Week of Exercise
Jan. 26 Welcome!
Introduction to Data Acquisition and Animal Handling
Feb. 2 ACh Dose/Response
Curves using Isolated
Feb. 9 ANS Pharmacology
Determining Site of
of Unknown Agent
Feb. 16 Recording
BP, HR and Respiration
Feb. 23 Recording
BP, HR and Respiration
Mar. 1 Recording
BP, HR and Respiration
Mar. 8 Recording
BP, HR and Respiration
Mar. 15 Renal Function,
Phenol Red Clearance
Mar. 22 Phenol Red
Clearance or Intestinal Absorption of Glucose
Mar. 29 Project Planning
& Organization
April 5 Begin work
on projects
April 12 Projects
April 19 Projects
April 26 Oral presentations