BSCI 348S - Bioinformatics

Review Guide, Fall 2000

General concepts

Listed below are some of the basic subject areas we have discussed in class. Corresponding to each of these areas are readings from the textbook and selected readings assigned in class. This list is not comprehensive. It is intended to help you study, but not as a substitute for your class notes or assigned reading.

It is also recommended that you review all of the posted lecture notes.



Genomes we have discussed in some detail

Practical aspects of sequence analysis

Note that as we used different software tools we also discussed ideas involved with the use and interpretation of these tools. It is important that you study not only the mechanical aspects of using the software, but also what assumptions underly the analysis, how to interpret the results, limitations, when it is and is not appropriate to use a particular software tool.

Sample Exams

Final Exam 1999

Sample Midterm Questions