Step 1: Media preparation
Prepared a liter each of cyanobacteria media and trace
metal media both for liquid media and solid plates
Cyanobacteria Media
K 2HPO4 | 1.5 g |
MgSO4 · 7H2O | 40.0 mg |
CaCl2 · H2O | 36.0 mg |
Citric acid | 6.0 mg |
Ferric ammonium citrate | 6.0 mg |
EDTA (disodium salt) | 1.0 mg |
Na2CO3 | 20.0 mg |
Trace Metals* | 1.0 ml |
Purified agar (for solid medium) | 10.0 g |
Distilled Water | 1.0 liter |
Trace Metal Mix
H3BO3 | 2.86 g |
MnCl2 · 6H2O | 1.81 g |
ZnSO4 · 7H2O | 222 mg |
Na2MoO4 · H2O | 39 mg |
CuSO4 · 5H2O | 79 mg |
Co(NO3) 2 · 6H2O | 49.4 mg |
Distilled Water | 1.0 liter |
Purified agar (for solid medium) | 10.0 g |
Step 2: Sample Collection
Collected samples from still pools of water in direct
sunlight or from a fish tank in light
Step 3: Growth of Organism in Lab
Placed samples in liquid media to allow the concentration
of organisms to increase
Allowed one week for growth at room temperature under
lights (2,000 to 3,000 lux)
50ul taken from each liquid sample and plated onto cyanobacteria
and trace metal media
Allowed growth on plates for one week at room temperature
under light (2,000 to 3,000 lux)
Plates wrapped in parafilm to prevent excess drying
Appearance of green growth on cyanobacteria plates indicated
successful enrichment of culture
Step 4: Confirmation
Conducted Gram stain to confirm that organism was Gram
Conducted extensive microscopy to identify which type
of nitrogen-fixing, photosynthetic, filamentous cyanobacteria was isolated
for Identification (see below)**
Searched for cell-differentiation in isolated cyanobacteria
**Procedure: Identifying Genera of the Order Nostocales
(filamentous, nitrogen-fixing, photosynthetic cyanobacteria)
If reproduction is by trichome breakage (hormogonia not
produced – no developmental stage) or by germination of akinetes (spore
like cells), go to 2
1.If reproduction is by hormogonia that are distinguishable
morphologically from the trichomes (adult filamentous chains of cells),
with reproduction by trichome breakage and akinete germination also possible,
go to 4
2.Terminal heterocysts (differentiated, nitrogen-fixing
cells), possibly at both ends of trichomes. Akinetes (if present)
are next to heterocysts, genus Cylindrospermum
Heterocysts interspersed or terminal, akinete (if present)
location varies, go to 3
Spherical, oval, or cylindrical vegetative cells, genus
3.Disk-shaped, wider than they are short vegetative cells,
genus Nodularia
4.Terminal heterocysts; tapering in mature trichomes
from heterocyst to tip, genus Calothrix
Untapered trichomes, go to 5
Heavily sheathed trichomes, false branch may occur at
intercalary heterocyst, heterocysts at one end of hormogonia filaments
only, genus Scytonema
5. Unsheathed trichomes, no false branching, heterocysts
at both ends of hormogonia filaments, genus Nostoc