
  Case History: Syphilis
  Case History: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genital Warts

  ChapterMicrobial Diseases of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems

  Case History: Plague
  Case History: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Transmission

  ChapterMicrobial Diseases of the Respiratory System

  Case History: Tuberculosis
  Case History: Legionellosis
  Case History: Influenza

  ChapterMicrobial Diseases of the Digestive System

  Case History: Campylobacteriosis
  Case History: Cholera
For the following Case Histories, see Clinical Applications at the end of Chapter 25 and the Answer Sheet that was handed out in class.
  Case History: Vibrio Gastroenteritis (Clinical Application #1 )
  Case Histories: Salmonellosis (Clinical Applications #2, #5 and #6)
  Case History: Shigellosis (Clinical Application #4 )


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Designed & Maintained by David M. Rollins
Copyright © 2000, D.M. Rollins and S.W. Joseph
Revised: February 2004