What are Yeasts
Yeast vs. Yeasts
Unicellular growth form
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Non-coding RNA genes
Ribosomal RNA
Transfer RNA
Other non-coding
Protein families and genome redundancy
Classification of proteins, sequence conservation
Genome redundancy
Phyletic patterns of redundancy
Divergence between orthologs and paralogs
Expansion and contraction within universal protein families
Genetic map organization
Tandem gene duplications
A few dozen tandem duplications, mostly of 2-3 copies in C. glabrata, K. lactis, and Y. lipolytica
Many more tandem arrays in D. hansenii
Blocks of ancestral duplications
Conservation of synteny
Gene dynamics and sequence conservation
Dujon, B., et al. 2004. Genome evolution in yeasts. Nature 430: 35-44.