Journal Review 4:
Signal Evolution, Economics and Information

ARONSSON, M. & GAMBERALE-STILLE, G. (2008) Domestic chicks primarily attend to colour, not pattern, when learning an aposematic coloration. Animal Behaviour,, 417-423. 75

BARBERO, F., THOMAS, J. A., BONELLI, S., BALLETTO, E. & SCHONROGGE, K. (2009) Queen Ants Make Distinctive Sounds That Are Mimicked by a Butterfly Social Parasite. Science, 323, 782-785.

BRO-JORGENSEN, J. & DABELSTEEN, T. (2008) Knee-clicks and visual traits indicate fighting ability in eland antelopes: multiple messages and back-up signals. Bmc Biology, 6.

CARDOSO, G. C., MAMEDE, A. T., ATWELL, J. W., MOTA, P. G., KETTERSON, E. D. & PRICE, T. D. (2008) Song Frequency Does Not Reflect Differences in Body Size among Males in Two Oscine Species. Ethology, 114, 1084-1093.

CHARLTON, B. D., REBY, D. & MCCOMB, K. (2007) Female red deer prefer the roars of larger males. Biology Letters, 3, 382-385.

DOUTRELANT, C., GREGOIRE, A., GRNAC, N., GOMEZ, D., LAMBRECHTS, M. M. & PERRET, P. (2008) Female coloration indicates female reproductive capacity in blue tits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21, 226-233.

FURRER, R. D. & MANSER, M. B. (2009) The Evolution of Urgency-Based and Functionally Referential Alarm Calls in Ground-Dwelling Species. American Naturalist,, 400-410. 173

GALVAN, I. (2008) The importance of white on black: unmelanized plumage proportion predicts display complexity in birds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,, 303-311. 63

GRIESSER, M. (2008) Referential calls signal predator behavior in a group-living bird species. Current Biology, 18, 69-73.

HANLEY, D. & DOUCET, S. M. (2009) Egg coloration in ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis): a test of the sexual signaling hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63, 719-729.

HASTAD, O., VICTORSSON, J. & ODEEN, A. (2005) Differences in color vision make passerines less conspicuous in the eyes of their predators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102, 6391-6394.

HENRY, K. S. & LUCAS, J. R. (2008) Coevolution of auditory sensitivity and temporal resolution with acoustic signal space in three songbirds. Animal Behaviour, 76, 1659-1671.

KRAKAUER, A. H. (2005) Kin selection and cooperative courtship in wild turkeys. Nature, 434, 69-72.

MAGRATH, R. D., PITCHER, B. J. & GARDNER, J. L. (2009) Recognition of other species' aerial alarm calls: speaking the same language or learning another? Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 276, 769-774.

MARTIN, J. & LOPEZ, P. (2008) Female sensory bias may allow honest chemical signaling by male Iberian rock lizards. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62, 1927-1934.

Martins, E.P., Labra, A., Halloy, M. & Thompson J.T.  (2004)  Large-scale patterns of signal evolution: an interspecific study of Liolaemus lizard headbob displays.  Animal Behaviour 68:453-463.

NELSON, D. A. & POESEL, A. (2007) Segregation of information in a complex acoustic signal: individual and dialect identity in white-crowned sparrow song. Animal Behaviour, 74, 1073-1084.

PALAGI, E. & DAPPORTO, L. (2006) Urine marking and urination in Lemur catta: a comparison of design features. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 43, 280-284.

PIE, M. R. (2005) Signal evolution in prey recognition systems. Behavioural Processes,, 47-50. 68

RENISON, D., BOERSMA, P. D., VAN BUREN, A. N. & MARTELLA, M. B. (2006) Agonistic behavior in wild male Magellanic penguins: when and how do they interact? Journal of Ethology, 24, 189-193.

RITTSCHOF, C. C. & SEELEY, T. D. (2008) The buzz-run: how honeybees signal 'Time to go!' Animal Behaviour, 75, 189-197.

RON, S. R. (2008) The evolution of female mate choice for complex calls in tungara frogs. Animal Behaviour, 76, 1783-1794.

ROULIN, A., DREISS, A., FIORAVANTI, C. & BIZE, P. (2009) Vocal sib-sib interactions: how siblings adjust signalling level to each other. Animal Behaviour, 77, 717-725.

SARNO, R. J., BANK, M. S., STERN, H. S. & FRANKLIN, W. L. (2006) Effects of age, sex, season, and social dynamics on juvenile guanaco subordinate behavior. Journal of Mammalogy, 87, 41-47.

STUART-FOX, D. (2005) Deception and the origin of honest signals. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20, 521-523.

STUART-FOX, D. & MOUSSALLI, A. (2008) Selection for social signalling drives the evolution of chameleon colour change. Plos Biology, 6, 22-29.

SZAMADO, S. & SZATHMARY, E. (2006) Selective scenarios for the emergence of natural language. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 21, 555-561.

TEN CATE, C., VERZIJDEN, M. N. & ETMAN, E. (2006) Sexual imprinting can induce sexual preferences for exaggerated parental traits. Current Biology, 16, 1128-1132.

VELANDO, A., BEAMONTE-BARRIENTOS, R. & TORRES, R. (2006) Pigment-based skin colour in the blue-footed booby: an honest signal of current condition used by females to adjust reproductive investment. Oecologia, 149, 535-542.

WHITING, M. J., WEBB, J. K. & KEOGH, J. S. (2009) Flat lizard female mimics use sexual deception in visual but not chemical signals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 276, 1585-1591.

WOJCIESZEK, J. M., NICHOLLS, J. A., MARSHALL, N. J. & GOLDIZEN, A. W. (2006) Theft of bower decorations among male Satin Bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus): why are some decorations more popular than others? Emu, 106, 175-180.