BSCI 441
Mammalian Physiology Laboratory
Spring 2004
Instructor: Dr. Michelle Arnot
Ms. Shabnam Zarrabi
Brian Coyle
Anabhuti Goel
Ernie Hixon
Chris Koltz
Youjun Wang
Room: PLS 1181
Prerequisites: Concurrent or previous enrollment in BSCI
BSCI 440 and 441 will utilize the same laboratory/recitation
manual. This package of materials is available
from the website and from WebCT. This stuff
is required!!!
GRADE: A > 720
B > 640
C > 560
D > 480
The University policy on
academic honesty is in effect and will be strictly
Your continued enrollment in this course constitutes a binding
contract. Therefore, this grading system is hereby
agreed to by all course participants. Thus there
will be no competition among participants and final
course grades need not be discussed/negotiated.
You either have the points or you don't!
Communication is essential. We must hear your
comments, criticisms, questions, etc. We are eager
to answer your questions. Your GTA and lecturer
will have time to discuss both lecture and laboratory
material with you. Just ask, and you shall receive!
For appointments with Dr Arnot, please call or email
note that the laboratory exercises require the use
of animals. Certain key objectives and an in depth
understanding of physiology cannot be accomplished
without experimental surgery. We will adhere to
Federal guidelines and insist upon humane treatment
of animals at all times. If you have a problem with
this approach for religious, ethical, or personal
reasons, please see me immediately. This sensitive
issue must be addressed by all concerned parties.
A secondary goal of this course to increase your
familiarity and comfort level with proper animal
We hope to achieve the following goals and
objectives in the lab:
- familiarization with some of the
experimental techniques and procedures of physiology
- introduction to experimental design,
hypothesis testing, and methods of data collection
and analysis
- amplification and clarification
of homeostatic mechanisms covered in BSCI 440
- provide the opportunity for independent
laboratory investigation.
You will become
comfortable with the computer and other equipment
and utilize them to explore physiological concepts.
Each student will have the time and opportunity
to become familiar with the equipment and to accumulate
the kind of "hands on" experience with
experimental techniques - which is necessary to
understand the possibilities and limitations of
experimental methods. By experimentally examining
some of the homeostatic mechanisms considered in
the course in some depth, the student should gain
significant experience in experimental design, hypothesis
testing, data collection and analysis, rather than
simply view a brief demonstration.
Week of Exercise
Jan. 26 Welcome!
Introduction to Data Acquisition and Animal Handling
Feb. 2 ACh Dose/Response
Curves using Isolated
Feb. 9 ANS Pharmacology
Determining Site of
of Unknown Agent
Feb. 16 Recording BP,
HR and Respiration
Feb. 23 Recording BP,
HR and Respiration
Mar. 1 Recording
BP, HR and Respiration
Mar. 8 Recording
BP, HR and Respiration
Mar. 15 Renal Function,
Phenol Red Clearance
Mar. 22 Phenol Red
Clearance or Intestinal Absorption of Glucose
Mar. 29 Project Planning
& Organization
April 5 Begin work
on projects
April 12 Projects
April 19 Projects
April 26 Oral presentations
Attendance in the lab is mandatory; absences will be penalized by deducting
50% of the points from the laboratory assignment
that was conducted during the missed lab period.
If you miss a lab, you must attend another lab during
that same week and check in with your T.A. and the
T.A. in that substituted lab section. Any student
missing two (2) laboratories without a valid, documented
excuse will automatically fail the course!
Arriving more than 15 minutes late counts as a missed
Several brief data summaries and reports are
required. The data may be discussed with your peers,
but when a report is designated as an 'individual
assignment', written work is to be the result
of individual effort. Any deviation from
this policy will be considered plagiarism. However,
some reports will be generated as a group effort!
For these assignments, one report per team will
be submitted, and each member of the team will receive
the same grade. The staff will not arbitrate disputes
among team members. If you are in doubt about the
acceptability of a group effort, ask your GTA!
Graded Work:
ANS Pharmacology (ileum)
Data tables & graphs, results & discussion
50 pts
BP Regulation & Respiration
Complete lab report, abstract-discussion
200 pts
Renal function Data
tables & graphs
50 pts
Research Project +
Complete lab report (Group) + presentation
300 pts
Oral presentation
3-4 announced & unannounced quizzes
200 pts
TOTAL = 800
Everyone is encouraged to review
the components, style, and content of scientific
reports. After Bsci 105 - 106 and Bsci 230, these
should be familiar and mastered concepts. If you
are in doubt, see the appropriate sections of the
Bsci 230 and Bsci 105 lab manuals and sample papers
available in the laboratory.
Research Projects & Oral Presentations:
laboratory team (maximum of 4 folks/team) will prepare
a written report, as well as a concise 10-20 minute
summary of their research project. This presentation
should include all components of a report (Introduction,
Methods, Results, Discussion), and may include visual
aids. All members of the group must actually speak
and all will be graded individually, although all
members of the group will receive the same grade
for their written report. Grades for the oral presentations
will be determined by the content, professionalism,
and the quality of the actual delivery. Invited
experts, including GTAs and Dr. Arnot will evaluate
each presentation! The oral presentation will comprise
50 points. In addition, each group member will be
graded on a scale of 50 points, by the other
group members with regard to participation and
contribution to the group.
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