Gram-negative non-sporeforming enteric
ferment glucose with acid production
nitrates (NO3 to NO2 or all the way to N2)
are oxidase negative
are aerobic but can be facultatively anaerobic
via peritrichous flagella except
Shigella and Klebsiella
which are non-motile
slime layer, or neither
fimbriae (pili)
cell wall
Structure: plays an important role for some species in epidemiology and
K (capsular) antigens: capsular polysaccharide, particularly heavy in Klebsiella
30 genera and 120 species
than 95% of clinically significant strains fall into 10 genera and less than
25 species
members of the Enterobacteriaceae are true pathogens
members of the Enterobacteriaceae are opportunistic
or cause secondary infections
of wounds, the urinary and respiratory tracts, and the circulatory system
Gram-negative sepsis
Usually nosocomial
Commonly caused by E. coli
Clinical Progression:
Early Phase (REVERSIBLE)
Decrease in arterial resistance; Increased cardiac output
Kinins (protein) in plasma due to tissue damage, endotoxin, or antigen-antibody complexesSecond Phase (REVERSIBLE)
Increase in arterial resistance; Decreased cardiac output
Third Phase (IRREVERSIBLE) Vascular collapse with organ failure
- Endotoxin induces DIC which leads to hemorrhage and death
Urinary tract infections
Greatest incidence in young individuals and middle-aged females
Incidence increases with age in males
Most commonly caused by E. coli
Diagnosis by microscopic and cultural examination of urine
Obtain urine by catheter through urethra into bladder, suprapubic tap
Nosocomial; Spread by personnel and equipment
Frequently caused by K. pneumoniae
Often in middle-aged males who abuse alcohol
Difficult to diagnose because of commensals in sputum
Abdominal sepsis
Caused by flora of the gastrointestinal tract
Infections usually polymicrobi
Usually nosocomial
Frequently caused by E. coli
Diagnosis by microscopic and cultural examination of cerebrospinal fluid
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Usually in patients with liver ailments
Commonly caused by E. coli, but also anaerobes and Gram-positive cocci (S. pneumoniae)
Vascular endocardial surface inflammation
Mostly caused by Gram-positive cocci, but 1-3% caused by aerobic Gram-negative rods
Diagnosis by blood culture
Difficult to treat; treatment is of long duration
in soil, water and decaying matter
of the normal inhabitants of the small
and large intestine included
in the family: therefore, are sometimes referred to as enteric
bacilli or simply enterics
are responsible for a majority of nosocomial
About two million patients per year in the United States are estimated to acquire nosocomial infections
Approximately 5% to 10% of the total hospital population acquire such infections
important virulence factor with wide-ranging effects on host
phase variation: capability to alternately express or not express either capsule
or flagella and thus avoid host immunity
of nutritional factors, in particular, iron by production of siderophores
which are extracellular iron-chelating compounds (e.g., enterobactin,
Iron is important compound for both host and pathogen and is limited in supply and thus must be competed for
Much of iron in host body is sequestered in heme proteins (e.g., hemoglobin, myoglobin) and in iron-chelating proteins (e.g., transferrin, lactoferrin)
to serum killing: many bacteria are inherently sensitive to nonspecific bloodborne
components and to circulating complement and the resultant complement-mediated
clearance, but Enterobacteriaceae and other bloodborne pathogens can
resist such killing
pathogenic members of the Enterobacteriaceae may possess specific virulence
features, which are unique to individual genera or species
Exotoxins, (e.g., enterotoxins which act in the small intestine)
which stimulate antibody production by the host include:
whether pus, tissue, sputum, fluids, rectal swabs, or feces should be cultured
immediately or placed on special media to prevent overgrowth
isolation media: contain various substances including indicators, inhibitors,
and tests to differentiate the genera of the family
that divide species of the genera, e.g.,
patterns of acid production from various carbohydrates
species differ in the carbohydrates from which acid may be produced and end
products that may be formed from various substrates
Colony morphology: moist, gray (except Serratia marcescans which appears red) smooth colonies on non-selective media
Special differential and selective media used for separation of genera and species
Some strains are beta hemolytic on blood agar
options; must consider resistance
Citrobacter: environmental sources and in feces of man and animals
Can infect any body site opportunistically, but most isolates from the urinary tract; neonatal meningitis and brain abscesses by Citrobacter diversus
Citrobacter freundii can be enterotoxigenic
Antigenic structure: O, H, K antigens
Enterobacter: inhabit soil and water and to a lesser extent, the human intestine
Similar to and must be distinguished from Klebsiella in specimens
Cultural characteristics: motile, four species biochemically
Antigenic structure: O, H, K antigens
Disease in body tissues, most frequently urinary tract; Enterobacter cloacae found most often
Strains of E. cloacae are enteroxigenic and may be antibiotic resitant
Treat with any antimicrobials used for enterobacterial diseases
Serratia: inhabitants of water and soil
Major agent in nosocomial infections; three species represent major human pathogens
Cultural characteristics: produces DNase, red pigment production (in nature, but rarely in strains isolated from infection) enhanced at 25° C
Antigenic structure: O, H, K antigens
Morganella / Providencia: airborne organisms that frequently colonize burn wounds and are often antibiotic resistant in vivo
Antigenic structure: O, H, K antigens
Morganella morganii: formerly Proteus morganii, causes infections similar to Proteus
Edwardsiella: rarely causes wound infections; also rarely seen in sepsis, meningitis, and gastroenteritis in humans
Produces hydrogen sulfide, but
doesn't ferment lactose
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