We visually observed
a green, filamentous microorganism with cell differentiation that was photosynthetic,
and nitrogen-fixing. As such, we did prove our hypothesis by enriching
for a nitrogen-fixing, photosynthetic cyanobacteria. However, we
were not successful in isolating our organism due to the slow growth of
the organism and our time restraints for this project. Had we more
time, we would have streaked for isolation on cyanobacteria solid media.
Our observations were consistent with our expectation as we hoped to isolate
filamentous cyanobacteria, although we did not expect to find the contamination
of diatoms and other symbionts.
We did not anticipate the length of
time that the cyanobacteria would need to grow or the low concentration
present in stream water. As such, we recommend running multiple liquid
samples and plates at the same time (and of various samples) in order to
increase chances of growth. In order to increase the sample concentration,
we allowed the sample to grow in cyanobacteria liquid media for a week
before plating it onto cyanobacteria plates. This method proved successfully
in promoting growth. We attempted to speed the growth the process
by plating samples onto TSA plates, but this proved to be both unnecessary
and unsuccessful.
We first confirmed the presence of
our organism through green colony growth on our cyanobacteria plates.
The cyanobacteria plates lacked both a nitrogen source and a carbon source,
meaning that anything that grew would either need to be a nitrogen-fixing,
photosynthetic microorganism, or a symbiont with such microorganisms.
We then examined the colonies under the microscope and observed filamentous
bacteria. Further extensive microscopy allowed us to identify the
cyanobacteria as Anabaena, through comparing what we observed through the
microscope to a microbiology textbook with pictures of common filamentous
cyanobacteria. Additionally, we noted that the filaments were not
branched and did not have sheaths, which are characteristics of Anabaena.
Also, we observed cell differentiation, another clue that we had isolated
a nitrogen-fixing organism. A Gram stain revealed that the cells
were Gram negative, which is consistent with the description of cyanobacteria
in Bergey’s Manual.
Anabaena is found at the foundation of aquatic ecosystems.
Through nitrogen fixation, it converts otherwise unusable atmospheric nitrogen
into ammonia, providing a nitrogen source for itself and other organisms
in aquatic environments. Anabaena and other plants can grow using
the fixed nitrogen. Through photosynthesis, they and other plants
convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars. It is upon these
processes that marine ecosystems are founded. Since the entire ecosystem
depends on Anabaena and similar organisms, understanding Anabaena contributes
to our understanding of ecosystems.
Cyanobacteria are extremely interesting
because they can survive given only air, sunlight, and a moist environment
to live in. The really interesting thing about some cyanobacteria
is that they can almost be considered multicellular organisms, because
some cells undergo cell-differentiation. Cells exist in colonies
of long straight or branching chains, called filaments or trichomes.
Nitrogen-fixation is only possible in an anaerobic environment, as such
some cells specialize to create these environments and fix nitrogen for
the whole colony. These cells are called heterocysts. The other
cells continue to photosynthesize, providing the specialized cells with
a carbon source. Among these cells, there are junctures where the
cytoplasms can mix so that nutrients can be carried into the specialized
cells and fixed nitrogen can be carried out. This is similar to how
plant cells are joined by plasmodesmata. Together, they can grow
in almost any environment with air and light, and as such are found in
a wide range of environments. Additionally, cyanobacteria exhibit
great diversity, ranging from unicellular to multicellular, from sheets
of cells to chains of cells.
As the basis of the food chain, being
able to look at Anabaena’s growth rates and understanding its nitrogen-fixing
ability gives us a sheds light on the foundation of aquatic ecosystems
around the world. Additionally, these cyanobacteria could hypothetically
be used to rehabilitate failing aquatic ecosystems. An important
characteristic of Anabaena is that it can bloom. Most varieties are
just a nuisance, but some can be toxic, making proper identification important.
Also, information gained about the nitrogen-fixation pathways could be
abstracted to agriculture in order to improve plant growth, create plants
that can fix nitrogen, or develop better fertilizers.
Additionally, research is being conducted
in using cyanobacteria as a food source. In fact, it already makes
up a part of diets in some areas of Africa, where it provides sugars, vitamins,
and other nutrients. Cyanobacteria could be an ideal food source
because they can be grown on practically nothing and filamentous strains
could easily be harvested through straining. Cyanobacteria could
also hypothetically be used to clean water sources and as production systems
for a variety of natural products. Current research is also looking
at cloning genes into cyanobacteria that would provide pesticide control
against mosquitoes. The development of a step-by-step protocol will
allow researchers working with this organism in the future to enrich for
and isolate cyanobacteria efficiently.